Tax Exemption

The campaign of citizenship of the pupils of the Company Jnior FABAVI Victory in defense of the integral exemption of taxes on the national basic basket is of wind in pulp and comes conquering some local partners and of it are of the State. The ONG Person from de state of espirito santo Transparency was the first one, through the Director Rafael Claude Simes who already added link of the campaign in the site. The filiada COEP-ES the National Net of Social Mobilization also is partnership through the regional Executive Secretary, Mrs. Rita de Cssia Paiva de Carvalho. The ALONE ONG Child and Adolescent, idealized for the Doctor Rosarinha Bastos de Cuiab, Mato Grosso will make the spreading in the Region Center-West of the country through the site. Second study carried through for the Brazilian Association of the Industries of the Feeding, Brazil still possesss one of biggest tax burdens of the world on foods. In this recent study, the tax burden that happens on all the foods is greater that 25%. Recently BSA sought to clarify these questions.

On the products of the national basic basket the percentage is of 16%, what it inhibits the consumer strong and it flattens the income of the agricultural producer. If you would like to know more then you should visit Chase Koch. The same study carried through for the Brazilian Association of the Industries of the Feeding sample that the reduction of the tax burden on foods in Brazil would increase the size of the consuming market in 5%. The result would be the generation of 626 a thousand new jobs, as much in farming how much in the industry, provoking a growth of 7% in the collection tax. This opposes the projections of that they foresee a fall in the level of collection proceeding from the exemption of the ICMS on the basic basket in the attempt to justify its elitist and prejudiced vision against more food in the table of the poor persons. An integral exemption of taxes on the national basic basket would bring an extraordinary one resulted in the social field. We would have an increase of 11% in the real value of the minimum wage, an esteem growth of 8% in the real income of the families with less than two wages minimums, a reduction of the number of beggars and an increase of the calrica ingestion. In this manner, the politics tax of disinvesting of a charge of the basic basket is a powerful instrument of redistribution of income and, consequentemente, reduction of the levels of misery and poverty where the majority of the Brazilian population lives. If you want to adhere to the campaign have access the site and participate of below-signed online in defense of the tax exemption on the national basic basket.