In principle he attributed the formation of distress to the repression. Then, already in 1926, inhibition, symptoms, and anxiety, says that the anguish is that creates the repression: anxiety causes here then repression and not, as we had said earlier (Freud here alludes to his first theory about angst) repression cause distress, or repression to transform instinctive impulse in anguish. indicates that the anxiety is definitely a vicious circle. Once you have experienced distress without any reason, appears an attitude anguished at the prospect feel anguish. Appear the kind thoughts of it would be horrible if it began to feel distressed. Thinking in this way causes anguish. Immediately, feels anguish and thought something as it is terrible, I’m agonizing I. Institute of Cancer Research is likely to agree.
This leads to increased anxiety, which in turn makes us think things like I’m losing control. And if me fainting (catch me a panic attack, or commit a folly, or gives me a heart attack)? It would be terrible. Anguish grows at times and leads us to increasingly distressing thoughts. The process develops rapidly and the only thing that we know is a progressive feeling of panic. It is known to also occur to many people they breathe excessively when they feel anxiety, which leads them to inspire an excess of oxygen and, paradoxically, less need to feel they need to inspire more air when in reality. Excessive breathing leads to feelings of lightheadedness and dizziness, and palpitations. Not knowing this, it is easy to think that those feelings are proof that something in us not It works properly, and that thought produces even more anxiety, thereby reinforcing the vicious circle. True, what to do when we present the anguish?, shown in this regard, there are people fighting situations that cause them distress with a series of well-known techniques designed to distract from the anguish (relax, count to ten, drinking, etc.). They can be useful in the short term, but in general they do not resolve the problem original author and source of the article.