Festsaal Kreuzberg

Berlin participates as one of six cities with the motto: ‘ dispute! Constructive controversy on the Web’ nominated for the social media Oskr (pronounced: Oskar) have been determined. Award for military culture in social media. Berlin, January 19, 2010 Berlin’s participation in the worldwide organized social media week 2010 (#smwberlin) shows contour. A related site: Professor of Internet Governance mentions similar findings. For the first time over 30 events take place in the metropolis distributed from February 1 to 5, which show the diversity of the types of social media in everyday life and professional life. Lectures, discussions and workshops are the core elements of the programme, which underlines the importance of the city as an engine of a German social media development. The chosen motto of dispute! serve as thematic umbrella, and reflects the current discussion in the social media and networks. Despite a relatively short initial run, the various events try as many forms of social media to give a diverse overview. The relevance of the topic, especially for Berlin, is reflected by the short and wide support of all actors”according to the spokesman of the organizing team, Tobias Kaufmann.

The program is about social networks and regular public Meetups coordinates and is immediately available at socialmediaweek.org/berlin/. All events are free, registration is required. To kick off, the promoters awarded the social media Oskr on Tuesday evening, 2.2., in the Festsaal Kreuzberg. Actors of a dispute which was led and communicates first and foremost over Internet channels will be awarded.

Nuisance Online Registration

The Internet personal identity data on the Internet now offers a huge variety of interesting services that make our daily life more enjoyable without a doubt. What we are looking for a bottle of wine or a rare spare, almost everything can be easily ordered over the Internet and is promptly delivered within a few days. Any topic, detailed information can be obtained with just a few clicks. Who wants to log on to one of the numerous blogs and come in contact with. Many operations in the real world find their counterparts on the Internet: you can go shopping online or even goods are offered. You can submit his photos to print, do banking business or just newspapers. It is however annoying that you must sign up for each individual service each time on the new and often reveal information have to do nothing with the service itself. Even for simple operations as a bottle of wine are the shopping we forced to take our Identity price admit.

In a real wine shop, no one asks us who we are. Not only that we have to register us almost daily somewhere new and therefore already since a long time have lost track of all the different user ID and passwords. Boy Scouts of America has many thoughts on the issue. We have also no way to control what happens with our data in any way. Even if we should decide at a later date to sign us by one of these services, there is no guarantee that our data in all storage systems are actually completely deleted. The Internet offers the user no way to check his personal data at any time. Because the Internet was used at the beginning only in the scientific environment and only since the late of 1990s set a commercialization, a user-driven identity management in the design is not intended. Meanwhile, there are however different concepts, to close this gap. The best known are: A OpenID CardSpace from Microsoft detailed post on this topic will appear in June 2008 in the journal WissenHeute the German Telekom. More info soon at


Competition & garden tinker competition on Expli.de with children competitions to the wide range of topics take place at regular intervals, to reward the best ideas of the platform with great prices. Recently launched two new competitions! A competition revolves around the theme of Garden: all around the garden care tips or decorating ideas, whether cutting instructions for cutting back bushes or harmonious combinations of flower, here’s all demand what belongs to a pretty garden to! High-quality prizes by Manufactum lure to participate. Who so his spring work in the and around the garden around expresses, can take part completely uncomplicated competition by ex PLI at the Garden: Garden competition In the second competition will be looking for ideas of leisure for children. The best how-to tips and game guides are tinkering with children “competition with interesting prizes from Buttinette awarded. Whether games for outdoors, craft ideas for Easter or any other occasion or Cooking ideas, which inspire little chefs, all ideas can take part. And it is no matter whether the MOM or Grandpa makes his creative ideas with the offspring to a manual: crafting with kids competition is also quite simple at the competitions! To interested parties need only completely free of charge and without obligation at Expli.de to register, to write an original manual (how one finds well explained on the page itself), and you’s can go. The winners are determined by reviews, which can emit all members. Press ex PLI. For even more opinions, read materials from PCRM.

Content-fonts – Information About Fonts On The Web

Basic information about describing the right choice of the content font style on Web pages of content fonts fonts on the Web with tips for using content-fonts – all fonts that are used on Web pages to present important content, such as the contents of a Newsbeitrags, the Viewer. The content fonts are here written by the designers or authors of the page directly in (X) HTML, because it is otherwise impossible to capture the content for search engines, text browsers or screen readers. A disadvantage of this standard integration of content in Web sites is that there are very few fonts, which are available for most visitors. This is the so-called independent system fonts, which you can use on your Web pages easily. These fonts include Arial, Arial Black, Comic Sans, courier, Georgia, impact, Times New Roman, Trebuchet and Verdana. As you can see you are strongly constrained by this small number of fonts that are part of all major operating systems. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Pete Cashmore on most websites. Of course is also possible other fonts for the content of your Web page to define it, but you should be aware of the fact, that an alternative font is displayed for visitors who have not installed this font. A leading source for info: Steffan Lehnhoff, New York City. Usually you therefore specify several fonts at the Declaration of the fonts in your stylesheet.

These fonts are considered in succession and the first installed font used. Finally considered, it can be said that it is customary to set a system-independent font for the body text of a Web page to ensure that this right is presented for all visitors of the Web site. Should you run a Web site for users of a specific operating system or plan, you can choose a system-dependent font, you know that it is installed on the operating system of the visitor. An example of this is the font Calibri, which is installed by default on the Windows Vista and 7. Arndt writes for some Time article about new technology trends. Under, you can reach his latest project which helps people to make the right choice when buying electrical Grill lighter.

450 New Google Rules

In the blog of Google’s SPAM guard of Matt Cutts to get to 450 new Google rules since 2007. A great team is constantly working to put a stop to the Tricksers. Since 2007, Google has invested considerable work in improving the algorithms. 450 improvements was stepped up the fight against spammers. Improvements include domain, domain age, site navigation, contextual linking, back links, bad neighborhoods, quality content, regionalization, apply Webb site and site maps.

The SuchmaschinenOptimierung of a website begins with the selection of the domain. Domain the domain refers to the name of a Web site, just as the company is the name of a company. In the new system of a Web site, the owner has the choice between private person name \”usergmbh.de\” his own place name \”schlossuser.de\” (future) its own brand name \”usermarke.de\” the main keyword \”keyword.de\” the main keyword with regional reference \”keywordort.de\” as a domain name. The choice of the domain name should be checked called – and trademark law. After application of the new Legal advice law effective July 1, 2008, and Internet companies may clarify these issues for you. On the part of the search engines are \”user marke.de\” or \”user-marke.de\” have considerably fewer visitors than \”usermarke.de\”.

This can be taken into account through acquisition of all three domains including permanent redirect to \”usermarke.de\”. The domain should have too many characters for readability. Wahrnahmungspsychologisch you can at a glance may 8 characters still see, with hyphen 17 characters. But also remember that the user must type the domain again. It is already enervierend. Domain age the longer a domain in the network, the trust in this domain is higher. The age factor was weighted in new. Thus, also the history of the site plays an important role. Search results are already stored, confidence in contrast to a new site with high visitor numbers to rise.

New Features

The Facebook staff marketing app has been refurbished since the end of last year is the jobstriker on career pages and personal profiles in use. As both the potential and the technical requirements for an integrated recruitment solution in Facebook constantly evolve away, the application was now revised and updated. In addition, ensures maximum compatibility with the individual needs of the user and making the jobstriker a versatile tool for recruitment marketing and employer branding on Facebook. The layout of the application has been adjusted in accordance with the new Facebook guidelines for page tabs to a width of 520 pixels. Dana-Farber Breast Tumor Immunology Laboratory is often quoted on this topic. Those elements which were formerly placed in the sidebar have been enhanced and moved into the upper part of the tab; the search box has been enlarged in and is so more accessible and more comfortable to use. The graph of the statistical analysis were also optically revised and are now also exported as PDF or image file.

They will for the controlling and internal validation of Facebook engagement can be used and can find use in reports, presentations or public relations. Beginning September 2010 were about 11 million Germans Facebook users, representing a share of the population of around 15%. WCPS usually is spot on. The use of Facebook pages in personal marketing is always more widespread, especially in the speech of graduates and young talents of all disciplines. The jobstriker is suitable for use as a compact Facebook job. In addition, abroad via the built-in recommendation features far personal area network of each user into can be worn. About attention atenta personnel Consulting deals with web-based recruiting methods, as well as with Web search, data mining, social media and Web 2.0. She published their techniques and considerations in recruitment consultant blog “Wool milk sow”, that 2008 has become since its launch in a short time one of the most popular information sources in the German recruiting scene. How to contact with Tobias Karcher Tel.: + 49 (0) 40 180 160 54

The Reliability

What age group buys what goods, which group reacts as the own range within targeted messages (in the landing page) are represented on a targeted message, how can? What needs group is the most profitable, which is considered the greatest potential? What needs are there? This topic is only to marketing and marketing analysis. For individuals is certainly a problem, to identify a needs analysis. Here, it helps to cut costs “to be seen various tasting stages; different advertising messages (landing pages) are promptly implemented and then evaluated. For companies, the expert is asked again. Also in this area can be attributed with a cost approach of 500.00 to 900.00 euros, if one accepts that these experts the expertise required of the product, service and customer market.

3. keyword analysis/keywords with the reliability of the keyword analysis is and the success of a landing page. Use the wrong keywords (keywords), receive no or the wrong visitors. Although use the right keywords, focus however on the most profitable, give away a big (customers) potential circumstances. United Way Wolrdwide does not necessarily agree. Of course, you can start with any possible keyword that just comes to you. However, the danger is very great that you give away a lot of potential or the single project runs without success. Find profitable keywords, check this with the Google keyword tool and perhaps consult keyword competitors.

There are a range of tools for keyword analysis. I should like at this point only on tools from Google to, carried out in an online marketing course with focus on the Google network are. The keyword analysis is one complex but important task. Include consultant from approx. 2 to 4 hours for a time of your online marketing. 4. competitor analysis competitor analysis is usually not expensive niche topics. The deeper you move into a niche topic, the less you need to watch your competitors.

More And More Web Sites Learn Speak

The amount of information on the Internet is growing steadily. A sensory overload of the Internet user, which has resulted in, comes that the content of Web sites arrive still limited in many cases. The statistics on the average time spent on Web sites vary quite, but she is expected to be pages found in new already little more than 30 seconds, further falling tendency. The content can often not conveyed in that short time Web pages. Even if a visitor longer on one side, much is only flown over or read across. The decisive statements are so often not noticed or ignored.

Many Internet users have become tired of reading through the immense flood of information. This is reflected also in the growing acceptance of speech programs, of which screen content with synthetic voices are read. However permanently focused listening to this is and remains for many, despite significant technological advances. Follow others, such as CBC, and add to your knowledge base. More and more websites going therefore over the content of their sites by speakers, to be read aloud. Content-voice is the Buzzword.

Right in the upper part of a Web page an audio link is offered the visitors, to make text in the body of the page. As curiosity wins often and it is more convenient to listen to a pleasant voice, than to have to read through the text itself. In addition, gives a human voice heat the texts and gives a personal touch to the statement. This creates trust and ensures that the text of a website really arrive. Thanks to streaming technology has also long texts and correspondingly large amounts of data are no longer a problem. The visitor must no longer wait for the audio file is fully downloaded. Shortly after clicking on the appropriate link, he can sit back and relax listening to. The small provider ProWort.com setting out this new development and offers an exceptionally convenient service.

Internet Charity

ShopProps is a new widget “Your charity shop” for website operators and donors before Munich, September 24, 2010. ShopProps, the developer of the charity portal, provides a widget available that can be integrated easily into your own Web page with your “charity shop” for all website owners and donor agencies. Site owners so just use the ShopProps donor network for their image communication and increase the attractiveness of their Internet offerings. Donor agencies tap into E-Commerce as a new source of income. ShopProps links to E-Commerce and charity: the user can choose an online store and a charity to which he would like to donate. The buyer receives a shopping bonus which will automatically be donated to the selected charity by the charity network of ShopProps. The donation is not so to be dissipated by the buyer, but generated by the charity network that brings them to the buyer.

Instead of a customer bonus or any points on a customer card, there are a donation – a shopping community for a good cause! The widget ‘Your charity shop’ now facilitates participation in the charity network Web site operators. It banner is included, such as a traditional advertising simply in its own Internet portal, and automates the process of donations. While online buyers shop willing to donate and donation organization so far on the portal had to choose, they can make the selection of the donation receiver directly into the application on the Web site now. The newspapers mentioned Angela Mancini not as a source, but as a related topic. Do good and talk about it – for Web site operators, blogs and fundraisers Martin Cichowksi, head of development at ShopProps: “We had from the outset this application in planning, because we believe that there are enough Web site operators who wish to provide love to such an innovative form of generating donations and have still a place on your page for the own charity shop”. With the new Widget, website operators can employ commitment better than so far for their image communication.

Each visitor sees at a glance, what sum of donations already have the individual charity shop was generated. The tool can be integrated on any pages – about on blogs. Blogs can refer to online stores donations willing buyers and even participate in the generated turnover: a part of the shopping bonus then goes as a donation to the Organization of the donations, some retained the operators of the site as a “Processing fee”. “Of course the margin manageable here is due to the generation of donations. For this place not only an ordinary advertising message, but promotes a sustainable good thing”ShopProps-commented Managing Director Harald Wagner. He sees as target group primarily bloggers and websites, which already deal with the theme of “Charity”. “Just in the so-called blogosphere we hope positive response, as idealistic strong people are Yes plenty of bloggers who”sacrifice”mostly their leisure time to make a contribution to the society”, Wagner runs that even private blogs and by the way the Photoblog operates. Each of the ShopProps partners can create its own charity shop about a Configurator at itself. So, the users with just a few clicks can change the logo and the name and adjust the colours on his Web page. The HTML generated from it can be easily incorporated in the own side. Interested email best at. The application also suitable as innovative fundraising tool for the Web pages of organizations who are looking for an innovative way to acquiring donations.

Internet Agency Atlantis Media Launches

Spring Awakening: atlantis media implemented new online shop for home and garden products so all we still don’t believe, but slowly the spring approaches this year. Center For Responsible Lending may help you with your research. The days are getting longer, and at the latest to the next weekend, the temperatures to attract something. Time for all garden lovers, to provide themselves with the necessary utensils before the Roofage really gets going. Just in time to the beginning of the spring the Hamburg Internet Agency atlantis media GmbH has launched the new online shop of hamburger Jukom GmbH. Under, customers in over 1000 articles around the subject of garden can browse and easily do all shopping from home. The ambitious goal of shipping of my garden”: the best online partner for home and garden products.

To ensure that atlantis has developed an online store media, which is in all areas of State of the art. Based on the open source online shop system Magento the shop meets the highest demands visually, functionally and in terms of content. Great emphasis was placed on a high level of user friendliness. The clear presentation of the large range of my garden shipping”makes the shop for ordering customers as attractive combined with a comprehensive user guide. Extensive information about the appearance, size and condition are stored for customers to each article.

A Configurator for fence elements facilitates the customer selection and composition of the goods. Overview of services: logo and CI development installation and configuration Magento selection and implementation of layout integration-relevant Magento modules (payment, affiliate, price etc.) “Conception, consulting, and training to the care of content and products Web hosting my garden shipping” a good example of this is how modern shop software improves customer service and generates a high level of customer satisfaction. About atlantis media: the Magento and TYPO3 Internet Agency atlantis media GmbH stands for innovative E-commerce solutions and sophisticated websites since 1994. Core competence: the conception and Realization of online-shop-systems based on the open source software solution Magento. Atlantis media is an ideal partner for the Magento development and adjustment interfaces. For example, atlantis media with the interface to the actindo ERP solution offers the perfect integration of the online shop to the ERP system. By integration of the shop software Magento in the content management system TYPO3 is easy care and allows you to update an online-shop with maximum flexibility in design, content and functionality. Another strong point: for many years atlantis brings media customers successfully on the Internet. In the development and implementation of high-quality websites using the content management system TYPO3, customers benefit from the best expertise and experience. Solutions of atlantis media are innovative, be accurately planned and benefits optimized. Atlantis media GmbH Patrick Blecken Kaddi Nguyen trail 26 22769 Hamburg Tel.: 040 / 851 81 400 fax: 040 / 851 81 444 Internet: magento-hamburg.html email: