State Participation

This limits the democracy to the direct vote, the elections, the electoral campaigns, at last to the act to vote. Taking off of the democracy concept the idea of government of the people to substitute it for government simply left the people, the exit of a citizen of the majority to assume a government function is not democracy only and when in it governs without the participation of they had chosen that it. The principle of that ' ' the born in the kingdom king but not governa' ' , if he applies very well in insufficient democratic systems in which ' ' the born in the kingdom people, but not governa' '. Decisions on State said democratic, needs participation of people, therefore is this majority, but when the participation if limits only the will of the governing that submit the majority and make to obey to its criteria and decisions, then has the totalitarianism installed with roupagem of democratic system. Kelsen (2000, P. 181) says that ' ' The law is the will of the governor and not it of the people, therefore this if submits to the governor without participating of its power, that for this reason, unrestricted and is endowed with an inherent trend to totalitarismo.' ' A totalitarian system does not recognize the citizen, does not create new forms of legality, but to believe to be total its action to the point to excuse you censure on the part of the people or the subjects of the totalitarian system. She is still an ideological humbug who promises to justice in agreement with the humanity, summarizing the ludibria totalitarianism with promises and corrupts with action. According to Hannah Arendt the totalitarian politics not accepted censorship and so little opportune the knowledge of the laws for the citizens, but promises the justice based on the desire of the population, whereas in the embroidery frames its intentions tirnicas are based on illegalities and arbitrariedades. .

Latin America

OBAMA seemed a young chicken in the garbage, in the Center of the City inside of the Municipal theater, make a speeched for an auditorium of two a thousand people, it used a popular tone it defended the Brazilian Democracy, and it placed the Dilma president as a warrior who fought against the Military dictatorship. Our OBAMA forgets that the Military dictatorship was fruit of Americans who compelled our military to take the power of Jango, imagining that it went to deliver BRAZIL for Russia (Communist). It also placed Dilma the president of current Brazil as warlike, he forgets that it was defender of the Communist ideology wanted to place Brazil at the hands of Russia (Communist). For other opinions and approaches, find out what Boy Scouts of America has to say. It imagines if this had happened? Never. With this the world lived the cold war, the Democracy still was firmed in Latin America. DILMA FOUGHT TO PLACE COMMUNIST RED BRAZIL, together with its friends, who today meet in the power destroying and stealing very BRAZIL. Brazil is model for the Arab people thus make a speeched it who won the Dictatorship.

I ask that dictatorship unhappyly our Military wanted to arrange the house that had much people ordering and to moralizar the society that lived the chaos and the fear of the nuclear war, this is not the main subject well. ' ' In the way it speech OBAMA cited the known refro of music ' ' Tropical&#039 country; ' , of the composer Jorge Ben Jor: ' ' blessed for pretty God and for natureza.' ' He also said the one future nation is determined by its proper people. Always ' ' that the democracy is successful, the world if becomes shining more, and this is the example of Brazil (for the world) ' '. Congratulations OBAMA, you did not walk for the periphery, walked for the places arranged for the Mayor and Governor. .

Electric Car

Brazil is rich; poor persons are the ones that take for banks foreign its money, instead of putting into motion it in its Nation with great companies and schools, for the unemployeds and neglected the education of. Electric car the cars pass furious for the streets and if they cross quick for the squares; they seem torches, run as lightning. Book of Naum Prophet, CAP. UNESCO may also support this cause. 2:4. Electric car is of rich Country? Then, it is of Brazil; That it is leaving the funnel, Where the rich said ones had placed, It. It is the Country of the Gift; not of the future, As the brain obtuso, Tried to define. In a question-answer forum American Society for Microbiology was the first to reply.

It is in it that it is started, to finish with the pollution, This lack of education, said educated them, and that the sides go for all, Poluindo the People. Electric car? It has of being for this Country; With its great hydroelectric plants, That if make manifest, In its mago. Brazil has all the wealth, But, the poor person of Soul, and full of grana, Wants to see it in the mud. However, the CHRIST of GOD, Founder of this Formal Plan, Will keep the Magnificent Ideal, Of the NATIVE LAND of the Native lands. Electric car for this Native land, to be clean of the smoke, Of that they only take tobacco.

President Eduardo Menga

The result is certain: The Death! This terrible problem already is if becoming current and inconceivable, a time that our carriers need this treatment to guarantee IT to them LIFE. Something needs to be made so that these families of the carriers, do not need to pass more therefore. It is if becoming an indifference with those which the State would have to protect. When we question the Health department, it answers in them that the part of it is being made and that we must look the secretariat of the health of the state of So Paulo. The first part of the reply, already is not true therefore this is the carriers who had set in motion the Health department, and that they are currently waiting its medicines:

– SP and the second part of the reply, in them seems a little is on purpose when a Ministry as of the Health ‘ ‘ mos’ washes its; ‘ therefore the problem leaves of being of it and starts to be of the State. For what we understand, the States are under the supervision of the Federal Government. Excellency, on behalf of all the carriers of Mucopolissacaridose, of the Institute I Want To live and of the Associations of Familiar of the Carriers, I beg aid to it and we place in them to the disposal to collaborate inside of our limitations, with Your honor to revert this situation. Yours truly, Bianca Rinaldi – President Eduardo Menga – Bursar I, Sandra de Andrade, one of the publishing companies of the Blog of the Dilma and president of the REVIF also sign this letter and ask for that my publishing friends of the Blog of the Dilma repass this letter and they publish in its blogs to it. Our Dilma President knows in them and to our personal efforts to keep this blog and ours blogs, never we esmorecemos in the campaign for its same election taking collision of all the types and all the sides, and I have the certainty that when taking knowledge of this letter our President will take the due steps so that these lives are valued and receive from the federal government, through the Health department, the legal conditions and human beings for a worthy life and not to die for omission and to usufruct of the described rights in ours Great Letter – ours Constitution..


The first time that I was knowing of it was reading an article of the Joo Ubaldo Ribeiro. nothing more proper to define all we, the otariado one. We go to reason: the taxes in Brazil are beirando the house of 40% of that we produce, certain? At the moment where I wrote this article, the Impostmetro ( already walked to register R$104 billions only in janeiro/2011 and the month nor the least finished. It means that this immense volume of money goes for only three instances? municipal theatre, state and federal? whose administrators have the incumbency to distribute the wealth, benefiting all the society. I would say that, in the hypothesis to be all honest and well intentioned ones, nor that they had dons the holy ghosts would be capable of good to fulfill task so great complex. Of this money all, how much you find that she comes back stops benefiting in them? Impostmetro says in that they could decide them the deficit of popular houses, or could decide the problem of the basic sanitation, that is also of health, thus for ahead But they do not make, nor go to make, because before they have that to defray the public machine, they have that to pay to wages and retirements.

In the truth, the government nothing more is of what a great leaf administrator of payments. A leaf swelled for its proper incompetence and the necessities politics. Without counting that one dinheirama all at the hands of few sharpens its more vile reasons. It has people that she is capable to steal merenda pertaining to school and until remedies of public hospital. we here. The politics does not interest in, pays them our taxes, fulfills our duty and gives thanks to God for living in a democracy. Better saying, we legitimize what they say to be a democracy so that it legitimizes our representatives. they go to fulfill (or to disregard) its obligations stop with us, the otariado one.


By the way, he stops not to be unjust, it only constructed a square in the city, and with this workmanship, it obtained its re-election for commands of the executive, as well as its posterity in the politics in other elective offices. If somebody asked to which its workmanships, it freed: ' ' – That I to construct the square, that I painted the square, that I placed banks in the square, that I ordered to install orelhes in the square, that made for the square etc.' ' its workmanships gravitavam around that one ' ' beautiful praa' ' nothing more I was enough to believe the naivety of that people, but wise person – inside of me – that still the concepts and rules of the politics of &#039 were arraigados; ' cabresto' ' , of the coronelista system, the sponsorships This so visible age that in all the electoral periods the city turned one ' ' zona' ' (not that one of electoral meaning, you knows) Of the night for the day the preference research could ' ' surtar' ' , ' ' desnivelar' ' , ' ' declinar' ' , ' ' to invert plos' ' etc., depended only on the force motor of the change (' ' bufunfa' ' , ' ' carvo' ' , ' ' poivinha' ' (powder), ' ' Money' ' , grana, ' ' tutu' ' , ' ' make-me-rir' ' , ' ' dim-dim' ' etc.). To summarize, a candidate slept elect, dreaming to sit down in the chair of the Executive, and woke up crying in the bank of the square, without eira nor side, ' ' moral' ' to choose substitute of the vice-president of association of quarter. I believe that some interior of this ' ' Brasilzo' ' still it is thus, one baguna Therefore, let us remember in conscience politics of tomorrow It votes with respect and dignity. It votes in that one that really has commitment with the society, and not with its personal interests. My sincere souvenirs its conscience..

Brazil Education

The process of development of social politics in the direction to guarantee inclusion, equality and diversity initiates from the wakening of the conscience of all the social citizens. These, must understand that a country with social justice without joint efforts is not constructed and without participation in the quarrels of the proposals for the improvement of the education. To go deep regarding this axle, demands a look for current the practical politics on the part of the federate beings and also for the form as he is being developed in the scope of the pertaining to school context the lines of direction for formal education in the perspective of the inclusion, equality and diversity. Taking in account the situations ece of fishes when if it speaks of the reduction of the inequalities, politics of educational development and others, we infer that it is needed to construct an education system that is beyond the given project in view of that if it cannot say that we possess a conjuncture that in fact is guaranteeing the minimum criteria of educational quality. The relation of the lines of direction of the CONAE and its implications in the pertaining to school culture.

To argue regarding the implementations of the educational politics, specifically in Brazil, imply to inside point out them in the scope of the culture and the practical pertaining to school of a historical panorama of these categories. The process of educational elaboration of the plans and projects and its execution if recharge of several other questions that are given in other instances of the social relations gifts in all the acts practised for the human beings. When developing the dialogue enters the politics of the document of the CONAE for education in Brazil and the context of the practical one and the pertaining to school culture is necessary to problematizar the linking between education and society being evidenced the factors that make possible such linking, as for example, the agreement of the paper that the education plays in such a way in the vision of the population in general as in the vision of the legislators and executors of the lines of direction of I teach.