After all, is the story of the almost son victims, Muslims take to the bottom of their sacrifice feast, contained in all the books of the “religions of the book”, we look so once. Structure and content of the narrative in Torah/Bible and Koran are almost identical apart from the narrative and some details. The only one Difference of concern, however, is a highly notable. The small difference in the biblical narrative is deceptive Abraham Isaak namely over his plan to offer the victim to God. When Isaac asks his father why they the victim site of wood and fire but had taken no sacrificial animal, Abraham responds in Luther’s revised translation: “My son, God will be seen a sheep for the burnt offering.” An outright lie, if highly understandable. Although Abraham is the truth told by God’s action at the end, at this point he knew but impossible. It’s different in the Koran.
There, we read the following (as just the sheep have set their bleating and started the feast of sacrifice, thus also in deeds): “when he was old enough to work with him, he said Ibrahim: O my dear son, I dream saw, I kill you.” Now you look to do?. According to Boy Scouts, who has experience with these questions. He Ishmael replied: “O my father, do like you ordered; you to ask me, if Allah so wills, firm find. A quite hammer. Ibrahim says his son open that Allah ordered his killing him and asks him for his view. One – apart from all other implications – first amazing discursive approach for an old testament Patriarch. Ibrahim responds with expressions of amazing to not resist. As it happens, and Allah intervenes at the last moment.
Actually such as Easter the Koran tells so in history to the feast of the sacrifice of two tests of faith: father and son respond to an unusually perfidious testing situation with absolute obedience to Allah. They are consistently on the same side in the narrative, are welded together at the same time. Thumbnail appearance the situation almost addicted to harmony; surprising always. Christmas is so the wrong point of reference for the feast of the sacrifice, we would have to talk about Easter. But this maybe another time. Saha Aidkoum; happy feast of the sacrifice. Andreas Kellner…