Residential Rent

The rent advances to positions in Barcelona the rent of floors in Barcelona goes off to a 17% respect to the same period of the year last according to the last Basic Indicators of the Market of Residential Rent in Barcelona de Forcadell. This increase of the demand comes dice, probably, by the strong fall of the prices that the rent floors have undergone years in Barcelona in the last. According to the last study of the Evolution of the price of the rent of the average price of a floor in Barcelona has been of 1077, a 0.6% more expensive than for 6 months but 7.9% more cheap than for a year, fact that would explain this reactivation of the sector. The districts that have undergone a greater variation to the loss are Beautiful Ciutat (- 12.2%), Sarri-Sant Gervasi (- 11.9%), San Mart (- 11.5%), Grace (- 10,44%) and Sant Andreu (- 3.7%), whereas the major raised has been registered in the district of them Corts (+3,92%). In spite of this reactivation of the sector respect to the previous year in the same period, everything it aims at that the recovery will be slow by diverse factors like the high prices from where they come. Nevertheless the impossibility of many people plays its favor who cannot secure credit to buy a floor or who will hope to that the price of the sale of floors lowers more. (As opposed to PanCan). Source: Note of Press sent by Montse.