A window for which the people see the life. The foundation of all the espiritualidade is the word of God. To practise the good. To love itself. The Espiritismo, in turn, cannot be defined simply as a religion.
It is a Philosophical Doctrine, sidewalk in scientific base of religious consequence. It was codified by? Allan Kardek? as esprita doctrine. The Espiritismo is not these things that if someone practises in the house of the owner, of ' ' me' ' ciclana or of ' ' pai' ' beltrano, although these people to make question to call its practical as being espritas. The Espiritismo is a Doctrine based on the teachings of Jesus (the biggest example of coherence and Love of which the world already had knowledge), that respects the freedom of the people, that does not curtail the freedom to think of nobody, that does not point finger with respect to nobody, that does not judge and it does not say to be exclusive owner of the truth. Its conception of God is total different of the conventional: God is sovereign good, just, merciful and the inferiority cannot be leveled human being. The Justice of God cannot be compared with the justice of the men, therefore the Esprita logic admits that ' ' God does not punish and he does not pardon ningum' ' , since, to punish it would be being intolerante with the imperfections of ' ' crianas' ' delayed ignorants and; to pardon, he would imply that he had been offended before. To admit offended God is something that opposes the sense well. Religiosidade differs from, that is any set of beliefs, norms and values that compose article of faith of definitive person, which is seen by us as the attempt human being of religar its origins, its past, its creator, is the exteriorizao of its faith.