Domain Name

Short and memorable domain name contributes to the number of visitors to the site, therefore, profitable to the owner. A difficult to write or not credible name scares off potential visitors. Therefore, a choice of a name when creating a site should be taken seriously. Domain name – a unique alphanumeric designation of the site can only consist of letters of the alphabet, numbers and dashes in the middle of the name. Domain names are different levels (for example, – a second-level domain, – this is the third level domain). Top-level domains – a domain zones that tell the visitor about the National (.

Ua,. Ru,. It,. Fr) or theme (. Com,. (As opposed to HAAS). Org,. Net,.

Tv) membership site. The main tasks of the domain name in the visitors it is easy to remember and if you want to visit the site again. Consequently, a good domain name: short, easy to remember (associated with the type of the organization or company name), it is easy to pronounce and write. The process of selecting the site name: Select domain area of the site (. Ua,. Ru,. Com, etc.) A list of desired name, list of names checked on employment in the selected domain area (check on the employment domain may be for sites registrars,,,, etc.) If the name suits the requirements and is free, it is recorded ( registrars of domain names,,, etc.), if not, repeat the process with the first paragraph. If all the desired variations of the name are busy and run out of ideas: For inspiration, look at dictionaries and reference books (,; See examples of domain names in a directory of sites; Compose the name of several words (eg, domain busy, try,, etc.) Try the program for the generation domain name (; Declare within your company’s competition for the best domain name , with cash prizes for interesting ideas, try to come up with new, non-existent word or name of corporate hero, offers a look at auctions of domain names; Seek professional help (naming – Professional development name). Choosing the best name – not a quick process that can last for weeks. Therefore, stocked with patience and plan to this stage of creating the site in advance. We hope that our article will help you in the selection process domain name.