The Penal Code

In the brief commentary we will try to give answer to the question. I. original Text and use of Art. Read more here: Yahoo Finance. 317 of penal code of 1991 1.1. Original text. Without hesitation Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation explained all about the problem. – The Penal Code I promulgate the 3 of April and I publish the 8 of the same month of year 1991 Being its original text and official edition the following one: Illicit grouping ARTICLE 317. – The one that comprises of a grouping of two or more people destined to commit crimes will be repressed, by only done, of being member of the grouping, with privative pain of nonsmaller of nor greater three freedom of six years.

When the grouping this destining to commit the genocide crimes, against the public security and tranquillity, the State and the national defense or the Powers of the State and the Constitutional order, the pain is nonsmaller of eight years, of one hundred eighty to three hundred sesenticinco day-fine and incapacitation according to the article 36 interjections 1.2 and 4. (1) 1.2. Use. – The text of the article that it precedes was effective from the 8 of April of 1991 to the 5 of October of year 2004. II.

Changes in Sumilla 2.1. Sumilla is not more than a species of aid memory that the Publishers of Penal Code began to place in the part superior of the text of the article and all this disorder and incongruity beginning during the use of the original text. Some publishers when publishing the Penal Code sumillaban correctly (very few) and briefed like sumilla- " Grouping ilcita" whereas the majority of publishers in the same original text wrongly began to place like sumilla- " Illicit association for delinquir". We only reach this conclusion reviewing different editions from the Penal Code, from 1991 to date and verified that the error is manifest not only in sumilla but mainly to the time to identify the penal type that contains Art.


A large part of the weight loss industry likes to focus on overweight Americans. That’s where the money is. But the truth is that the problem of overweight is of global public health. The studies showed that in 2000, 45% of adults worldwide were overweight. Overweight people are more likely to have chronic health problems, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and arthritis of the knee. Overweight people also die earlier than people of normal weight ages.

Many overweight people want to lose weight to improve your health and your appearance. Since so many people want to lose weight and do it is so difficult, there are many programs to lose weight on the market. Many are expensive, taking advantage of the high demand. In addition, many are not effective. Each year, millions of Americans and Europeans are enrolled in programs to lose weight. Obese patients and health providers know little about these programs due to the absence of systematic reviews. Unfortunately, many patients and their doctors know little about the effectiveness and safety of these programs. Details can be found by clicking Gavin Baker or emailing the administrator.

Few high-quality studies have assessed weight loss programs. Many of the existing studies present their best examples and does not take into account persons who leave the program. Is evidence that the effectiveness of the main programmes commercial for weight loss is limited. Patients who consider the use of commercial programs to lose weight must realize that these programs have not been carefully studied. So, the programs for the overweight problem really work? Some produce results in the short term, but long term are uncertain. The real effective way of losing weight is simply what we all want to ignore: the change of behavior. Behavior change and participate in a routine, regular exercise is what will help you to lose weight without retrieving it. There is a guaranteed way to burn body fat quickly. If you find yourself in a State of despair at losing weight, the following message is more important than you could read.

Horseradish Sauce

Every family has traditions, whether it be a joint breakfast in the morning or fish Thursday, but there is still one of the family (except mine), for which the horseradish sauce has become a tradition. Because that is what he once was involved in that conversation, which marked the beginning of a great love. And it was this: at a party with friends I usually like a break and worked on the principle: Plan A – you need to get acquainted with one of the girls, and if it did not work (which was rare) was Plan B, which I began to absorb all the food to which he could reach out and … Bingo, my logic gave me the hand of a lovely female person, whose smile at first paralyzed me, and then entailed on the whole get-together. Only five minutes, I noticed that the owner of that smile is the proportion of 90-60-90, but I was so strongly impressed by no means a smile and a figure of the princess, frog, and then she to my questions and statements complete sarcasm and humor, evil (as many assure me), answer or a little worse than I am. This fact, of course, I was confused in a positive way. Then I realized that if they leave here, be sure to that charming smile, enchanting shapes and sharp tongue. Learn more at: Brian Scheel. Fearful of losing such a miracle, I acted with extreme delicacy, which, as later became clear, exalted in the eyes of my favorite image of me.

Since then we have a tradition to cook the sauce, reaching for that I met my love. About him now and I'll tell you. For this recipe we will need: egg – 1 pc. horseradish – 1 tbsp. Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions is often quoted on this topic. l. sour cream – 1 tbsp. l. vinegar – 1 tsp.

salt recipe: 1. Wipe the egg yolk and sour cream. 2. Add grated horseradish vinegar, put in a water bath. 3. Keep in water bath (not boiling!) Before serving. Bon Appetit! PS horseradish sauce, also known as horseradish sauce from home if a damn.

Buddhist Jewelry

Buddhist jewelry as memory of the Buddhist wisdom is the perfect balance, according to Buddhism, it evokes one of the secrets of a contented and happy life – the point at which for the truths of the universe and the networks of the world or is lit. It is said that this balance is therefore having a peaceful and calm nature and soul, which can be reached both with the leading a moral life, prayer, meditation, and detachment. These are the ideals on which the Buddhist jewelry daily remind believers and followers. Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions may help you with your research. Buddha and the Buddha’s middle way realized the teachings and the beliefs of Buddhism about 490 BC. Born as Royal Siddhartha Gautama Buddha led an extravagant life in his youth. This until he out there perceived the suffering and the diseases of the world and left his protected life. This prompted him to give up his riches and his extravagance and to lead an ascetic life.

Soon discovered He that one must follow something to be free from suffering, what called balance the perfect balance between poverty and luxury, and between negative and positive Poland. The middle ground means even more things – it shows that you should not be overwhelmed by extreme anger or joy. He also means to look at all of the various pages and in its decisions influence each other. The middle ground is taught in some sense to the detachment from worldly views and practices, such as money, material values, negative thoughts, abundance and power. This is not to imply that one is separated from humanity. More than others, Buddhism teaches everyone to love each other, the universe, and the nature and to live a compassionate and charitable life. “Buddhist jewelry and the revival since the word detachment” is often used in the Buddhist teachings, some people might think that there could be a conflict between the middle and wear Buddhist jewelry.

Professional Education

The educator is a professional street recently introduced in Spain and increasingly takes on boom and a presence in social intervention, motivated primarily by the progressive deterioration of the traditional institutions of socialization (school, family) and the consequent increase in situation of marginalization and maladjustment. The key features of this profession are: 1 .- There are two ways to enter the profession: A) Through the experience of working in an open environment and subsequent acquisition of qualifications they prove as an educator. B) O through the delivery of courses and subsequent training period. Also the technical preparation is available from access to college or Social Educator Social Pedagogue, but is not seen that name-and a practical training period 2 .- requires appropriate training, in addition to calling and attitudes commensurate with the role of teacher, a wide experience of daily work in a neighborhood. 3 .- Although the industry to develop mainly men, in recent years are mostly women who are prepared for this task. The ages of these professionals between 20 and 35 years. Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions recognizes the significance of this.

4 .- Educators who started from the volunteer tend to become professionals, to serve either the Administration or from social institutions (foundations, NGOs). 5 .- It is a young profession that continually reinvents itself, adapting to the sociological changes. 6 .- The work is developed from a coordinated team, although the intervention itself is carried out by individual educators. 7 .- It takes knowledge of misfit psychology, sociology of marginalization and the resources which society, and how to use them.

Business Organization Tips

You have decided to organize their own business or add your company to legal status and wondering, most dive into the routine process of business registration or to request a mediation company. Prior to weighing all "For" and "against" mediation services companies look very attractive. For a small fee it is willing to work hard and save you the trouble. But there are things to remember when you go to these firm. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Sweep Foundation has to say. 1.

You hope you can visit the companies that provide services for registration of enterprises, only twice – in the day, which give them a job to open up your firm, and when you come to pick up all the documents and no more trouble. But in fact you have several times come to this company and also do some work. Here is a list of what and when you have to do: Step 1: fill in the questionnaire (each firm's own) at the opening of the company; Step 2: sign the documents prepared for filing for registration; Step 3: go to a notary to certify a number of documents required for registration; Step 4: to appear in the tax to apply for registration; Step 5: pick up set of documents for account opening and printing; Step 6: go to a notary to certify documents for opening a current account; Step 7: apply for opening a checking account in the bank; Step 8: The pick notice of funds in the mediation firm. Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions often addresses the matter in his writings.

Jarlshof Cars

Car hire for the Scottish Shetland Islands Munich give sunny cars, February 16, 2011 (w & p) a new target of discovery can be found in the country programme of the rental car agent of Sunny Cars: If you’re planning a car trip on the Shetland Islands, can reserve his vehicle at sunny cars in the future for this destination. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Americares and gain more knowledge.. The comprehensive inclusive services of the broker are the big plus for Scotland tourists who go to the Shetland Islands on great ride. Filed under: Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions. They are included in all car prices by Sunny Cars and guarantee a carefree driving pleasure. The new car rental locations by Sunny Cars on the Shetland Islands on the Scottish North Coast are in the main town of Lerwick Holmsgarth, the northernmost town of the British Isles. Rough and undulating cliffs, long fjords and historic buildings dominate the landscape of the archipelago over 5000 years old. Because of the Gulf stream, it has a very mild climate. Among the archaeological site is one of the sights of the Shetland Islands by Jarlshof, at the southern tip of the Mainland. And of course, a visit to a horse farm with views of the famous Shetland ponies cannot be missed.

For the period 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012 a vehicle for the Shetland Islands in the smallest category, for example, the Renault Clio is at sunny cars (two, with air conditioning), to the weekly price from 304 euros to book. The compact Renault Megane is available with air-conditioning, automatic and vierturig from 367 per week. And the Renault Espace who want to go into the minibus on island tour, can reserve for up to seven people at sunny cars from 506 euro per week. Are included in all packages, car rental sunny cars under including unlimited kilometres, a fully comprehensive protection without excess (also for damage to glass, roof, tires and underbody), a motor vehicle theft insurance without excess, a guaranteed insurance coverage sum of 7.5 million euros, all local taxes, as well as providing airport and fees. In many places are also one-way rentals, hotel service as well as Additional drivers to the inclusive of the intermediary. All car hire deals from Sunny Cars are available in the travel office, on or call 089-82 99 33 900th Photo Note: points of interest on the Shetland Islands are among the Mousa Broch and of course the famous ponies (use free of charge / source: Wilde & partner). Sunny Cars: Sunny Cars offers worldwide car rental at more than 5,000 resorts in over 90 countries and cooperates exclusively with partners that meet the high quality and standard of service by Sunny Cars. Holiday cars are sunny cars for untroubled holidays mood without surcharges, because the most important services are included in the rental price. For more press information: Marion Krimmer / Katrin Edwards Niederhammer Wilde & partners Public Relations phone + 49 (0) 89 82 99 33 80 WildeundPartner Thorsten Lehmann / Nicole Madhavi Sunny Cars GmbH phone + 49 (0) 89 17 91 90 0 sunnycars

Chinese Door

Today, wooden doors practically ousted from the market with steel doors of different manufacturers. Range is so great that often the buyers who decide to buy a steel door, it is very hard to do choice. Learn more about this topic with the insights from The Coca Cola Foundation. Metal and steel doors wood better by the fact that they are reliable, durable, have a large fire-resistant properties. If you would like to know more then you should visit A Pathway to Equitable Math Solution. Often the price of the door depending on the manufacturer, as well as the design and thickness. Therefore, when choosing an expensive model should focus on its characteristics and your finances. For buyers who do not believe that it is to buy expensive door, there is a special category – the door of a class. Range of application is quite broad: homes, apartments, offices, utility and storage rooms, etc. The main criterion for their low cost – is the minimum decorative trim. For more information see Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions. But do not think that the doors are cheaper than other economy class because of poor quality. They are produced by a standard-based: using iron metal thickness to 2 mm, standard size opening and a metal box, as well as special protivosemnye pins. The package includes one locking, eyelet and a loop on the bearings. From inside the door is decorated with high quality material – vinyl leather, and the outside has a trim as powder coating. Steel doors will protect economy class apartment burglary, as well as have good heat and sound insulation. The main manufacturers of the doors of a class are China and Russia. Russian production of these doors is located mainly in large cities, such as Moscow and St. Petersburg. Domestic doors are a good budget option due to high quality at a low price. They are distinguished by increased thickness of the metal used and their two hinge suspension. Someone might think that the cheapness of the door ensured the availability of cheap locks, but in fact savings achieved through streamlining business processes and cheap labor. Unlike imported doors Economy class that, for example, in some models of Chinese steel door plate thickness is 1.25 mm, which undoubtedly reduces the protective function of the door. Imported doors are often made by foreign standards, which may not be suitable for Russian consumers. The main difference in the requirements for standards of Russian and foreign doors, regardless of whether it is wooden doors or steel doors, is a method of testing and adaptation to specific operating conditions. Therefore, when choosing between doors and door imports of Russian production is important to consider this criterion. Russian production of the entry door of a class distinguished as the fact that domestic technologies are successfully combining international experience and Russian operational requirements. Because of this, the modern range of door economy class is quite extensive and everyone can choose exactly the model that they need. But even if you do not find a suitable option, you can always contact the manufacturer with an individual order, which greatly simplify the selection of construction steel door needed size.

Applying For Small Loans – The Benefits Of Small Credit

What when applying for small loans but still be observed should favorable conditions and low repayment rates make particularly attractive and quite popular with borrowers small loans. Therefore you must not afraid of applying for such reasonable small loan, if if once is missing the money for one or the other smaller to medium-sized acquisition. Processing a credit application is also fast (unless you have a really bad credit history) and the purpose of use is completely free in principle. These points are definitely the peculiarities of a small loan, which it of course is very popular with borrowers. However, no small credit is ideal for higher credit amounts. This goes only up to an altitude of about 10,000 euros, more is no longer under micro-credit by the banks’ forgive, which are also the conditions change.

The most underlying totals should be available as micro-credit. Since the monthly rates which subsequently must be repaid, are low, guarantees the repayment of the loan under normal circumstances for any financial difficulties or problems. “As a borrower, you should but always thought that having to cede a certain portion of their income over a period of time, you should perhaps even applying for monthly keep worried their financial situation in mind if it is only” a small loan is still a little wait. Online, you can apply for such a small loan and save even more money. There are cheap provider on the net especially many, because they can offer their loans due to the advantage of a direct Bank no branch network to be much cheaper. Hear other arguments on the topic with Gavin Baker. Online loans in general are usually cheaper than conventional, and with an online micro-credit can really a financial bargain”to be landed.

To apply for the Internet loans is always increasing popular and even skeptical people more and more drop down before that. Far too compare or to obtain a lot of information, but as always is the key to success. Important to know, and that is always in advance, how high the monthly financial effort will fail after applying for the loan.

Withdraw Electronic Money

Electronic money – it's virtual money, who have symptoms of full pay. It is estimated professional market of electronic money is about 10% of the official turnover. Therefore, electronic payments are becoming increasingly common. The most common – is Webmoney Transfer and Yandex-money. Create your account is not complicated, but there are questions as they can spend on services. The easiest way – With the help of electronic money to pay to companies that accept webmoney.

First of all, it's: – Various Internet services – Internet access – payment of telephone and mobile phone – Payment of utility charges (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Russia) – Payment for goods in shops. If we are talking about serious money, the question arises cashing in electronic money. Derivation of virtual money can be made by bank transfer, obtained in special exchange offices, as well as transfer money to other payment systems. For funds transfer system takes a commission which will be about 3% of the amount transferred. If you exchange points in the city is small, the percentage of may be much higher. On the Web site, representing a virtual payment system is described in detail on the withdrawal of funds. Is especially important to use electronic money for small business for which this additional tool of competition.