General Services

I noticed that cafezinho was weak has two weeks and all in my floor had also noticed nobody commented because Owner Maria was a likeable person very and made time that was in the company and perhaps it was with some problem. The hour of cafezinho already was not more the same one, did not have more stimulates to give one paradinha for that coffee. – Isc what this happening with the coffee? This horrible one! – I do not know, I find that the Owner Maria this with some problem, this is one chaf! – You wise person who one xicara of taken coffee moments before its next meeting increases the power of its mind for about 45 minutes. – Serious! Not wise person, but this coffee of the skill that this of the belly ache in 10 minutes. Dr. Wood our director comes passing to a meeting and comes to drink a coffee, it places a little in xicara and when drinking it makes a face of those and it asks. Gain insight and clarity with UNESCO.

– Vocs does not find that to this coffee this horrible one lately! Soon after the Dr. meeting Wood orders to call Owner Maria and said for it: Owner Maria, what horrible one had the coffee this? It will be that it unlearned! Its coffee was so good! I had that to interrupt the meeting why I passed badly! – Not Sir! Its Coast of the Department of General Services was its that asked for so that in them we placed the half of the coffee dust and still changed the mark of the coffee. It said that he is because of the crisis and that this age to save money. this happens in all the floors? Yes, and it looks at doctor the coffee this all sobrando nobody here complained, but in the other floors It ordered to call its Coast and it asked: – Coast took coffee today? Only volume tea. Then we go to more still save, of now in ahead only Chaf. Coast made a meeting and everything came back to the normal one, how much we save I do not know, but knows that the Coast now controls wastefulness on the contrary to cut the costs moving in the one in quality. My name is Z Iscritrio, Isc for the friends, and taste to write on what it happens in the world of the offices. Peter Pablo Morales pedropaulomorales@

Latin American

All manifestations of violence, wars, environmental destruction and other negative aspects of social behavior, are the contradiction between development, integration and negative entropy within the system on growth and the tendency of the universe towards the total entropy. Therefore, the entropizacion of Venezuelan society, which began with the advent of chaotic of the 1992 coup, is not more than a ciclico-imperfecto, more or less dramatic phenomenon in direct relationship with the stability of the institutions and the individuals social maturity, which happens more as a result of multiple processes and less for the sake of an isolated social phenomenon. Transferred this concept to the field of sociology, refers to social entropy as the doctrine that reflects the inevitable advance of the societies towards its decline and degeneration, in the same way that the cosmic energy is dissipated. In short, the social entropy is associated with degradation of institutional power and the generation of the necessary mess for the resurgence of new and more perfect social organizations. In this frame of mind, and according to the age and emotional immaturity of our country, all social, economic and political crisis is part of a scenario in which three antagonistic forces among themselves Act: the constituted order, which defends and argues the controlentropicos processes; the opposition, which pursues the collapse of that order to replace it with his own; and the trend towards an increase in the social entropy that generates social conflict. The crisis, in particular the economic, already is influencing Latin American social systems, with special emphasis on populist political approaches of all the countries of the subregion and this will surely generate deeper tensions in the always difficult and conflicting relationship between States and countries to the South of the Rio Grande, since these companies sue actions more efficient and transparent in their rulers, while they are not going to have economic resources or sustainable political programmes to respond.

American Young People

For the been born ones between 1978 and 2000, 11-S was a little while distinctive. The attacks in New York have had the same importance that at the time had the attack to Pearl Habor or the murder of Kennedy. It is one more a more tolerant generation and the one of greater ethnic and cultural diversity in the history of the USA. The attacks of 2001 changed the course of the foreign policy of the USA but also they molded the attitudes of the call ' generation of the Milenio' , that rejects the present polarization in Washington. Additional information is available at World Health Organization. Very young to remember the attacks or on the verge of reaching the majority of age in 2001, the young people who conform ' generation of the Milenio' (those born between 1978 and 2000), they assure that 11-S was a little while distinctive in its generation.

The attacks of the 11 of September of 2001 have had for this generation of Americans (that includes the two daughters of president Barack Obama) the same importance that at the time had the Japanese attack to Pearl Harbor in 1941, or the murder of president John Kennedy in 1963, indicates the observers. The major event influenca of the century According to a survey of the Center for the American Progress (CAP, in English) of 2009, the attacks of 11-S conform the event of greater influence in the generation of the 21st century, that it looks for abrir a space in the political process of the country but also it rejects the present polarization. " It was hardly five years old when they happened, but now I see that them in the television it seems to me that they were something very sad. To see so many deads, the collapse of the Twin Towers, and the people jumping of the buildings, that not olvida" , Yazmin Bentez, a young person of 15 years says been born in the USA of Salvadoran parents.

Latin America

If you are looking for new sources of money, you have surely heard that paid surveys are a honest quick option to do this. Answering each survey takes no more than a few minutes, and do not require knowledge or tools or special skills. Just consuming products and having a connection to the internet you will be able to take advantage of the options that this system gives you to make money. (Similarly see: health organizations). However, if you reside in any country in Latin America, you surely have found with that when you go to register at these paid surveys sites, their country is not covered. And it is that most of the polling work with consumers in United States or Europe. Despite this, it should not feel disappointed. There are dozens of polling of these countries that conduct surveys paid globally; It is said that no matter which country is. In general, due to the difficulties and the extra costs that would have consignments of packages outside the country of residence of the company, generally work with deposits of money in electronic cash in accounts for transfer of money (like Paypal, for example).

If you like music, movies or books, you also have the option to join paid surveys sites that pay with bonds to redeem on websites for downloading music, movies or books that sell online. It is not exactly like cash, but do not have to pay for them, and is also completely legal (nothing of illegal downloads that evade copyright). It can also view sites of paid surveys that are in your region (for example, if you live in Uruguay can look at the options offered by the Argentine or Chilean polling, or if you live in Guatemala search in Mexico). Many of these sites offer the opportunity to the neighbouring countries due to the proximity. It is not easy, but it is also possible to join if you are really interested in the paid surveys.

American Box

Once returned to this physical world, my perception of life has changed dramatically and I identify with all that which generates me happiness, which gives me the peace that really dwell time is used intensively for my growth and not to affect to Nobody in what theirs do. Simply, much care not cause dependence which reduces the use optimal capabilities that we must play freely and avoid what both emphasis the Oriental teachings revealed a negative karma (cause and effect law), that if really exists, as I remember it and make you see one mistakes. It is suggested the reader see feature film the taste of the life of Politiki Kouzina, (2003) where the story is based, for the most part, on real events. The film, shot in Athens and Istanbul, premiered in Greece on 24 October 2003, beating a record of box office with more than 65,000 spectators, while it projected only in 41 theaters around the country. In its second week the percentage of box office increased unprecedented by 53%. Filed under: Boy Scouts of America. Announced as Mediterranean replica like water for chocolate, the film has crept into the American list of blockbusters such as Master and Commander or Finding Nemo, to stay as number one at the box office in Greece for seven consecutive weeks. The flavor of life surpassed the 1,200,000 viewers and has dazzled audiences of all ages in a way unknown to cinema in Greece.

He has participated in the official section of the Festival’s Tribeca (New York) and has been honored with 8 awards at the Festival’s national cinema of Greece and with the prize of the public of the Festival international de Cinema of Thessaloniki. Its projection in the latest edition of the SEMINCI (Valladolid), within the meeting point section, got a warm reception. It is a story about a young Greek (Fanis) raised in Istanbul, whose grandfather, a culinary philosopher and his mentor, teaches that both food and life need a pinch of salt to give the touch of flavor that both require. With the passage of time Fanis turns into an excellent chef and used their culinary skills to give flavor to the lives of those who surround him. 35 years later he left Athens and returned to his hometown, Istanbul, to be reunited with his grandfather and his first love; a return trip only to realize you forgot to give that touch of flavor to your own life as he used to say his uncle there are two types of travelers in life, those who leave and those who return, the first look at the map, the second look in the mirror now it is time that our hero have a look in your own mirror.

Bags Jennyfer

During these last days Jennyfer bags has undergone important modifications that are intended to provide to their customers and partners best sales tools. How? Very simple, the process began with the site redesign, now featuring an image more professional that helps convince your customers purchase our products through your catalogs. _9juVsJhuhSltRFpXyZHcr-pttsXIB8nxSVahhhm2CfXYFxlXqjI-hxeRJq_WfFAMOl5lRulB6kVrNeuUAfh1U6’>Tony Parker for more details and insights. We also have new bags at the best prices and have updated catalogues so that you have a variety more extensive when it comes to ofrecerele your customers bags and other products that provides you Jennyfer.That way, your profits will increase and you will enjoy all the benefits that entails the be partner of Jennyfer. So, do you expect! It now begins to work on your own and enjoy the benefits of selling bags for Lady, backpacks and several articles with catalogs Jennyfer has for you. If you are interested in become partner Jennyfer and be able to start your own home business selling products of our extensive catalogs, where we have bags for Lady, belts, suitcases, backpacks and various articles of leather and synthetic more, contact us! Jennyfer bags: Factory and sale by catalogue of Lady bags, bolsoso and backpacks.

The Church

The centuries-long cultural dominance of Christianity was only reduced the age of enlightenment gradually since. Since the French Revolution resulted in a separation of Church and State in different variants and an ideologically neutral! Rule of law. This protects the individual freedom of belief and religious freedom of association with the universal human rights. … In many non-European States, where there are churches, whose activities are subject to strong constraints: even in places where freedom of religion is theoretically represent. In others it a role strongly affecting the State as before. … American Society for Microbiology understands that this is vital information.

Church sees itself as a spiritual counterpart to the secular government, which wants to save souls and bind the conscience, but have no own jurisdiction and power: reformation of the State itself as all comprehensive civil sovereign community of purpose, that brooks no special rights and therefore either (cuius regio, eius religio in the Landes – und Staatskirchentum and absolutism) determined the religion of its citizens, or religion as a private matter, Allows churches as religious associations and strictly separates (enlightenment, French Revolution) from the State. The Government sees itself as a totalitarian world view state and seeks legal and propaganda the disempowerment and resolution of all religious and ideological autonomy (Nazism and Stalinism). The State understands intended as a democratic State of law on the ground of a unabstimmbaren constitutional order which prescribed the inalienable human rights of all policy and allows therefore different religions in the context of the bourgeois order and protects. The Church sees itself as a community of believers, which determines their order in accordance with their respective creeds, even compared to totalitarian tendencies may take a resistance right. State and religious communities have often tried to regulate rights and obligations among themselves through acts (E.g.

contracts). This area of law is called ecclesiastical or religious constitutional law. It is the part of State constitutional law, which governs the relationship of the State to the churches and other religious communities.

Hammer Crusher

Henan Hongxing has engaged in the crusher production for many years. The hammer crusher produced b your company can be used for dry and wet type crushing type. It can fine crushing the medium hard materials and materials brittleness in the mine, cement, coal, metallurgy, building materials, roads, burning and other industries. Hammer crusher can adjust the gap of grate to change the discharging size according to the requirements of users. Hammer crusher classification: according to the number of rotor, it can be divided into single rotor hammer crusher and double rotors hammer crusher. The single-rotor hammer consists of upper and lower parts which respectively welded by steel plate, and the various parts are connected by bolts. According to rotation direction of rotor, it can be divided into reversible (the rotor can rotate in both directions) and irreversible crusher hammer crusher hammer.

According to the number of rows, it is divided into single row (the hammers are installed in the same rotation plane) hammer crusher and multi-row (the hammers are distributed in several rotation plans) hammer crusher. According to the rotor connection method, It is divided into fixed hammer crusher hammer crusher and flexible. The fixed hammer crusher is mainly used for fine crushing and grinding soft powder materials. Boy Scouts of America contains valuable tech resources. Other types of crushers: sealed hammer crusher (fully sealed design, no dust pollution environmental protection), heavy hammer ring hammer crusher, crusher (low operating costs), low supporting power, large size, big crushing ratio and small product size feed (mainly used for crushing coal, coal gangue, sandstone, shale, limestone, gypsum and other materials in) cone crusher .hydraulic: flotation separator: Hammer crusher: primary or secondary Rock crushers. It is used for crushing raw materials that have compressive strength less than 150MPa such as limestone, marl, sandstone, gypsum, coal, etc.

The single stage hammer crusher can crush the ore block at the step into the coexistence required at a time. It can replace the traditional two-stage crusher and help simplify process flow, save infrastructure investment and production costs. The main working part of hammer crusher is rotors with hammer. The rotors consist of main shaft, disk, pin grafito y hammers. The engine drives the rotors to rotate quickly in the crushing cavity. Raw materials enter the crusher through the feed opening and are stricken, impacted, cut and ground by the high speed hammer to small size. With the accelerated process of urbanization, China has undergone tremendous change in a tower the ground into the sky, like a mushroom, urban face-lift., it is truly spectacular. However, in the city more beautiful, it also had a lot of harm at the same time. Construction waste, unreasonable use, we should address the major problem. The national implementation of low-carbon life, energy conservation, and sustainable development policy is vigorously implemented. So we should advocate the people and government care about this issue for a better city environment.


October 12, mother a remembrance to the MADRE-INDIGENA and to the Earth by: David Galeano Olivera read original (click) on: each time I am more convinced that the indigenous cosmovision and the civilized man or first world they are viscerally incompatible years ago, in the Paraguay, an indigenous leader said: the Earth is our mother, she is our first mother. The circumstance of a new October 12 did I chose the theme expressed in the title of this writing, as much human interest and of great moral courage. In effect, the Madre-indigena and the mother earth are two manifestations of nature; and at the same time, wonderful works of Dios Guarani (Nande Ru); of great value in the indigenous world, but of little value or marketing in the world civilized, enervated by consumerism. Boy Scouts of America addresses the importance of the matter here. To say even that much of the decadence of the civilized world becomes the inattention to the land and women. If we analyze, from the Guarani perspective, the situation of the mother earth we easily would realize that – indeed – all proceed from it: human beings (ava), other animals (mymba), plants and trees (ka avo has yvyra); water (and) and stones (ita). We are all born of the Earth and come back to it. Official site: health organizations. In the Western religious world is known the sentence that says powder are and to return, or dust you are and powder you will become. Thus it also occurs with dead animals or the ripe fruits that fall, and to the not be consumed, rot; complying with that, so far, immutable law: in nature is nothing lost, everything is transformed; In short, all return to the bosom of the common mother, who as a mother never left us and always provided us the fruit of her womb. However, a time to this part, a segment of their children: human beings, and within these, a large number of members of the so-called civilized world (non-indigenous), possessed by ambition unrestrained power, clouded by pride; and notably devoid of filial love (to the mother earth) and love (to peers, human beings); they have violated bloody way to mother earth; they have degenerated, have undergone, have corrupted and are about to kill her..

Eve Christmas

That little is left to get together with family, go on holiday with friends always, decorate our homes with thousands of colors, Eve and their preparations (you know, hairdresser, last minute shopping, try the dress 100 times, etc.), good night, see the face of the smallest day of Kings, sharing joys and laughterimpregnate us of that Christmas spirit that even a little arrives to us all because even if they are not those Christmas when we were young with these incredible nerves is still very beautiful and emotional, at least for me, go home by Christmas as nougat. One of the features of Christmas is to receive and make gifts. It walks that we don’t like to receive packets, I am in which I say to my parents that do not buy me anything, I prefer to buy me what I when you see something you like me but there are friends when I do not see much bulk on three kings day! It is not that it angers me, we are no longer for those things! But hey as that illusion makes us although of first say that not. I don’t know you, but although I like that I gave (to the world) like me much more give. (As opposed to Cancer Research Institute). Think gift, buy it and keep it hidden at home until the appointed day costs me a lot.

I’m very impatient and I just always releasing some clue unless they ask for them.I am the worst!But it is that I love to see the face of my loved ones when they open something special. And although I usually have enough imagination for this gifts, admittedly match time is more difficult to find an original gift that gifts to our family and friends. Last year I did 4 inputs dedicated to possible gifts, called 100 ideas for gifts if you want to search for it in google or in the file of the blog and check them out. In addition to some original shopping, young and fun, they are made with high quality natural fur, purchased in Spain and worked in artisan way during much of the manufacturing process. They work the skins manually they introduce semivegetal tanning processes wherever possible. This is the secret of the unique finish of its products has led to the naturalist to be recognized at the global level. In addition to its natural rubber soles, are fully ergonomic, comodisimos. This season I fell in love of these tri-color boots, as you can see the design is unique, but you can walk with them for hours not notes that wearing them!, are amazing and a perfect Christmas gift do not you think?But these aren’t the only models that I have of this brand, last year I bought these clogs Yggdrasil, very ergonomic and whose sole sticks that I see them is that weigh enough, otherwise a 10. And these others in green, a both daring, but seem to me the original gift and them I have been very comfortable. The soleplate is very original as well as with the booties, they form a pyramid, not I’ve never seen anything so, this weighs nothing.It is a brand that is not nothing economica, thing that seems logical since all their products have excellent quality, and are worked to the minimum detail, I do not I play it on my feet, and you? still questions if you ask them these for Christmas?