Russian Princess Anna

In the museum can see all tools that are used by Giovanni Farina, feel the authentic flavor of "Cologne water" and even buy it in an elegant bottle. It stores these bottles of perfume, which he delivered to the palaces. As Oddly enough, began to spread throughout the cologne only 50 years. Initially fame grew only at the local level, cologne spread around Cologne. Then slowly began to merchants to distribute it to Europe. But in War from 1756 to 1763 cologne became very popular and the matter is that the French.

The French fighters were famous for their manners, but the purity of their legs and underarms. When the French occupied Cologne, pleasant aroma, "the Cologne water "came to their taste, he beat a good smell of unwashed bodies. Soon the scent was in Paris, from here and started his winning streak. Not only French soldiers, but the palace and know no different cleanliness. Even Russian Princess Anna, Queen of France complained about the foul smell of unwashed bodies of French. Flavored water, Giovanni was an opportune moment. She began to buy in larger quantities than the perfume shop led Giovanni Farina to worldwide fame.

"Cologne water" used not only men but also women, mistress of Louis XV a great liking to the water. In Russia, curtains cologne King of Prussia Frederick II, he gave cologne Catherine II. The queen also endorsed the new product and cologne spread among the courtiers, and then among the nobility. Napoleon, too, was delighted with the cologne on his day had about a dozen bottles. The emperor not only poured them out, he added it to the bath, rinse the throat and dripped into pieces of sugar and drank tea with them. He said that cologne enlightens minds, but our contemporary uses cologne inside at all for other purposes. At the end of nineteenth century, a host of companies is flavored waters on the basis of alcohol. In Russia, a subsidiary of Francois Coty, the famous perfumer, who coined the well-known, and many favorite cologne "Chypre" Now perfumery industry has leaped forward. Cologne replaced by deodorants and scented after-shave gels, there was toilet water, perfume in bulk. But the "Cologne water" still holds the leader and pioneer in the world of perfume.


The first time that I was knowing of it was reading an article of the Joo Ubaldo Ribeiro. nothing more proper to define all we, the otariado one. We go to reason: the taxes in Brazil are beirando the house of 40% of that we produce, certain? At the moment where I wrote this article, the Impostmetro ( already walked to register R$104 billions only in janeiro/2011 and the month nor the least finished. It means that this immense volume of money goes for only three instances? municipal theatre, state and federal? whose administrators have the incumbency to distribute the wealth, benefiting all the society. I would say that, in the hypothesis to be all honest and well intentioned ones, nor that they had dons the holy ghosts would be capable of good to fulfill task so great complex. Of this money all, how much you find that she comes back stops benefiting in them? Impostmetro says in that they could decide them the deficit of popular houses, or could decide the problem of the basic sanitation, that is also of health, thus for ahead But they do not make, nor go to make, because before they have that to defray the public machine, they have that to pay to wages and retirements.

In the truth, the government nothing more is of what a great leaf administrator of payments. A leaf swelled for its proper incompetence and the necessities politics. Without counting that one dinheirama all at the hands of few sharpens its more vile reasons. It has people that she is capable to steal merenda pertaining to school and until remedies of public hospital. we here. The politics does not interest in, pays them our taxes, fulfills our duty and gives thanks to God for living in a democracy. Better saying, we legitimize what they say to be a democracy so that it legitimizes our representatives. they go to fulfill (or to disregard) its obligations stop with us, the otariado one.

Application Faltseprokatnyh

Faltseprokatny machine designed to produce seamed joints and different types of profiles, C-shaped rails and elements zaschelochnogo compound used as a finishing-construction works and the manufacture of round and rectangular ducts. Designed for rolling: – rebate – connecting rods – elements zaschelochnogo compounds used in the manufacture of round and rectangular ducts. The mechanism works with sheet of low carbon steel gost 501-58, 3680-57 (steel grade any of the CT-0 and CT-20), galvanized and uncoated, as well as stainless steel gost 5582-61 with a sheet thickness from 0,5 to 1 mm. The main advantages of the machine: – Noise reduction characteristics of the drive – better opportunities to adjust the rollers – the installation of new electrical circuit control of the machine – The equipment includes screw supports, which enable the installation and operation without preparing the foundation; produced two versions of the execution mechanism: I – 'STD-11019A', with six pairs of work rolls for the manufacture of standard folds, connecting rods, and thin-walled profiles; ii – 'STD-11019A-01', with ten pairs of work rolls for the manufacture of standard folds, connecting rods, components compounds, thin-walled profiles, as well as for rolling difficult section to order..

Madrid Families

A place already exists in Madrid in which parents and mothers can count on the best method and the professionals more prepared to fight with the problem of the lice in the hair of their children. Bye Piojito is the name chosen by two enterprising ones for its center, that applies a safe treatment, fast and effective, that solves the problem, so that the children return soon to the classrooms with the healthy hair. Vanesa Arce and Elisa of the Riva worked together in the real estate sector, until this it crossed the problems that all we know. Both were put to think then about developing that enterprising side that all we have and that we do not see necessary to wake up until the things come twisted . Both, that have children to his around, saw a niche of market in the problem of the lice and something was put to look for the best existing solution in the market had to exist, remember to have thought. At this point to somebody must to him have happened an effective and lasting solution. Thus it is as they gave with impeller LouseBuster the air: device designed to kill and to eliminate liendres and lice in a single application, created and developed in EE.UU., studied and authorized by the FDA (Department of Control of Foods and Medecines of the United States), and that has obtained the seal of the Council of Europe, on the fortune of which it still did not count on presence in Spain, and seemed the definitive form to congeniar putting independently a business with helping to hundreds, thousand desperate mothers and parents by this problem appellant, assures both partners. An increasing number of mothers and parents sees that the traditional remedies against the lice (champs chemical, combs for liendres and the homemade formulas) are ineffective. .