Baraka Ex Minister Relationship

Now, Bernanke and Trichet predict the end of the recession in the coming months. I.e., return to the business, although still the new rules are not perceived of game promised. Blessed because the millions of unemployed or savers of the world who want to believe in the good news and who yearn for it since months. They expect a healthy recovery, which arrives unless it is accompanied by similar to Madoff, Stanford or the trader’s La Societe Generale, among others. They claim the democratic and liberal State to exercise its powers for a healthy market that do not leave of side the weakest. They do not want to be mere consumers but they are intended to be considered as taxpayers, worthy citizens of their right to know, demand and be protected. Liberalism, can not exempt Governments and legislators of the duty to dictate the rules, which allow to balance the relationship between the Bank and the customer, between the insurer and the insured and make disappear the small print of the one-sided contracts, which are distributed in mass to concessionaires of public service users.

Liberalism, does not justify misleading advertising or the marketing of dangerous products, are financial or food. Liberalism should not assume that it disappears the ethic of the audiovisual media, to the point of seeing them transformed into global casino, by dint of SMS. Liberalism, which was conceived in part as a defense against political despotism of State, cannot, in the heyday of its development, be synonymous with anarchy or impunity, even less than a tragic deregulation of the human relationship. We would therefore face new obligations as democratic and liberal State must take to avoid failure confirmation? Not I Machiavelli that the that does not detect the evils when they are born, is not truly wise said?


Limits and its absence: is very common, above all in the young, the constant search, alternatives that allow them to escape to everything what can be interpreted as a limitation, is of the nature that was, for many of those who swim in the sea of ignorance, the true freedom lies in living beyond the reach of any rule that, even try to, put some brake, to their most pressing desire to be able to enjoy unrestricted freedom. Now, we make an effort to understand, what is, what is really happening in each one of the countless constellations, that give life and meaning to this so plagued universe of competing interests as it is without a doubt the complex world of human relations. In our day, we can say, that have taken significant steps, as regards human rights, much has legislated on this issue, although this does not mean that mere rules of law, has resulted in compliance with what the law determines on the subject, especially in the protection of the weak, as it is the case of women and children, domestic violence, gender, and all types of violations to which minorities are exposed. Every day, the pages of newspapers and television news programs, we put in evidence of how far we are to eradicate this affront, real spit in the face, a society, which contemplates, stunned, as, like blinded insects, his sons maim it and die, no other reason, than the simple irrationality of their acts. Everything seems to indicate that man habitat is under threat from the man himself, which is demonstrating, despite the high degrees of evolution achieved, in the field of science, technology, and communications, to name a few, is incapable of transmitting values essential to their offspring, which grow insensitive to the real needs of its own species, transmuting the harmonic sense of solidarity-based coexistence, by the constant search for the submission of one over the other, as if the Foundation inherited by centuries of civilization, seem an ancient and archaic ballast, which is should be freed as soon as possible.


Leaders need to develop communication as a fundamental competence in the exercise of his role. The success of his leadership depends on your ability to communicate effectively. The development by the leader of the competence of communication will allow you to improve your ability to connect with the people, effectively share their ideas, plans and vision, give instructions and define expectations in clear and precise, way to ignite the passion in the heart of collaborators, influence and organize meanings shared in the Organization andthus aligning people to a shared vision. Given leadership roles which the leader plays in the Organization, it needs to dominate some communicational roles that contribute to its effectiveness in the conduct of the company or institution. These communication roles we can group them into four essential functions: the leader is the forger and Communicator of vision: vision is a fundamental trait of leadership.

The leader is the forger of the vision for excellence. But if the vision is not communicated effectively remains trapped in the borders of the leader, and loses its function directional and inspiring. The leader needs to convey a clear, coherent and credible vision. That the members of an organization share a vision, take responsibility and commit to it, depends on the effectiveness with which it is communicated. How they communicate visions effectively? Do you get that people line up around the fundamental objectives of the Organization? How communicates the vision by way of inspiring people, in order to generate actions that lead to their achievement? How are called upon resources emotional and spiritual people, their values and commitment, in order to produce identification with the vision of the Organization? The answers to these questions have in the ability of the leader to effectively communicate the vision to the rest of the organization. The leader is fundamental organization spokesman: the leader has the responsibility of favorably influencing opinion and image of the Organization, both in the team of the Organization itself and outside it, to attract the required cooperation, favourable image and promote the exploitation of the opportunities in the environment.

Enemy Number One

Varicose veins affect nearly 50% of adults from the age of 40. The veins just under the skin are the most affected, due to the tremendous tension that must endure when an individual has standing long hours during the day. By being both while in this position, the pressure against the vein can increase up to 10 times more. Therefore, persons who by their work to be kept standing long periods, are that are most at risk of suffering from these disorders, among others: tired legs, edema, cold feet, hemorrhoids, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, capillary fragility, Chilblains, etc. Women are affected more than men (up to 4 times more); obese individuals are at greatest risk; and the risk increases with age, due to loss of tissue tone, loss of muscle mass and the weakening of vascular walls.

Pregnancy can also lead to the appearance of varicose veins due to increased pressure on the veins in the legs. (Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not take Chestnut, but may substitute vitamin C with Bioflavonoids and routine). HORSE CHESTNUT TO THE RESCUE! Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) is a great venotonic (substance that improves venous tone, increased the potential for contraction of the elastic fibers of the venous wall). Relaxation of the venous wall contributes greatly to the development of varicose veins and, in particular, improves venous circulation of return to the lower extremities. It is your most researched active ingredient the Aescine (compound isolated from seeds) that acts as an anti-INFLAMMATORY, VENOTONIC, VASOPROTECTANT ANTIEDEMA, increases the resistance of LAS PAREDES CAPILLARIES and REDUCES your permeability (reducing the number and size of the small pores of capillary walls). How to take it is recommended to take between 50 to 100 mg of Aescine, in fasting, for a minimum of 3 months and then follow with a maintenance in the long term. To get 50 mg of Aescine, the active principle, must be taken between 250 and 300 mg standardized extract.

The Country

Very significant is the reality of the number of SMEs that have ceased to operate and which still do not have support from the State to generate technological changes, operations s favouring him and be competitive. The national Government if he had that vision of integration of forces towards its objectives, that his revolution really favoured the country towards a fair, productive socialism, could never neglecting the role of the business sector and seek the way of how to integrate it in their economic programmes, in its new foreign trade policy so that the opportunity be incorporated into new markets on the basis of bilateral alliances has been doing Have no doubt, that the final opinion that says war over this reality cannot be ignored by those who really aspire for a Venezuela free, more dynamic, operational. Integrated positively in the opportunities that modern globalization presents in favour of those countries that maintain an active, innovative industrial park in favour of the country’s economy that belong. War tells us, this is the Venezuela that closes 2008 with a mediocre behavior of its industry, the main sector according to their contribution to the generation of the gross domestic product (GDP) and with a Government that chose to sacrifice domestic production to accommodate an importing maelstrom that now stands against the national employment. The domestic industry has been destroyed and today when currencies start to dwindle, Venezuela will pay a high price for a suicidal policy that pretending to endogenous development did the opposite. Yet we are confident, that the national Government rectify their economic policies, economic advisory teams, to have productive to measure the reach, the impact generated by having programs that know how to use industrial strength and support these new openings in function make it participate, giving way to many companies to activate its operation and guarantee income for the benefit of all Venezuelans to the country. original author and source of the article.

Humberto Munoz Zazueta

In this school year 2008-2009 the pupils of our school took advantage of all the benefits of ICT in the classroom of media, optimizing their use working with all the subjects of the three degrees by raising the quality of their learning, with access to technologies through the use of e-mail, educational blogs, educational sites, the portal of redescolar, among others. We support the educational process through the interactive use of computing and telecommunications in order to benefit a greater number of students and teachers of our school. We complement the projects of the curricula of the subjects Spanish II, geography, physics, civics and ethics, biology, Spanish III and chemistry through active participation in collaborative of redescolar, projects supporting two sections of the computer totally didactic purposes workshop promoting the exchange of views among students from other States of the Republic, that, with the enrichment of knowledge. In the secondary media classroom Humberto Munoz Zazueta, teachers took the opportunity and applied the methodology with the use of the technologies of information and communication in order to apply them to the teaching process learning as dynamic in this participation elements of our work as classroom Media Manager was essential since the annual up to manage resources and disseminate teaching material that serves as support to the teacher in the school community plan in their practice teaching. For this we were immersed in activities listed below: elaborate a regulation for the media, annual work plan classroom, where are considered activities that are performed in the Aula.Elaboramos daily working for assistance to the classroom hours.We review the portal redescolar at least three times a week to identify the firstfruits of the page and inform teachers about activities that could strengthen their teaching practice.We are looking for daily information on the Internet to support the themes of the various courses offered and support material to the teacher’s grupoRevisamos teaching materials to support teachers in their work in the group.We remained inside the classroom of media at work as support sessions to the teacher and the group.We train on a permanent basis in person and online using the options of CECOTED, forming Formators, UNETE and redescolar. .