Early Stage
Idea competition ‘Furs teach life’ with focus on financial competence of life teach competition of Furs is part of the initiative launched 2010 consumer education consumer skills strengthen the BMELV. It aims to improve the teaching of life skills in children and adolescents in dealing with information, media and money, as well as the knowledge of rights and responsibilities as a consumer. Whether birthday or Christmas gift for children are high in the course. The KidsVerbraucheranalyse 2012 “makes it clear that children and adolescents had never so much pocket money available as it is today. Boy Scoutss opinions are not widely known. Thus, providing a responsible use of money receives a special meaning.
At an early age, skills must be taught and acquired, which play an important role in everyday consumer. In addition to the parental home a key role to this particular school. But still too rare topics of consumer education are part of schooling. “Here is the competition of ideas Furs teach life” of the Federal Ministry for food, agriculture and consumer protection (BMELV) in: he invites aspiring educators and teachers to deal with the subject of consumer education. Students of all subjects and all semester, trainee and trainees as well as doctoral and PhD students are encouraged to develop their own creative approaches to teach life skills in the classroom. We are looking for teaching concepts on consumer education for classes of secondary education. The contributions can include the design of a lesson, a lesson series or one project day. Special Prize for the best approach to dealing with money the competition entries should be specifically aligned money and insurance, media literacy and consumer rights and purchasing decisions on the acquisition and the teaching of life skills in the areas covered.
The competition is carried out already for the second time by the BMELV. This year will receive a special prize for the topic of financial literacy. The submitted concepts show how to integrate learning a dispersed money in education. Participation in the competition is still possible until 15 April 2013. The conditions of participation are retrievable on the Internet at. The winners will receive a cash prize, in addition, publish the winning entries in the Raabe Publishing House for the school (www.raabe.de). Background the idea competition of Furs life teach”is part of 2010 strengthen in life called initiative consumer education consumer competence” of the BMELV. It aims to improve the teaching of life skills in children and adolescents in dealing with information, media and money, as well as the knowledge of rights and responsibilities as a consumer.