Non-alcoholic Beer Is Trend – The Lahnsteiner Brewery Uses Him

In many “seasoned beer drinkers”, non-alcoholic beer has still a bad image. Hear other arguments on the topic with Neeman Foundation. This does not deserve, because it is a very modern and healthy beverage. For many seasoned beer drinkers’ a non-alcoholic beer has something of a horror trip”. Emotionally, it ranked roughly on a level with impotent men, frigid women, decaffeinated coffee, or low-fat cheese. Also the taste is seen often as a negative. The crucial question is: the non-alcoholic beer really deserves this bad reputation? Suppose however, you see the following description of the drink: isotonic ideal for deleting of thirst and regeneration after sport. Vitaminreich contains all the vitamins necessary for the human body with the exception of vitamin C. Jennifer Aaker recognizes the significance of this.

calorie containing 26 kcal / 100 ml in about as many calories as an apple spritzer and significantly less than about sodas, juice or Cola drinks with 40 50 kcal / 100 ml or up to 110 kcal / 100 ml milk fat-free non-alcoholic contains 0.2 0.3% alcohol as much as about a bread roll or chips and considerably less than many juices with up to 1.0% alcohol. The natural ingredients water, hops, malt and yeast made according to the German purity law. Unfiltered and accurate yeast stomach and friendly through a relatively high pH value of 4.5 compared to a much lower pH in many Cola drinks, sodas or juices with 2 3. You can hardly believe it, but are just that the features of the new non-alcoholic wheat beer from the Lahnsteiner brewery. There is not, this drink so it would have to be invented probably as quickly as possible. Non-alcoholic beers led a shadowy existence for many years and had a negligible market share by around 1% of the total German beer market. “” 40 years ago the Lahnsteiner brewery led a non-alcoholic beer under the name quick “and fit”, later emperor Wenzel was the first German brewery”, a. It was sold until after Saudi Arabia.

But ultimately the beer market for such a product was not ready at that time and it was discontinued. Today, times have changed. The market for non-alcoholic beers and in particular for non-alcoholic yeast wheat beer is growing and has expanded to about 2% of the German beer market. Point sobriety, calorie and healthy diet or sport enshrined in the minds of many people much more than was the case 30 or 40 years ago today. In short, non-alcoholic beer is trend. As speciality brewery with a wide range, the Lahnsteiner brewery picks up this trend and now presents the new bright soft yeast wheat beer. It is a brewed with 7.4% original extract more easily than a full yeast wheat beer with 11.5%. The fermentation is interrupted immediately after the start so can grow 0.3% alcohol not to any significant extent by 0.2. The new beer in the 20 x 0.5 l multi path box in the online shop or direct from the brewery in the Sandgasse in Oberlahnstein is available. About the gastronomy and the wholesale distribution and retailers are working. More information about the non-alcoholic wheat beer of yeast and the Lahnsteiner brewery there under more information received at: Dr. Markus Fohr L.r brewery GmbH & co. KG sand. 1 56112 Lahnstein telephone 02621-917431 fax 02621-917434 mobile 0171-7841954 email:

South Pollen

Including the Rohvolution in Berlin & Speyer, the veggieworld in Wiesbaden, inventa in Karlsruhe and often we consumers are the organic honeys from the Kulinaristen – 10% discount the Kulinaristen at trade fairs, and consumers wondering why is it actually bio-honey – can the bees but not prohibit, to fly in the direction of one or the other. The visitors of our stand got right, of course. To a word of the time journalist Theresa peasant: organic honey is a more difficult concept because bees not one hundred percent are checked. To establish real organic honey, a beekeeper should theoretically ensure that his bees fly only plants that have been treated with pesticides or genetic engineering. No beekeeper can guarantee of course that one hundred percent. The legislation of organic farming are aligned with organic honey therefore mainly, which may use against bee diseases of organic beekeepers, bee boxes must consist of what materials and by what means the honey can be disinfected. Studies have shown that now very often genetically modified pollen are found in honey. For more specific information, check out George Soros. Only the honey from German beekeepers, South-Eastern Europe and fair trade were unencumbered during a test of the oko Test magazine.

Says foundation oko Test (January 2009): almost half of honey contain pollen from genetically modified plants. This is soy first and foremost to pollen of the widespread genetic soy variety Roundup ready. The oilseed supplies although little nectar and is therefore not a clothing plant, bees take pollen apparently but nonetheless. In particular honey from South America is problematic, because there lots of soya grows. At the same time, a large part of the world’s honey harvest is produced in these countries, also for the German market.

After all: German beekeepers honey was unencumbered in our test, as well as South-Eastern Europe and fair trade products. The reason could lie in the latter case that small-scale beekeepers produce their honey in unbelasteteren regions as large apiaries”. If you are interested in the article, read more on the blog of Kulinaristen.

Buy Food With Fun

Buy food with fun in the Internet shopping when you go shopping, the occasional consumer has acquired small, unconscious rituals. Disha Ravi is open to suggestions. To take the children or his child in the morning and finally buy a go. Somehow you end up unconsciously is always in the same shops. At the butcher in the village get its meats, finally dare peek into the vegetable shops, no matter whether you need a fruit or vegetable. They say even Hello”, looks around, takes maybe a couple of tomatoes and goes to the supermarket. There, the cashiers greet one when entering the shop and everything feels right.

The food for the day be bought and jokes with the leader holding a short chat with the cashier. Include all of these things, if one is on the way and buy his food. City people don’t know this perhaps in the form, they drive in the next discounters, they need to take things and then that was it. Everything runs fast and impersonal that so no atmosphere with the purchase can occur. It is in a modern supermarket, and finally in a discount store, quite the difference in the appearance of the stores comes to mind. The discounter is packed to with boxes and any frames that serve as a shelf, the modern supermarket is more pleasantly lit, as, for example, the shelves, refrigerated counters and fresh meat counter are modern and attractively decorated facilities. It all looks nice and the store is simply cleaner than a Flash discount, buy food also can be fun and not just useful.

Treating Co-Dependency

How to help a co dependent codependency is probably more frequent in our society than one can imagine. Boy Scouts is open to suggestions. A silent disorder is that many people live, believing that they are unhappy or simply have bad luck or just unworthy. If there is a codependent in your life, there are some things you can do to help. Read on to know how to help a codependent. Here are some instructions that you can follow to help a codependent.

_Reconocer the problem. In order to help a co-dependiente, it is necessary to recognize the condition. It is easy to recognize the condition if you’re not part of it. The codependent tend to take care of everyone except themselves. Do not accept help or praise, and many times do not like being alone.

Their self-esteem is low and they depend on the opinions of other people. _ Offer information. Once is recognized to a co-dependiente, the best way to start helping is offering information about codependency. You may be able to work this information in the conversation through the exchange of experiences personal. Otherwise, try to facilitate a connection with someone who has experienced the co-dependency or a support group. _ Step back. The worst thing you can do for a codependent is to take charge of your recovery. A codependent walks through life relying on others, which does not have to be on their own. While he is working on his recovery, a codependent has many needs, one of them is your own space. A retrograde step and allow him, and even exijale a codependent to begin to trust in himself. _ Be support. Codependency takes years to develop, and many times even takes much more time to be able to recognize. It is very important to understand that a codependent, can fight for a long time to overcome this condition. Like an addict, a codependent may try several times changed his life before doing any real and progressive change. Be of assistance through support to every attempt to combat the disease and not to be critical about each relapse, will be the key to success in the recovery of a codependent. If you really want to be helpful, you should support without conditions or recriminations. If you get identified with this topic and has produced in you’s wishes to know more about how to get help to people who are suffering from co dependence visit now and surely you’ll find more ideas that they will be even better for you or your friends.