Budget Categories

WAITED RESULTS? Agreement of that our actions to the nature reflect directly in our quality of life, therefore we are planetary beings e, therefore, part of the way that in it surrounds. Reflections concerning the importance of the thematic one of the ambient education as exercise of the citizenship. Pupils as multiplying of the ambient education before the community. MATERIAL HUMAN RESOURCES/? HUMAN BEINGS? Workers, pupils and partners of the Center Jose of Mosque; Collaborators; Palestrantes; Specific professionals (marceneiro, gardener, horticultor, paisagista, agronomist, sanitarista, etc). MATERIALS? Seeds of ornamental and hortalias plants (organic)? Changes of ornamental and hortalias plants (organic)? Watering hole with system of filters domestic type? Tools for horticulture and jardinagem? Proper hampers for selective collection? Wooden fishery and ornamental sombrite for changes and plants; Hardware in general for confection of the fishery, boxes seedbeds, balconies and group of bencheses.

Wood for confection of caixotes for compostagem, seedbeds of hortas, gardenings, you surround, etc.? Organic black land? Minhocrio domestic type Documentary films/? Plastic bags for garbage collect in field lessons? T-shirts for the campaigns? Filmadora camera? Vases, gardenings, floreiras, cacheps and assessrios for plants? Didactic-pedagogical materials: notebooks layer-last, passbooks, A-4 paper, pencil, penxses, rubber, manual plane table? Professional Trena, meter and level

Deep Ecology

Finally, the exceeding redistribution of the time, money and energy. According to Mollison (1991), this third component means that after dealing with the necessities basic and drawn the systems with optimum of our abilities, we can extend to our influence and energies in helping the others to reach this approach with ‘ ‘ creation of equitable methods of distribution, guaranteeing the access to the resources to that of them they need, without the intervention of different systems of commerce or accumulation of riqueza’ ‘ (TO SOUND, 1998, p.6). The systems of the Permacultura also are based on basic ethics of the life, that in accordance with Miralles and Romero (2001), is associated with deep Ecology4 (Deep Ecology). Beyond the ethics, the Permacultura if bases on some principles that are essential for a good planning and that they are proceeding from the diverse areas of the knowledge as the Ecology, Social Architecture, Geography, Biology, Agronomy, Sciences and Economy. In relation to the character to multidiscipline of the principles of the Permacultura the scientific base for the principles of design in Permacultura if points out generally in the scope of the modern science of the ecology, and more particularly, inside of a branch of the ecology called ‘ ‘ ecology of sistemas’ ‘.

Others you discipline intellectuals, more particularly the geography of the landscape and the etno-biologias, have contributed with concepts that come being suitable to the principles of design. (Holmgren 2007, p.9) the principles of the Permacultura are inherent to any permacultural planning. According to Mollison (1998, p.5): To elaborate good design permacultural she is necessary to follow two basic steps. The first one is of that the laws and the principles they can be adapted to any climatic and cultural condition and second is more narrowly associate with the practical techniques, that in accordance with change the climate and with the culture.

Global Heating And Greenhouse Effect

The Campaign Fraternity and Land of 1986, approaches the distribution of the land in Brazil in different way, that culminated with the promulgation of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, where in its article 5, interpolated proposition XIII, affirms: that the property takes care of the social function, and demonstrates the hour where if receives a piece from soil has been broken for preservation, it is taken care of of what he is its. Brooke Harlow has compatible beliefs. In 2004, it had as subject Water Source of Life that, makes a reflection before everything, on the ethical and religious imperatives how much the precious liquid ‘ ‘ gua’ ‘ , that it will objectify to lead to a joint action and inadivel to save the planet land, and to the life on it. It worked convivncia with the semibarren Brazilian with initiatives of construction of watering holes to store and to use rain water and its forms of exploitation. When initiating the Campaign of the Fraternity Amaznia (2007), if makes a reflection of ambient and social concern with questions, that the biggest natural patrimony of the world threatened, and that it can take to the irreparable loss of inestimable wealth cultural human beings and, not only for the Brazilian population, but for humanity. The Dom Francisco de Assis Dantas de Lucena, as 3 Bishop Diocesan of Guarabira-PB, with certainty will have a great work, for the front, since the boarded subject is a reality, and cannot leave that in the current Campaign of the Fraternity the faithful do not give the due importance. All we have a mission, we contribute to minimize this devastador climatic phenomenon.

The support of the population is also waited so that the changes can enxergar better that we are passing, are not the final apocalypse, more are cainhando for a great chaos. The Church Catholic is making its part, laypeople, procos, missionaries and peoples of God, will have to use as methodology Ver? To judge? To act, so that has greater understanding of the faithful in its communities, in combat to the global heating.