Pentecost Sunday

An invigorating presentation with music, rhythmic recitations, and silence on the last Sunday of Pentecost gathered many people interested in the Church of silence in Hamburg, the moment to take advantage, to meet a living authentic Sufi Masters in Paris, to listen to him, and to interact with him. Based on symbolic Sufi stories, explained the essence of the Sufitums Dr. Azmayesh very impressively and succeeded in a fascinating way to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity in the course of the lecture. It sounded occasionally touching sounds of guitar and DAF (Persian frame drum), alternating with language and reciting Sufi poems by Dr. Azmayesh. In Sufi poetry, ancient mystical rhythms are hidden, the effect of which is reassuring as we could live experience. These rhythms bring peace in our thoughts carousel, develop the quality of the heart and create inner peace. The heart is the center of peace, inner peace and love for Sufis, so that they connect with their hearts.

Sufitum is not a religion, and no Philosophy, as we have learned, but the teaching methods for the development of the soul. Therefore one can describe it as way of substantial development. It is a way of joy, love and peace. Something was certainly for many of us to feel on this special Pentecost Sunday. Eva M. Kang

Saha Aidkoum

After all, is the story of the almost son victims, Muslims take to the bottom of their sacrifice feast, contained in all the books of the “religions of the book”, we look so once. Structure and content of the narrative in Torah/Bible and Koran are almost identical apart from the narrative and some details. The only one Difference of concern, however, is a highly notable. The small difference in the biblical narrative is deceptive Abraham Isaak namely over his plan to offer the victim to God. When Isaac asks his father why they the victim site of wood and fire but had taken no sacrificial animal, Abraham responds in Luther’s revised translation: “My son, God will be seen a sheep for the burnt offering.” An outright lie, if highly understandable. Although Abraham is the truth told by God’s action at the end, at this point he knew but impossible. It’s different in the Koran.

There, we read the following (as just the sheep have set their bleating and started the feast of sacrifice, thus also in deeds): “when he was old enough to work with him, he said Ibrahim: O my dear son, I dream saw, I kill you.” Now you look to do?. According to Boy Scouts, who has experience with these questions. He Ishmael replied: “O my father, do like you ordered; you to ask me, if Allah so wills, firm find. A quite hammer. Ibrahim says his son open that Allah ordered his killing him and asks him for his view. One – apart from all other implications – first amazing discursive approach for an old testament Patriarch. Ibrahim responds with expressions of amazing to not resist. As it happens, and Allah intervenes at the last moment.

Actually such as Easter the Koran tells so in history to the feast of the sacrifice of two tests of faith: father and son respond to an unusually perfidious testing situation with absolute obedience to Allah. They are consistently on the same side in the narrative, are welded together at the same time. Thumbnail appearance the situation almost addicted to harmony; surprising always. Christmas is so the wrong point of reference for the feast of the sacrifice, we would have to talk about Easter. But this maybe another time. Saha Aidkoum; happy feast of the sacrifice. Andreas Kellner…

Hernandez Square

Spectacular. So summarizes Jose Luis Hernandez, Director General of CARLiN sales direct, the Hiperpapeleria that teaches it has just opened to the public and which from now on will undoubtedly become its flagship. And it is that this franchise has decided to bet on a new look in the premises which until now had intended in its headquarters in Villaviciosa de Odon (Madrid) to the sale and distribution of material for its franchisees. Thus the things the 400 square metres that occupies this space have been fully processed. Not only in the physical if not also in the concept. We are excited about this new adventure.

Our commitment to continuing to innovate has not been able to exit better. We have completely transformed this space and we have provided an atmosphere and a very nice rustic, zen decor to view which enjoys special importance the materials recycled wood, based which provides a cozy feeling that catches you from the first moment. In this way we want to approach CARLIN to anyone who wants to get closer to the Avenida Quitapesares 22 of the Parque Empresarial Villapark Villaviciosa de Odon, can do so, adds the Executive. But this store has also also been adequate to continue working to the franchisees who flocked there so far. What changes is the place where you will receive your orders.

We have organized a new warehouse for them just behind the public of a foot. There we have adequate space of 900 square metres divided into 3 floors (each 300 square meters). In addition we also have a basement with 1,000 square meters that will be used to store all the equipment supply, explains Hernandez. The new era of CARLINCon this approach to the public which is the first brand of reference in the Spanish market (it has over 400 franchises in Spain and in six foreign countries) thus begins a new stage in the career of CARLIN.Our philosophy further improve together with our partners we launches to create a new way to continue business, says Jose Luis Hernandez, Director General of CARLiN sales direct. To address this new step the Ensign has made an important contribution of capital which has addressed: – the cost of the works – the extension of your team to provide a personalized attention and excellent for with the public – the increase in the number of providers (a dozen) in order to have a comprehensive and competitive range of products and articles printing new profesionalLa Hiperpapeleria service includes in addition a printer HP Print Station station where it is offers a complete range of high quality printing services, creation of images and designs to give shape to all types of creative projects such as brochures, labels, posters, or business cards.

Huckleberry Hound

The format of this forest graffiti depends on the filling material. A style with Rowan berries the size of 50 cm has up to 1 meter. in 2006, lazy taking a bike tour in the woods of the border triangle. His pictorial result: A style bike runs! Gallery IKE3. 0 of the place and the artistic means tested two photo series: White shell Gallery”and wild-style”.

Lazy as a unique art photographs his ephemeral works presented in his Aachen Gallery IKE3. 0 at 34 South Street. The name is program and means that according to the words of John F. Kennedy of not only in Berlin the art scene at the heart of which is time, but also the Aachener! Aachen Arts route takes part lazy since 2010 with its gallery in the Aachen Arts route. 2011 are presented the works of Lazy65, Lake, sero, fam and Huckleberry Hound of the art interested citizens of Aachen. The Graffiti is primarily art, conveys the Forum of Icke3. 0 “by Lazy65 guided. “The critical aspect is 2011: Society needs black Sheep”, artistic works depicting a black and a white sheep captured in the two canvas.

“Both carry a so-called button” in their right ear: the black sheep “a golden Creole as a sign of enslavement. “The white sheep” multiple winner plaques of the marketing and the lettering overkill “. A word game: The sprayed skills demonstrate Phink”and a female ideal portrait. One of the writer has chosen is the regional Belgian frit with mustache and cylinder as a trademark. The result of the live performance is a lazy of characteristic autonomous with a pink rose. Design study of Matthes Straetmans studied design at the Aachen University of applied sciences. His thesis Throbbing Hood is an urban event. The design of the underpass on the ELISE fountain in cooperation with charitable associations is one of the graffiti action: the Aachen drugs, AIDS, and cats help the Cafe refuge and in their own right for more legal graffiti sites.

Life Color

It knows to find the happiness in the daily things of the life, at the same time as to deepen in the really important aspects. When the color ndigo is not the predominant one, it will indicate a state of total happiness and tranquillity, with forces to confront any possible disadvantage. Just as it happens with the blue color, the person with the color dawn ndigo owns excellent qualities to exert like good advisor. But in the negative aspect of the color dawn ndigo, this can represent quite the opposite of the positive aspects, that is to say, the person could appear like manipulator, and arrive at the frustration, would take which it to one serious depression and distresses. VIOLET The person whose color of the predominant dawn is the violet, owns the quality of being highly spiritual.

This color is the one that will be able to be observed in people whose intention in the life is the spiritual growth, being in background all that with the material. They are excellent channelers towards all the spiritual, where, if they are preparations, can obtain surprising results between the spiritual and the material, being this color of the very common dawn enters the people dedicated professionally to the world of the esoteric thing. When the violet color of we found it the dawn in background, it will be indicating that one has entered a stage of encounter with the inner being, where the intimate experiences acquire a transcendental importance. In the negative aspect of the dawn of violet color, it would indicate to us that the person has entered a phase of spiritual isolation, to consider superior to all the worldly one, which really becomes against its own intention of spiritual growth, arriving itself at the end to totally be disconnected of the world. ROSE the person whose predominant color of the dawn is the rose, will show a sensible and sentimental special character.

The Habit

The State yergue, not only like guarantor, but like " padre" that it orders and it commands. The essential principles have been trastocados and no longer we worked deriving from them, now we acted on the parameters of the regime. So that if we transferred to policy terms present the word " colaboracionistas" , they are it what doubts fits those that have adopted the habits and behaviors of those who their adversaries consider. That is to say, in this lamentable country of today the social body copied the signs of the invader born from its own sine. It is possible to change the human subjectivity, for or or evil, and to change it towards some values than it has been the venezolanidad, the more the sum of cease of the egoism, of the implantation of social solidarity and of the abandonment of old theories like of trasnochadas theories, the multiplication of the voice of intelligence today induced sleep and thrown in a hammock is necessary. For example, the habit of the growth has been changed by the habit of the survival. The habit of the tolerance has been changed by the habit of the aggression.

The habit of not surrendering has been changed by the habit to orate offensive words and to announce violence. It is obvious that the conformation of habits and behaviors depends as much on the outside as of the interior. We know it to the outside in all tares, but the interior is shown a deep psychological fragility to us, a lack of densidad, a total vulnerability, an impressive lack of consistency in the Venezuelan prototype. Without a propitious inner world not internalizara the despicable outer world. Nor one would take place east circle of people with the new habits and behaviors constituting itself in the devaluated society. Consequently, it is necessary to explain and to introduce a new idea.

September Title

It is not necessary to have nothing fixed beforehand in the mind, of that way, we will even be able to observe other phenomena, like extensions of fingers, or zones of the hand where the aureole or fog has different thicknesses. Everything what we are perceiving and visualizing, we will have to take it like something natural, since he is instinctive in the human being, but who only in the childhood, we are able to remember, forgetting it when arriving at the adult age. For that reason, if in the first times we were not able to visualize the dawn, we do not have to be hopeless and if we really wished to visualize the dawn, with the practice we will obtain, it. The color of the dawn through the numerologa Can be known the color of the dawn that we have, without being far-sighted, neither to use the Kirlian camera, nor to learn to visualize it through the exercises before described? Then apparently if, and that is possible according to the students of the numerology which following a simple system that we are going to detail, serious possible to know the color predominant the dawn, through the date of birth.