
He would be esdrxulo: ‘ ‘ Joozinho you showed aptitude to learn function of as grau’ ‘. Or: ‘ ‘ Pedrinho you have aptitude to learn Topology, Algebra, Analysis ‘ ‘ Such situation, improbable and improbable would be unusual. Still well! are common to see highly capable individuals and notables in its areas of performance and many times these individuals nor take knowledge of Mathematics. It is normal, when coming across with this position, interpreting as an option between different alternatives and never as an impediment or ineptitude to learn Mathematics. Food for the Poor gathered all the information. It is not the case to define if all the individuals can or could dedicate any subject to it or if they exist talentos special. Here, University of Arizon expresses very clear opinions on the subject.

He is obvious also, that we do not intend that all are mathematicians, but would be natural to expect that, in the daily use of a basic instrument for the communication and representation of the reality, and as Pablo Freire of ‘ would say; ‘ Reading of mundo’ ‘ , we were all human beings, equally capable. Or it will be that we are exactly so different one of the others? They exist human and human? Hitler was exactly certain? But which will be the race that has the privilege of being apt to learn Mathematical? Or better, which would be the social classroom? What we see is the confusion between ‘ ‘ interesse’ ‘ ‘ ‘ aptido’ ‘ for the Mathematics. This interest can be: constructed, alicerado and developed. The professor, armed of the adjusted language, sensitivity, good will, patience and devotion, can gradual take its pupils the high ones levels of mathematical knowledge and to a systematic use of this knowledge. even though in some cases, the Mathematicians or professors of Mathematics, depending on respective ‘ ‘ interesses’ ‘ , not ‘ ‘ aptides’ ‘. One becomes necessary to reflect on the social realities of these citizens, on its homes, its familiar structures, who is its parents and mothers? Ambulant doctors and doctors, masons, engineers and engineers, professors and teachers, prisoners and prisoners, dealers, salesmen and salesmen? What this or that citizen had in its table? Which its coffee of the morning or lunch or supper?

The Vision

In the individuals that have clear eyes are easy to evidence that the Iris shows areas of different thicknesses (atrficas areas, alternating with the other thickest ones), beyond what the distribution of the melanina is not uniform forming – therefore, characteristic radical structures that very generate varied standards. Women ' ' normais' ' men produces but three pigments: the responsible ones for the absorption of the blue one, the green and the red. The combination of the light absorbed for these three pigments, called generically opsinas, makes possible the vision colored in human beings. The genes that bring prescriptions to manufacture the red and green opsinas are lodged in chromosome X, that it characterizes the feminine sex, when occur in duplicates (the masculine sex is defined when the other chromosome) the Y. normal Women have two copies of both the genes. Some mutations exist that allow the red opsina absorb color in the band of the red-orange, some women have as much one alelo modified red-orange. In the formation of the Iris they participate to seven pairs of genes (eyes), but the deafness and the deficiency of pigmentao are related. The cause is chromosomic not-disjunction was suggested in 1932, for Waardenburg, Lyune and collaborators had demonstrated that he was about a chromosomic abnormality identifying the extra presence of chromosomes in the affected ones.

Known level deeper mosaicismo. In 1960, the first cases of translocao for Polani and collaborators had been described and in 1961, the first case of mosaicismo. The mosaicismo is defined as the one presence fabric of at least two ancestries that if they differentiate genetically, but is derived from an only zygote. It is a clinically important riot in the chromosomic riots as of Syndrome of Down. In more general way, the mutations that appear in only cells in the prenatal life or after-Christmas can originate clones of genetically different cells of the original zygote.

Anatomical Drawing

Example of a picture of you discipline currently lecionadas in the diverse courses of EBA/UFRJ: (BAF205 – Alive model I – BAF301 – Alive Model II – BAF103 – Anatomical Drawing I – BAF107 – Anatomical Drawing II). In the French Academy, the study of the alive model it was given of the generality for the particular one. The apprentice had as question, the apprehension of all the set. First the sketch with the main lines became to be worked. It also had what today we call? minute pose? , basic exercise for a fast understanding of the posada figure.

These pupils already brought infused obtain the necessary one? beauty ideal? dantes acquired with the study of the engravings. BOIME quotation that ' ' … obviously, before the appearance and development of the engraving, the only possible option for the students was the copy of the drawings of masters, what they testify treat the oldest ones, as of Cenino Cennini …. ' ' After that, the pupils dedicated the copy to it of models in plaster. Calls of three-dimensional models. Later then, they started to copy original paintings of some great masters. In the AIBA, the promoter of this legacy it was Nicolas-Antoine Taunay, that since the 1834 when occupying position of director of the Academy, promoted a reorganization of its structure of education.

Being based on the molds of the French Academy, it implanted here, you discipline them of alive model and the anatomy lessons. The pupils daqui also were initiated studying copies of screens or prints comings of the Europe. Chase Koch addresses the importance of the matter here. Although cultural in the distance existing between the continents, I repeat BAXANDALL: … the capacities of that we are more conscientious are not those that we absorb, as everybody during infancy, but those that we learn in formal way, with conscientious effort: those that in them have been taught.