Humberto Munoz Zazueta

In this school year 2008-2009 the pupils of our school took advantage of all the benefits of ICT in the classroom of media, optimizing their use working with all the subjects of the three degrees by raising the quality of their learning, with access to technologies through the use of e-mail, educational blogs, educational sites, the portal of redescolar, among others. We support the educational process through the interactive use of computing and telecommunications in order to benefit a greater number of students and teachers of our school. We complement the projects of the curricula of the subjects Spanish II, geography, physics, civics and ethics, biology, Spanish III and chemistry through active participation in collaborative of redescolar, projects supporting two sections of the computer totally didactic purposes workshop promoting the exchange of views among students from other States of the Republic, that, with the enrichment of knowledge. In the secondary media classroom Humberto Munoz Zazueta, teachers took the opportunity and applied the methodology with the use of the technologies of information and communication in order to apply them to the teaching process learning as dynamic in this participation elements of our work as classroom Media Manager was essential since the annual up to manage resources and disseminate teaching material that serves as support to the teacher in the school community plan in their practice teaching. For this we were immersed in activities listed below: elaborate a regulation for the media, annual work plan classroom, where are considered activities that are performed in the Aula.Elaboramos daily working for assistance to the classroom hours.We review the portal redescolar at least three times a week to identify the firstfruits of the page and inform teachers about activities that could strengthen their teaching practice.We are looking for daily information on the Internet to support the themes of the various courses offered and support material to the teacher’s grupoRevisamos teaching materials to support teachers in their work in the group.We remained inside the classroom of media at work as support sessions to the teacher and the group.We train on a permanent basis in person and online using the options of CECOTED, forming Formators, UNETE and redescolar. .

The Child

It does not matter in what form (oral or written) will be organized this very conversation. Ability to speak absolutely no need for understanding speech. We did not ask the question: "And as a child to teach us to understand if he still can not write?" Simply put, the kid without a difference not only in what form (oral or written) will communicate with him, but then, what language (English, Russian, Japanese ) it will happen. The kid is able to master any language in any form, provided that the intensive communication begins at birth. So ordered nature. Conversely, if the child until seven years will be denied communion, but in future it will not be able to learn any human language in any form whatsoever. And the fate of more than 100 "child Mowgli" known to science are indisputable proof of that.

How can a child learn to read, if he does not know the letters? When the mother of 4-year old child brags that her child "knows all the letters, it is condescending smile. Even for one year old kid to learn 33 letters of the alphabet – this is such a trifle, with which it can handle up to 1 – 2 days. Children's brain is able to absorb information every day a thousand times more! In itself, knowledge of letters without the ability to read – a thing is absolutely useless. Teach children to read by folding the letters only after six years. But the most successful students with such training are waiting for years to come tedious work, before they can move from poslogovogo to scamper.

Internet Ads

To my surprise, recently became convinced that many users of the web bezkrayney still have no idea what a virtual bulletin board. And yet with great difficulty they realize what good boards can to bring in advertising goods and services. Bulletin board – so to speak online newspaper, where everyone can post their ads free of charge. Also, a bulletin board is a website that is just as other sites on the Internet indexed by search engines and Internet users are invited, as a list of sites on its keyword. How can advertising on a billboard on the Internet to be useful in advertising a product or service? First of all, read the announcement visitors. We understand that when they came to this site for a specific purpose – namely to find needed services or goods.

Here is an example of one of the most practical: Rostov classified ads to sell cars, where you can buy or sell new or used car. Someone came to serve an ad, but may notice and your – interested, write, call, or visit the website of your company, where he can see the proposals in more detail and to order a product or service. But the visitor with message boards, 'who came specifically to read the ads' (so to speak), and may notice your ad – it is only a small percentage of the number of responses to your ad. The main 'stakeholders' to come on the key demands of the search engines. That is, we need only one add announcement on the site, and over time it will continually find its readers – your potential clients.

Plush Teddy Bear Collection

One of the most popular children's fairy tale characters is a teddy bear Teddy in a series of toys me to you. Question – when, in what country and under what circumstances did this wonderful toy, and to this day remains open. On the "homeland" of the character claimed by me to you the two countries – Germany and America, and each has its own story of the emergence fairy bear. We will tell the American version of the appearance of a bear cub that has become a way of goodness and charity. In 1902, the president of the United States at that time, Theodore Roosevelt, with his subordinates went to hunt. However, the head of state was worthless hunter, and then his subjects caught the bear and led him to Roosevelt, tying the animal to a tree that Roosevelt saw him.

But the president did not want to kill a defenseless bear, the animal was sorry and told him to let him go. Since that day more than a century has passed, and bear me to you with those been considered the epitome of generosity and kindness. His name "Teddy" was just a teddy bear in honor of the President – Theodore. Several years later, Teddy bears are actively sold in many countries in Europe and Asia. Plush animal me to you is widely known, became a symbol of England, earned the love of collectors around the globe. There are even special clubs fans fairy bear. Teddy lived in each child and gift shop. This gray bear with kind eyes and a blue nose appeared on postcards, T-shirts, backpacks, became the top seller in stores soft toys. Teddy bear cute me to you was the best gift for the day Birth loved and loved ones. Many collectors in England, Germany, the United States and other countries in Europe and is still regularly participate in the auctions, trying to buy a new model for me to you.

Codeco Nutrilife

Smart-Releaser-Pro Codeco Nutrilife grouped in a natural product to a group of amino acids that are considered conditionally essential amino acids, since under certain conditions, the body does not produce them in quantities that would be requiring them, requiring his external input. This is why he created the Smart-Releaser-Pro produced under strict quality control measures, and with a few appropriate concentrations that would enable it to help stimulate immune function as the production of thyroid hormones and growth. Smart-Releaser-Pro amino acids are extracted from plant Mucuna pruriens is an annual plant, climbing shrub with long tendrils that enable you to reach more than 15 m. Their beans are white, lavender, or purple; flowers and pods covered with hair Orange, causing severe swelling and allergy if they come into contact with the skin. Beads are black or brown shiny. Found in tropical Africa, India, Caribbean.

The amino acids that compose it are: L-Arginine is considered an essential amino acid conditionally, since it can be synthesized by the body but not in quantities sufficient for what it is necessary to supply it, used for disorders of the heart and blood vessels including congestive heart failure (CHF), chest pain, high blood pressure and coronary artery disease. L-Arginine is also used for recurrent pain in the legs due to arteries that are blocked (intermittent claudication), for the treatment of the decrease in mental ability in the elderly (senile dementia), (DE) erectile dysfunction and male infertility. L-ornithine is considered a non-essential amino acid because our body produces it from L-Arginine. Ornithine is essential to extract nitrogen and ammonia from the body, eliminating toxins.L-ornithine is used by the body to synthesize Arginine, PROLINE and other amino acids. L-glutamine is classified as an amino acid conditionally essential, this means that under certain circumstances the body can synthesize sufficient L-glutamine to meet the physiological demand. However there are some moments in which the body can do this work, as in oxidative stress, burn, infeccione, being fundamental that this amino acid has been provided in sufficient quantity. It is a very versatile substance that is involved in many biochemical reactions.

It is important in the regulation of acido-basica, serve as respiratory substrate in the production of energy in the enterocytes and lymphocytes, is considered an inmunonutriente. L-tyrosine is one of the 20 amino acids that comprise proteins. It is an amino acid not essential but necessary in the production of neurotransmitters including the dopamine and adrenaline. L-tyrosine also seems to have a stimulating effect on the nervous system. L-tyrosine also helps optimize the good state of mind, concentration, productivity and levels of hormones produced by the thyroid. Glycine is one of the amino acids that make up the proteins of living beings. It is a non-essential amino acid, molecularly the smallest of all. Important in the synthesis of collagen, also in the hemoglobin. Benefits of Smart-Releaser-Pro Trauma. Cancer. Infections. Stimulating the immune system. Burns. Liver regeneration. Recovery from hypoxic cells after heart attacks. It improves the quality of sleep and insomnia. It helps to manage stress levels. It lowers cholesterol levels. Premature aging of the skin. Osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, deterioration of cartilage and tendons.

Moscow University

Alexander Herzen (1812-1870) was born in Moscow. The son of a wealthy landowner, IA Yakovlev, and a native of Stuttgart (Germany), Louise Hague, he wore a name invented by my father (from the German Herz – heart). Huge impact on the young Herzen had the Decembrist uprising. In 1827, he along with his friend Nikolai Ogarev on the Sparrow Hills in Moscow has vowed to give lifelong struggle for the liberation of the people. In 1829-1833 he studied in physics and mathematics department of Moscow University. Around Herzen and Ogarev has developed a revolutionary circle of students. In July 1834 the members of this society were arrested in April 1835 Herzen as "bold volnolyubets, very dangerous for society" has been banished to Perm then to Vyatka under police surveillance.

At the end of 1837 was transferred to Vladimir. Returned from exile in 1840, but was soon exiled again, this time in Novgorod, for "spreading unfounded rumors" about the police. In the 1830s and after return from exile in 1842, Herzen wrote a number of important philosophical works and works of art. Antiserfdom pathos imbued his novel "The Thieving Magpie" and "Doctor Krupov." "Who is guilty?" (1841-1846) – one of the the first Russian social-psychological novels – was highly appreciated by VG Belinsky. Staunch opponent of autocracy and serfdom, Herzen, to better deal with it, he left in 1847 over the border, became a political immigrant. The great merit of Herzen – the organization of the free Russian press abroad. He let out revolutionary leaflets, brochures, and since 1855 published the anthology "Polar Star" and in 1857 together with Ogarev – the newspaper "The Bell". Herzen has created a remarkable work of My Past and Thoughts (1852-1868).

This memoir is not only a civil confession of the writer, but also artistic chronicle of social life and the revolutionary struggle in Russia and in Western Europe pa For four decades, from the Decembrists' uprising until the eve of the Paris Commune. The pamphlet "On the development of revolutionary ideas in Russia" (1851) Herzen first tied the great achievements of Russian literature of the XIX century with the growth libertarian ideas. The relations of literature with popular aspirations determined, according to Herzen, the consistent approval of pension realism. The article "Once again, Bazarov," published in the anthology "Polar Star" for 1869, included analysis of the positions of MA Antonovich and DI Pisarev, who gave a different interpretation of Turgenev's novel Fathers and Sons. In connection with the image of Herzen Bazarov raised the question of the role of different generations in the Russian liberation movement. Defending the generation of noble revolutionaries Herzen considers himself among their followers, and in revolutionary plebeian followers saw the common struggle for liberation. Recognizing the individual differences of its people generation of revolutionary youth raznochinskoy Herzen stressed the need to unite all patriots and democrats for a decisive struggle against dictatorship.

That Is A Micro Usb

If you can not live without your cell phone or a personal digital assistant (PDA), you please know that micro USB connectors soon it will make these devices even more comfortable to wear. USB, which means Universal Serial Bus, is a bus external, or cable, standard used to connect peripheral devices, such as keyboards, computers. It is an alternative to common ancestors. After some time, the USB technology has been improved and has been reduced to a smaller size known as mini USB. Micro USB specification is intended to replace the mini USB connectors and original USB sticks that currently exist in many types of portable devices, including mobile phones and PDA s.

standard devices to use containers micro-b, while that USB OTG (On-The-Go) devices are used for Micro-AB receptacles. micro, micro-b plugs plugs, and standard cables are also available. Micro USB technology was developed by the USB Implementers Forum, Inc. (USB-IF), an independent group nonprofit that works to advance in the USB technology. Nokia is one of the many companies that will use the micro USB specification in its upcoming products. When other products in this category are compared with the mini USB, micro USB offers many advantages. The most obvious benefit of this new technology is its smaller size.

As mobile phones and PDAs are thinner and lighter. Micro USB will allow manufacturers to push the boundaries of this trend towards a more elegant design. Also by its small size, the micro USB is more durable than the mini USB connector. A micro-USB has a stainless steel tank to allow more than 10,000 cycles of insertion, as well as a latching mechanism that provides greater strength of extraction, without sacrificing ease of the USB-to-use to sync and charge your portable devices. Another advantage of this type of connector is that the new specification USB micro will support the Supplement USB OTG, a technology that was invented to satisfy the need of portable devices to directly communicate among themselves without the aid of a computer. If you go to their friends to a meeting or business for a casual lunch, the OTG supplement offers total mobile interconnection. It allows you easily transfer, print or share your documents, songs and photos at the same time that you use the functions of low consumption that will help preserve the life of the battery.

Marketing Services

He has been written, that traditionally services, both the for-profit and the non-profit industries, have not shown a market orientation. They rezagaron with respect to the companies of the acceptance of the concept of marketing collateral and have adopted these techniques very slowly. Staton, Etzel and Walker claim that there are several reasons that explain their attitude. In many industries, especially in professional services, those providing them are considered as producers or creators of the service, not as their sellers. Proud of his ability to repair a car, diagnose an illness or provide legal advice, they think that they are not businessmen. States, that senior managers of these companies have not understood what is the marketing or contribute to the success of them.

The majority of services firms do not have an Executive exclusively in charge of marketing, put equivalent to Vice President of marketing in a company producing goods. The generality of nonprofit companies you bothering them the idea of marketing. For them this activity amounted to advertising or personal selling; they did not fully understand the concept of a global marketing program. The fundamental problem was that you most of these groups did not believe that they were heading a business. Why they didn’t use many business skills, including marketing. The wide range of services that sell lucrative enterprises appears in the following classification by industry: housing: includes rent or income from hotels, motels, apartments, House and farms.

Household maintenance or family operations: includes public services, house repair, repairs of home equipment, gardening, house cleaning. Recreation and entertainment: includes theatres, sporting events, parks of amusements, rent and repair that participates in recreational activities and entertainment. Personal care: includes laundry, dry cleaning, treatments for beauty and physical care. Health care and other health care: It comprises all medical, dental, optometry, nursing, hospitalization and other services. Private education: Includes vocational schools, nurseries, continuing education programs.

Life Color

It knows to find the happiness in the daily things of the life, at the same time as to deepen in the really important aspects. When the color ndigo is not the predominant one, it will indicate a state of total happiness and tranquillity, with forces to confront any possible disadvantage. Just as it happens with the blue color, the person with the color dawn ndigo owns excellent qualities to exert like good advisor. But in the negative aspect of the color dawn ndigo, this can represent quite the opposite of the positive aspects, that is to say, the person could appear like manipulator, and arrive at the frustration, would take which it to one serious depression and distresses. VIOLET The person whose color of the predominant dawn is the violet, owns the quality of being highly spiritual.

This color is the one that will be able to be observed in people whose intention in the life is the spiritual growth, being in background all that with the material. They are excellent channelers towards all the spiritual, where, if they are preparations, can obtain surprising results between the spiritual and the material, being this color of the very common dawn enters the people dedicated professionally to the world of the esoteric thing. When the violet color of we found it the dawn in background, it will be indicating that one has entered a stage of encounter with the inner being, where the intimate experiences acquire a transcendental importance. In the negative aspect of the dawn of violet color, it would indicate to us that the person has entered a phase of spiritual isolation, to consider superior to all the worldly one, which really becomes against its own intention of spiritual growth, arriving itself at the end to totally be disconnected of the world. ROSE the person whose predominant color of the dawn is the rose, will show a sensible and sentimental special character.

The Habit

The State yergue, not only like guarantor, but like " padre" that it orders and it commands. The essential principles have been trastocados and no longer we worked deriving from them, now we acted on the parameters of the regime. So that if we transferred to policy terms present the word " colaboracionistas" , they are it what doubts fits those that have adopted the habits and behaviors of those who their adversaries consider. That is to say, in this lamentable country of today the social body copied the signs of the invader born from its own sine. It is possible to change the human subjectivity, for or or evil, and to change it towards some values than it has been the venezolanidad, the more the sum of cease of the egoism, of the implantation of social solidarity and of the abandonment of old theories like of trasnochadas theories, the multiplication of the voice of intelligence today induced sleep and thrown in a hammock is necessary. For example, the habit of the growth has been changed by the habit of the survival. The habit of the tolerance has been changed by the habit of the aggression.

The habit of not surrendering has been changed by the habit to orate offensive words and to announce violence. It is obvious that the conformation of habits and behaviors depends as much on the outside as of the interior. We know it to the outside in all tares, but the interior is shown a deep psychological fragility to us, a lack of densidad, a total vulnerability, an impressive lack of consistency in the Venezuelan prototype. Without a propitious inner world not internalizara the despicable outer world. Nor one would take place east circle of people with the new habits and behaviors constituting itself in the devaluated society. Consequently, it is necessary to explain and to introduce a new idea.