National Politics
Also they control the view of mounts of money for the entities that give services to the SUS with the accomplishment of the examinations of tracking of the cancer of breast and col of uterus, in a guarantee of transparency of expenses (OMS, 2006). (…) a set of practical that they aim at the promotion of the healthful childbirth and birth and the prevention of mortality materna and perinatal. These practical include the respect to the physiological process and the dynamics of each birth, in which the interventions must be careful, preventing the excesses and using criteriosamente the available technological resources. (OMS, 1996, P. 1) the necessity of the interaction with orientaes how much to the events, therefore in my study I will observe that the women searched to establish contact during childbirth work. ' ' However, its search of interaction is frustrated when it receives answers from incomplete form, authoritarian, full of double message, impersonal and distant, without satisfying its necessities (CARON and HISSES, 2002) ' '. The practical ones for the humanizao, proposals for the PHPN, rescue the possibility of empoderamento of the women, change in the played actions and the organization of the health services, for the naturalness, with prompt interventions, used when to prove necessary (TORNQUIST, 2002; TORNQUIST, 2003; ALMEIDA, 2005). The Pact for the Life counts on six priorities central offices: to implant the national politics of the elderly; to control the cancer of the col of the uterus and breast; to reduce infantile mortality materna and; to fortify the capacity of reply to the emergent illnesses and endemic diseases; to strengthen the primary attention in health; to institute the National Politics of Promotion of the Health. According to Paolino (2000) ' ' it relates that the nursing is a science can study, to practise, to dominate the techniques basic, but without the ideal, the charity, the determination of aid to our fellow creature hardly we will be good profissionais' '.