Gabriele Foundation

What have we done with our conventional agriculture natural landscape? One field after another in cost-effective consolidation. But the wild animals they are only seen rare times, where there have been rows of Hedges and trees disappear, just listening to the song of a bird, nor displayed any animal. About bare fields, where there is no protection, wild animals do not find a space for living and if in addition it to plants and soil chemistry, the animals simply lose their power supplies. But about ten years ago the international Gabriele Foundation began to make relive this agrarian desert. A German region of Lower Franconia on a deserted landscape were planting hedges, meter after meter, islands of trees reforested and stone biotopes and aquatic biotopes are created. Benjes hedge protect the reforestation and biological cultures and with the new hedges were also returning many animal species. And the result is: that only ten years later in lathe to farm Gut Terra Nova, a variety of unique species has recovered. In 2010 the international Gabriele Foundation did a count of the species found with excellent results and that surpass all expectations.

The birds that have nested and inhabit this nature reserve include 88 species of birds and 21 of them are on the endangered list.Isn’t this a treasure at Bavaria? points Professor Berthold, specialized ornithologist of the Max Blank University in Germany. And goes on to say: here are up to 27 Zarzeras! To find as many birds of that species have to travel at least half of Lake Constance, because hedges as that here there, no longer exist. This is really something exceptional! But also biologists and entomologists have discovered a variety of species.


Limits and its absence: is very common, above all in the young, the constant search, alternatives that allow them to escape to everything what can be interpreted as a limitation, is of the nature that was, for many of those who swim in the sea of ignorance, the true freedom lies in living beyond the reach of any rule that, even try to, put some brake, to their most pressing desire to be able to enjoy unrestricted freedom. Now, we make an effort to understand, what is, what is really happening in each one of the countless constellations, that give life and meaning to this so plagued universe of competing interests as it is without a doubt the complex world of human relations. In our day, we can say, that have taken significant steps, as regards human rights, much has legislated on this issue, although this does not mean that mere rules of law, has resulted in compliance with what the law determines on the subject, especially in the protection of the weak, as it is the case of women and children, domestic violence, gender, and all types of violations to which minorities are exposed. Every day, the pages of newspapers and television news programs, we put in evidence of how far we are to eradicate this affront, real spit in the face, a society, which contemplates, stunned, as, like blinded insects, his sons maim it and die, no other reason, than the simple irrationality of their acts. Everything seems to indicate that man habitat is under threat from the man himself, which is demonstrating, despite the high degrees of evolution achieved, in the field of science, technology, and communications, to name a few, is incapable of transmitting values essential to their offspring, which grow insensitive to the real needs of its own species, transmuting the harmonic sense of solidarity-based coexistence, by the constant search for the submission of one over the other, as if the Foundation inherited by centuries of civilization, seem an ancient and archaic ballast, which is should be freed as soon as possible.

Interior Design. Professional Tips

Interior Design Interior Design is required in order to make your home not only beautiful, but comfortable, realizing at the same time in the life of all representations of beauty and comfort, you may have, but not implemented due to lack of experience in this matter, or a fuzzy notion of how to translate dreams into reality. The interior design is based on the designs, which tend to develop people who have not only taste good, but specially trained. It should be noted that interior design can have its own distinctive characteristic manner of work of a specialist. For this reason, before ordering the project interior design, you should pay attention to the designer, which he carried out earlier. Contract for the development of interior design can be used only if the manner of the chosen specialist you completely satisfied. Typically, interior design develops a representative of the construction organization with which you plan to enter into a contract to conduct repairs. Work on the design project can be divided into several stages. First of all, the designer inspects the premises, collects information about the purpose of a room, as well as about who will carry them most of the time.

Design the interior is designed to make your home comfortable for all its inhabitants, which means you need to know all the basic habits, basic lessons and traits residents of your home. , Followed by a preliminary project indicating all building materials, whose use is planned for its implementation. At this stage the most important and crucial moment in agreement with the owner of the design project apartment. Thus it is necessary not only all to consider carefully, but to find errors that need to be addressed before the repair work. A design project in order and easy to use that to work properly with it need not be endless alterations. The preliminary draft can be changed forever, it is much easier and cheaper than trying to change the course of finishing works and does not alter the design you like the interior on the last, final stage repair. Your chosen interior design should not only take into account the habits and interests of all residents of your home, but must come to their liking. The implementation of your favorite interior design can be control, using the compiled project.

Relevant Directories

We can send our data and if they are not found interesting or relevant to the directory in question, they may be rejected. We can obviously send our data again, but in that case let’s which could have been the cause of the rejection. Currently on the internet there are thousands of search engines with one and other, but don’t panic!, will not need to send your data to each one of them. 85% Of the traffic generated by searches in this kind of tools are concentrated in less than 5% of search engines!. If a few seekers dominate widely and are mainly towards those who should we dump our major effort. Search engines most important market are: Yahoo! Google Terra-Lycos Altavista Overture HotBot Excite MSN Direct Hit Open Directory AOL Netfind assumes that these search engines are mostly in English, but its use is so widespread in the Spanish-speaking world that many of them already have local versions in Spanish. You can also find resources in any language by simply entering words or phrases in our own language no matter what! Once these fundamentals are known we must begin to prepare our website so that it is successfully taken into account. So as we mentioned earlier, we must follow certain rules.

Here we will briefly see the functioning of search engines. If you would like the search engine work? This type of search engines run periodically (and automatically) through internet in search of new web sites, we must understand that this is not a service for those who promote, these companies work mainly for the user looking for that is who comes to the site regularly and not the owners of web sites. To also achieve income by the promoter of the web, most search engines have included in recent times payment options for those wishing to appear in first positions and even some have tried to take the road of listing only those who paid for it.


You know the scenario, but if you're a doll, which the lead. Do not stop, do not turn It is impossible to say who is to blame. We fight, boring us live in peace. Specially created a situation for quarrels. It is surprising that during an argument, we really only hear yourself! We throws anger that kopim inside.

A second person allows us to do it! Yes, it authorizes. Quarrel – a performance of two actors. And each plays a major role, but does not understand this! In any case, I am not guilty, and another! How can I get it nitpicking! She is not happy all the time! Wants to focus on myself as I tired He did not pay attention to me, perhaps, today, sex is not We so appreciate himself, so cherish themselves, that we do not even have thoughts that other people also appreciate themselves. We are always offended by something the other does not see we are what we see ourselves. We look at the world and others through the prism of their own beliefs and scenarios, and we do not know, that others also have their own world. And this world does not have to revolve around us. – Do you love me? (I know not!) – I love you. (Begins Again!) – And why you telling me this so rarely speak? (Just find yourself another!) – Honey Do not start! (Nachalos!) Everyone gets what he wants.

We disagree, because I was tired to be correct, do not want to look for new solutions. We get used to each other, and we no longer need to build relationships. We sought reciprocity, and when achieved, it seems that they no longer need to exert effort. And love is a flower that should be watered two or he dies. – You love me? – More than anyone in the world! (Tseluet.) – Why do you so rarely telling me this? (Smiling) – I do not have enough words to express how much! And I'm afraid of being banal. Sorry. – And forgive me

Communication Act

Formulating Debate Nowadays in my dear mother country Ecuador lives an intense debate on the approval on a new Communication Act some we think that it is a right exit to the mediocrity and corruption of the press but there are others are very few and that respond only to economic interests generally that think that this is going to be a law jaw. Apparently the journalists at the moment do not realize of which to speak of but several problems at national level can be generated the law does not look for the control inpositorio of the contents, rather what looks for is to give responsibility to the signaller than is saying, so that obvious bad it has not understood and mainly that everything appears with tests what the emitter denounces since in this country the signallers have dedicated themselves to parcializar their content or by economic or political interests. Another one escusa that puts mass media is that the law which looks for is to alienate the thought of people which I can respond to this is that is theoretical and practically impossible with the implantation of a new one Communication Act so that the human mind is an own world of each person and every one must right to think and to express its thought with responsibility to this is called freedom to him of expression something that some journalists or forgot or they studied never it because the truth is that the great majority not even has a title of journalism and communication. With this I mean to the citizenship that takes a little but from protagonism in this debate and only discuss with responsibility this in its houses districts and to other as well as some we do it people by love to our country. With love to the revolution Jorge E. Wool C..


Leaders need to develop communication as a fundamental competence in the exercise of his role. The success of his leadership depends on your ability to communicate effectively. The development by the leader of the competence of communication will allow you to improve your ability to connect with the people, effectively share their ideas, plans and vision, give instructions and define expectations in clear and precise, way to ignite the passion in the heart of collaborators, influence and organize meanings shared in the Organization andthus aligning people to a shared vision. Given leadership roles which the leader plays in the Organization, it needs to dominate some communicational roles that contribute to its effectiveness in the conduct of the company or institution. These communication roles we can group them into four essential functions: the leader is the forger and Communicator of vision: vision is a fundamental trait of leadership.

The leader is the forger of the vision for excellence. But if the vision is not communicated effectively remains trapped in the borders of the leader, and loses its function directional and inspiring. The leader needs to convey a clear, coherent and credible vision. That the members of an organization share a vision, take responsibility and commit to it, depends on the effectiveness with which it is communicated. How they communicate visions effectively? Do you get that people line up around the fundamental objectives of the Organization? How communicates the vision by way of inspiring people, in order to generate actions that lead to their achievement? How are called upon resources emotional and spiritual people, their values and commitment, in order to produce identification with the vision of the Organization? The answers to these questions have in the ability of the leader to effectively communicate the vision to the rest of the organization. The leader is fundamental organization spokesman: the leader has the responsibility of favorably influencing opinion and image of the Organization, both in the team of the Organization itself and outside it, to attract the required cooperation, favourable image and promote the exploitation of the opportunities in the environment.


Insignio presents an eMagazine with social functions which was eMagazine yesterday, today is SocialMag. Insignio corporate publishing presents a completely new medium allows companies and their target groups to communicate effectively. Bildstark and with social and multimedia elements to the SocialMag attracts even the most discerning reader from the reserve. Communication in all directions. “The Insignio team shows the advantages in a prerelease version: the own customer magazine selection” is incorporated in the SocialMag format. First implementations for customers are in work. With SocialMag, we aim at the heart of our readers and invite them to the dialog.

We are already looking forward to the first reactions,”says Christoph Elbern, Managing Director corporate publishing the Insignio group. The Insignio team combines the competencies editorial concept and technology. We know the issues of our customers and have developed the new format itself. Now, we develop solutions for this valuable new customer loyalty tool for customers. It is ideally suited for the communication with customers, employees, and distributors.” These features distinguish the SocialMag: extraordinary pictorial language: with impressive images, SocialMag clicks right in the heart of the target group: large, animated photo galleries, photo galleries and videos invite the reader to discover. The result is a completely new image and style. Optimally matched to virtually all digital channels.

Direct dialogue through social media: SocialMag opens up new channels of communication with selected target groups. Everywhere where it makes sense, invites the editor become active. So can, for example, comments, initiated a vote or provides recommendations on a particular topic. Readers can upload their own files and to provide to others. Can be used with mobile devices: SocialMag is not a native app! The magazine is shown in the browser. This has two advantages: the Publisher can update at any time and the user must provide no storage capacity. Sophisticated Staging, simple edit: Even if the SocialMag boasts a sophisticated magazine dramaturgy, the editorial staff is relatively easy and can be changed with just a few clicks. Thus updates or additions can be performed at any time. Agency and corporate communications to remotely create and edit pages. More information under:

Marco Hopp

Still, many policyholders decide to sign their contracts with the local consultants, who can provide information about the most important terms and conditions. What is a legitimate life insurance, annuities and disability insurance, if necessary, is however not necessary for traditional insurance contracts. These contracts require no long explanation, because they occur in any case, if a third person was injured. The private liability occurs here in the private sector, makes the horse liability, however, if the insured person horse caused an accident has. In these cases, the insurance will promptly clarify the cause of the accident and that the question of guilt. The fault clearly demonstrated, the amount directly to the party concerned will be transferred. Can, however, be pointed that the horse not to blame is, the insurance will repel the existing claims.

Because the horse liability insurance is easy to understand, nothing is to be against a degree on the Internet. Such contracts can be arranged online. In addition to the name and address of the owner also some important data about the horse shall be noted. With sending of the insurance application, then complete insurance protection exists. You should not sign however the contract first insurance, which receives front positions in the search engines. It is better to use a comparison site that compares the costs and scope of services of various policies. After entering the main data policyholders find out at a glance where a cheaper contract is possible. Also the amount of the sums of insured for persons, damage to property and pecuniary can be obtained.

To note, in these cases, there is always the height of excess. It ranges from 0 euro up to 200 euro, which must be taken over by the horse holder per insured event. High deductibles may reduce the monthly insurance premium, but provide high costs in the event of an emergency. Here each horse owners can decide for themselves which variant is requested and completed.

Future Obtained

It is precious little treasures, which can certainly offer a very high winning number. Collectors, who have committed themselves on coins, postage stamps, and also old clocks, perfectly good cards can exhibit in the future. After all, it is ensured that the different products at the current purchase will have still quite much value in the future. Especially collectors who have bent on old clocks, can get small profits, if they really have idea of their collectibles. Collectibles search and targeted use of collectibles can be found in different areas. Even at the flea market or in the Internet, foreign products can be obtained. The goods offer is for any person, who would like to save a little extra income.

It should be specialized on a range, in order then to be able to bid on collectibles. These are then of course keep at home for many years with him, and safe to store, so that they do not fade in their quality. After the retirement age has been reached and the time a clear piece of advanced is, may be trying to sell the stored products. The sale itself is especially easy if the purchased product was already old at the time of purchase several decades. Is not sure of course that some collectibles are still in demand. Coins, which are made of gold or silver, the rising prices but are a significant security that good amounts for the coins can be obtained. Gold prices of the past 100 years should be looked at is, to ensure that this really is a reliable and high-quality source, which can be used. Who would like to learn more about the pension and co of subject of will find under the following page helpful tips and news: