Ron Hubbard Human Rights

Scientologists involved on five continents, in cooperation with authorities and organisations, to make global implementation of human rights requires that the general public about human rights is settled on human rights education. To achieve this, churches and their members support Scientology around the world since 40 years programs that effectively raise the General awareness of human rights. Early on, during his research on the human mind and soul, the author, philanthropist and founder of Scientology emphasized religion L. Ron Hubbard, that spiritual freedom and enlightenment are virtually unattainable goals for people, which are denied the most basic rights. As a result he wrote a code of a Scientologist, in which he appealed to all members of the religion, truly humanitarian efforts in the field of human rights to support”. This he put on the Foundation for what today has become a global movement that is for human rights this earth uses, regardless of social status, origin or religious belief. Today Scientologists involved on five continents in cooperation with authorities and non-governmental organizations, in order to obtain a comprehensive awareness and implementation of the 1948 adopted Universal Declaration of human rights of the United Nations. The booklet human rights are what?”was made 2001 by the initiative, youth for human rights international.

It includes a fully illustrated version of all 30 human rights were described in very understandable especially for young readers. All 300,000 copies of this brochure are distributed in 17 languages from 310 YfHR groups in 70 countries annually. To make generally available the 30 human rights, Scientology church sponsored the production of 30 commercials that advertise for a product, but for social change. “This award-winning commercials 30 rights, 30 spots” were produced in 17 languages and in over 100 countries aired on CNN International, Sky News and the National Geographic Channel. In Germany, the promotional clip was no discrimination on the topic”among others the German sports television broadcast. The commercials will be shown in cinemas, shopping malls, sports stadiums, railway stations and in airports and used in lessons about human rights in schools, community centres and other educational institutions.

Freely according to the motto of the religion’s founder, L. Ron Hubbard human rights must, not be realized as fact as an idealistic dream”are the promotional clips from youth for human rights, as well as the film the story of human rights’ broadcast each year by several hundred television channels in dozens of countries, to ensure a wide awareness of human rights. So far, partnerships for the promotion of human rights were concluded with almost 1000 organizations and authorities in 80 countries. Through these partnerships, human rights organizations and Government agencies are on their behalf support to give impetus to communities and regions. In addition, more than 500,000 students about human rights were taught and worldwide have more than 12,000 schools the youth for human rights “- and bring human rights to life” curriculums introduced. Thanks to the support of the Scientology Church international educators can be obtained free of charge this. More information: contact details: press service of the Scientology Church Bayern e.V. public relations: UTA Ebrusheee Singh saheed InStr 12, 80802 Munich TEL. 089-38607-0, FAX.

Managing Director

Sales of carbon black increases particularly in Asia. China will soon export more soot than introduce. The automotive industry is the largest sales market for carbon black. “Above all in the manufacture of tyres, soot is important: in this application area, carbon black were used more than 7.8 million tons in 2011”, explains Oliver Kutsch, Managing Director of Ceresana. Developments in the automotive industry have a strong impact on the tire market and determine the usage of many rubber products.

On average, the carbon black manufacturer benefited from the positive development for vehicles over the past eight years. In addition to the newly produced vehicles, the total is another important influence: In 2010, the brand has been exceeded by 1 billion vehicles. Dominant market: Asia-Pacific the Asia-Pacific region will be strongest growth drivers for carbon black. Here, consumption and production market researchers expect an average increase of over 4.5% per year. The market is dominated by China, where more than 30% of all carbon blacks are used. In addition, this region in the future will become a major net exporter: while China imported more carbon black in the past, exports will weigh over due to the massive expansion of capacity in the next few years. Risk factor the price of the raw material cost and prices of carbon black are influenced to a large extent by the raw material costs and vary with fluctuating oil prices. The global increase of in oil prices of approximately $ 27 per barrel in 2003 to more than $108 in 2011 resulted in a significant increase in the rates: carbon black soared in almost 130% over the same period. Even with a weaker rise in production costs in the next few years, the pressure will increase on the margins of the carbon black manufacturer. The study in the near future: Chapter 1 provides a presentation and analysis of the global market for carbon black (soot) including forecasts until 2019.

Riester Pension

But not for resin just a few set 4 recipients and low-wage earners of employees today still only on the statutory pension. The concern that the pension later could be insufficient, is not unfounded. Germany is among the countries that suffer from an increased ageing. The challenge, as the pensions of future generations are to pay, belongs to the most important questions of policy. The Riester pension is one of the most successful forms of retirement savings since its launch in 2000. But how safe is the Riester pension, unemployment and for whom not worth it? With this Riester calculator learn more. Unemployment generally have not the necessary financial conditions for additional retirement protection. If the money anyway isn’t enough to pay for living expenses, it is rarely possible to save a bit.

Still, savings assets in the event of unemployment before must be used up before the right to unemployment benefit is. The Riester pension is not affected however. Who is inactive and Hartz IV request must, therefore does not need to fear that he must need saved capital of the Riester pension. However the person concerned, wonders what if someone by unemployment is no longer in the situation, to be able to pay their contributions for the Riester pension. However, the Riester pension has a decisive cloven foot, which can become a problem in the case of unemployment.

Who is unexpectedly out of work and also to retire again in employment relationship subject to social insurance is, loses may be but a major part of his paid money, at least indirectly. The reason for this is that the Riester pension like all other revenue with the statutory pensions or retirement basic backup will be charged. In this particular case, this may mean that the withdrawals of the Riester pension reduces the basic protection. This imbalance is also for low wage earners. Generally, it can be can be identified, that the Riester pension at a salary of 700 euros or less is a loss. For this reason, the Riester pension as supplementary pension only once for low income earners and ALG worth 2 receiver.

Dental Treatments

The care of patients with advanced implants the area around the tooth replacement is developed always more attractive during the last few years has significantly. Several hundreds of thousands of implants are implanted each year in Germany. What exactly does implantology? As soon as the teeth missing a tooth or a gap needs to be replaced, an implant is inserted at this point first in the jaw. This is a replacement for the natural tooth root. This treatment is a surgical procedure and requires following a longer healing time. This good cooperation is required urgently by the patient. In other words, he must run his mouth hygiene in a very thorough way and adjust his habits concerning smoking. The chances of healing in non-smokers are considerably higher than smokers.

About this aspect concerned therefore also in advance of treatment should worry. If the healing of the implant is successfully went after 2-3 months, one is in the appropriate location Superstructure with a Crown, a pier and a bridge construction, etc. set up. This treatment interval is thus the prosthetic part where the dentist or the Implantologist must work closely with a dental technician, together, to make a denture, which visually very similar looks to the natural dentition. This modern form of treatment is still in development. Also known as mini-implants in practice tested positive. They were originally developed as an interim solution and removed again after the healing. In the future they could due to their very small diameter in the bone just be drilled and screwed.

This minimally invasive procedure, the intervention for the patient is less stressful. The treatment and material costs remain a final aspect of all the promising high-tech. They are generally worth their price. With CAP and Crown, e.g. in the molar region, you can expect for a good implant costs up to 3.000,–. Takes over a small part of ever after Overall condition of their teeth or the care and previous provision your health insurance company. You pay still even the great rest. Or you have prepared and completed a dental insurance. Good and cheap fares can be now easily research in the Internet and also complete.


What is a CMS A Content Management System (CMS) allows you to edit the content of your website / homepage with a browser alone, ie without the need to install additional software. Web pages are stored internally in the so-called HTML, or more recently in XHTML format. This can be edited with a simple text editor, and in fact I have developed in 1995, my first website with Notepad. Later, there were specialized HTML editors such as Dreamweaver or Frontpage, which had to be purchased and installed. If you are a technical hobbyist and create their website from the ground to update itself and so you can use an HTML editor. If you want to worry only about the content and special applications such as a newsletter or a RSS news management system want, then you are better off with a CMS and a suitable solution provider. What CMS There are commercial CMS, you can buy and develop themselves, where you have no choice in the solution provider. Keep the hands off and put on an open source CMS.The best among them like Typo3 or Joomla are practically equal to the commercial. Both are very popular – there are 2 million German-language sites Typo3 and Joomla 1.7 million pages. There are a large number of solution providers, what you put in a fortunate position to change the partner, if you are not satisfied. Coordinated Typo3 TYPO3 is a popular open source CMS, its dissemination and development of the TYPO3 Association is. About 100 volunteers are working on the development and currently there is in addition to the core CMS hundreds of application modules. SME-DIR is a Typo3 based web site offering, which is aimed specifically at SMEs.

Brazilian Cities

This subject is very interesting, because, shows to the reality of the Brazilian cities front serious the climatic problems. The article considers a reflection on the subject and the subjects to be boarded are extensive, being able to have the contribution of all. The first question that I make is: the cities are prepared to face water excesses? Not. It was clearly this north-eastern perception, North, Sudeste and Santa Catarina in 2008 and 2009. We perceive that it does not have logistically, instruments of immediate aid in more than 90% of the Brazilian cities. When some mechanism of aid exists saw Defense Civil, almost always they lack material and human resources for efficient the operational application. I can affirm that the cities in the country are rare, that count on staff prepared for risk situations.

Without aid infrastructure, it is impossible to take care of a high volume of people in short space of time, they lack: instruments, canoes, small boats, tents, helicopters, vehicles, trucks of dragagem, amongst as much other necessary equipment in emergency situations. With the effect greenhouse, it has a trend of the tropical areas in the world to be more affected for the climate, exactly the regions poor of the planet, with bigger risk. I stand out the paper of true heroes of the volunteers of the Civil Defense spread by the country, but, I just do not find to at risk place the life of them due to resources. When I come across with this question I am to think about the victims of Santa Catarina and as much other cities of Brazil and the world that are suffering for the climatic effect. In the 131 catarinenses cities, I must stand out that the aid of the federal government arrived at the half of the affected cities.

Sociology Work

We cannot send text books because do not match programmes. We take into account profile and needs Center or target community: universal literature in Castilian; dictionaries and encyclopedias; manuals from disclosure: Sociology, politics, economics, law, pedagogy, methodology of language, literature, philosophy, psychology, universal history, universal geography, social assistance, anthropology, mathematics, physics, chemistry, geology, paleontology, Botany, zoology, medicine, technology, computer science; books of travel, music, art or film; children’s and youth literature. In these years, solidarity has sent more than half a million well selected books from among more than one million copies received. Without social volunteers of all ages, never we had failed to classify and distribute books that are donated for subsequent shipment by thematic fields and select books in bad condition for subsequent recycling. A work which strengthens also the ecological conscience of our work social. We also repair those books which have small defects and separate outdated or books with a profile not suitable for shipping. For years is a record for easy location and subsequent selection of the books that make up the shipment. Thanks to modern techniques, we have a computer record containing information relating to the content of each of the shipments.

None of this would be possible without participating in the collection of books in colleges, universities, and institutions as town halls, communities and newspapers that give us those who have already read. It is a task of social awareness that allows you to publicize educational problems of impoverished countries and educate others about the need to cooperate in development projects. The task of the volunteer person is not only a work for cultural purposes, but that branch out its implications in multiple fields of development, cooperation, values education and improving conditions, medium and long term, of the countries impoverished. Education is the strongest of all the values of the future, and the reading is one of the basic pillars of education.

The Taxi Business

Today's reality is waiting for the speedy adoption of the election and soon their implementation. This is required to ensure that the minimum time to use the greatest number of chances. And in order to not miss anything important, optimal solution to the problem – it is a challenge for taxis. Book a taxi in fact long ago was important detail of our reality, and the modern citizen just can not imagine a reality without this type of urban transport. Taxi – is the absence of long waiting times at bus stops, independent of direct interaction with the crowd and a large number of other benefits. Taxi service can take you to the most remote area of the city and necessary, may act as the incarnation of support, for example, when traveling to the countryside activities, when necessary, to behind the steering wheel remained teetotal driver. For this reason, for those who value free time Taxi Odintsovo – this is really the correct solution.

Because taxis are also characterized by excellent mechanical view of technology and its security. And besides, there can be no difficulty at all with parking, which is inevitable if you use your car. Leaving for business negotiations or located outside the city airport, you can not cope without a taxi service. An experienced driver quickly and with all kinds of facilities, without exception, will transport you to the the right place. The current one can not exist without such an order not to overcome the distance.

This could also apply to large settlements and small towns. Economy of the working time for those who prefer a taxi Krasnogorsk provides an opportunity to substantially increase the productivity of reality, to a considerable number of features that allows each of us to today's human society. Need quickly get to the conference in time to the airport or train station? In order that this problem did not get up in front of you, you only need to call a car taxi service. In this case, a taxi – it is also reasonable prices, which makes the taxi service more attractive to the most diverse people. Cheap taxi, which promptly appears to the right place and rapidly deliver the desired location – this customer service relevant time. In particular, for those who realize how many opportunities open to every man lives. And each of us to its reality could emerge productively, it is enough merely avail themselves of such opportunities. And in order to gain autonomy, which would have made it possible to take advantage of these opportunities need only use the taxi service. Stay active, be able to respond quickly to rapidly changing circumstances and to use all, without exception, providing the ability – is the path to success. A taxi service will contribute to you in like that.

Social Integration

Business planning is one of the key points at the start of a business, introducing himself out of the foundation upon which to build the future and the work of a young company. The stronger and solid foundation business, the less likely loss and disappointment from his creation. Correctly prepared business plan is a versatile instrument that can be used by you in the following areas: 1. Handout at meetings with prospective invetostorami 2. Create a business card of your company in the pages of the web 3. First encounter with your business with new staff. In considering the establishment and promotion of young companies can not ignore the participation in social sense. Past cases show us clearly that the owners of large patterns of thought enterprises are not limited to only the ideas of its own enrichment.

Vaccinating all young volunteer projects to consider and implement wherever possible the social orientation of their own business, we thus move to a completely different level of existence in modern society. Speaking about the introduction of innovative ideas in business, first of all we touch on their own social care orientation of the past, social innovation – the process of updating the spheres of human life in the reorganization of society (the system of governance, philanthropy, service, organization of the process). Thus we come to the idea what is truly motivating factor in a business environment – the availability and implementation of social programs that would have caused, including the basis for the relief of tax liabilities of the enterprise donor. This, of course, as Any initiative, similar measures may be faced with the distorted ways of implementation, or psevdomanipulyativnymi implants, covered plausible targets for tax benefits. We are facing a special need to advocating and supporting initiatives aimed at promoting ethical principles in business. You can not get involved in charity: it is the desire must come not from the obligations and the dictates of the natural soul.

Gabriele Foundation

What have we done with our conventional agriculture natural landscape? One field after another in cost-effective consolidation. But the wild animals they are only seen rare times, where there have been rows of Hedges and trees disappear, just listening to the song of a bird, nor displayed any animal. About bare fields, where there is no protection, wild animals do not find a space for living and if in addition it to plants and soil chemistry, the animals simply lose their power supplies. But about ten years ago the international Gabriele Foundation began to make relive this agrarian desert. A German region of Lower Franconia on a deserted landscape were planting hedges, meter after meter, islands of trees reforested and stone biotopes and aquatic biotopes are created. Benjes hedge protect the reforestation and biological cultures and with the new hedges were also returning many animal species. And the result is: that only ten years later in lathe to farm Gut Terra Nova, a variety of unique species has recovered. In 2010 the international Gabriele Foundation did a count of the species found with excellent results and that surpass all expectations.

The birds that have nested and inhabit this nature reserve include 88 species of birds and 21 of them are on the endangered list.Isn’t this a treasure at Bavaria? points Professor Berthold, specialized ornithologist of the Max Blank University in Germany. And goes on to say: here are up to 27 Zarzeras! To find as many birds of that species have to travel at least half of Lake Constance, because hedges as that here there, no longer exist. This is really something exceptional! But also biologists and entomologists have discovered a variety of species.