In one of its texts ' ' Analgicas' schools; ' , it shows the description of the use of technologies in classroom, since the electronic use of the penxs until arriving at iPod, 26 cellular or other devices. The text approaches a question intriguing ' ' on the other hand, it is stimulated acquisition of portable for the students. For another one, use is forbidden to it cellular them that the smashing majority them students already possui' ' (Vitorino Seixas, 2008). 27 Another tip of the educator is in post ' ' As to use telemvel in the room of aula' '. It recommends frum of voice ' ' How I uses CellPhones in Learning' '. In frum (in English), the professors share ' ' cases' ' of the use of cellular during activities in classroom. One of the most cited is of the use of the cellular one to record audio of dictated, quarrels, lessons, so that the pupil can study later. A Spaniard professor spoke of the importance of the audio writing of improving the capacity of the pupils to understand a language foreign, sharing sonorous archives of radio and interviews.
Other excessively applicatory professors like to use cellular and online to share the registers, as current Google is case of the site sites to keep information. 28, 29 Taking as base these experiences, is easy to understand that the Internet opened learning ways that we did not have before. Not being able the same one to be outside of the classrooms, Vitorino Seixas (2008) thus is located: Basically, the capacity to search in the way that never I could make. The capacity to be informed or of being able to be informed simultaneously where the things happen in the world, of what it happened in the world or of what happened has five a thousand years.