New Spirit Movement

Not only physicians discover the ingenious special edition of science of thought leadership as a free eBook on currently the previously unimagined power of thought, but also high-performance and top athletes use them. Even the NASA invested billions for years in their research. The power of thought is known to the mankind already for centuries, but until the new spirit movement dealt intensively with her. Unfortunately, this movement in Europe is only the very least known. “The brilliant free special edition of science of thought leadership devoted to the new spiritual author of Wallace Delois Wattles and his book the science of genius”. The original text from 1911 was freely translated from English, without scar but the meaning or the content. The science of genius”is purely pragmatic nature, which means that there is a simple anLeitung his readers how he can so do his thoughts, that he to transfrontier completely successful and lucky people will be.

His books have prompted many people to pass on this knowledge. “So they inspired, including the American bestsellerautorin Rhonda Byrne to their lavishly produced documentary hit the secret the secret” dating back to 2006 this film, which was quite fast over six million times mat DVD going also extremely pragmatic. “So it means: the advantages of electricity to use, you don’t need to understand exactly how the electricity now.” Called the law of attraction, also the law of resonance, panacea for every conceivable life situation should be carried on as a kind of without questioning it more precisely. Also the Erkenntnisse of the 21st century brain research remain completely outsIDE. But in particular the brain research has made huge progress in the last few years. It gewaltige billions be invested in brain research, where even the NASA with gewaltigen Participates in research projects. Also Hochleistungs and athletes benefit from the latest erkenntnissen of brain research in mental training.


As well as these there are too many examples showing how old ideas are obsolete. So our job is to become pioneers of paradigms, that way we can succeed and be always one step ahead of others. Many are asking, "So If I discover a new paradigm will fail?," The future is in the hands of those who discover the next paradigm? ", The answer is not and need not be the author of the new trends, just understand it is not necessary to be the forerunner of new ideas, just take advantage of them. Graham Bell was not the inventor of the telephone, but was the one that showed an opportunity and ran it, ie was not the precursor of the paradigm but the pioneer, did not invent the rules, but understand how to use them. Others ask, "With the uncertainty of the future, how it makes you a pioneer of paradigms to know that your idea is correct?" It's because it makes use of intuition, which is defined as the ability to make sound decisions with little information. For example, when we are driving by car to an unknown destination and decided to take a road that we believe will lead to a broader area known to be able to go home although we are not completely safe, and indeed it does, the decision to take that route little information was made with intuition.

No matter how good intuition, we will never have total certainty. And while the failure is a possibility, it be an obstacle, because in the long term, the gains outweigh the losses. But intuition alone is not a good item, it takes courage to carry it out.


By the way, he stops not to be unjust, it only constructed a square in the city, and with this workmanship, it obtained its re-election for commands of the executive, as well as its posterity in the politics in other elective offices. If somebody asked to which its workmanships, it freed: ' ' – That I to construct the square, that I painted the square, that I placed banks in the square, that I ordered to install orelhes in the square, that made for the square etc.' ' its workmanships gravitavam around that one ' ' beautiful praa' ' nothing more I was enough to believe the naivety of that people, but wise person – inside of me – that still the concepts and rules of the politics of &#039 were arraigados; ' cabresto' ' , of the coronelista system, the sponsorships This so visible age that in all the electoral periods the city turned one ' ' zona' ' (not that one of electoral meaning, you knows) Of the night for the day the preference research could ' ' surtar' ' , ' ' desnivelar' ' , ' ' declinar' ' , ' ' to invert plos' ' etc., depended only on the force motor of the change (' ' bufunfa' ' , ' ' carvo' ' , ' ' poivinha' ' (powder), ' ' Money' ' , grana, ' ' tutu' ' , ' ' make-me-rir' ' , ' ' dim-dim' ' etc.). To summarize, a candidate slept elect, dreaming to sit down in the chair of the Executive, and woke up crying in the bank of the square, without eira nor side, ' ' moral' ' to choose substitute of the vice-president of association of quarter. I believe that some interior of this ' ' Brasilzo' ' still it is thus, one baguna Therefore, let us remember in conscience politics of tomorrow It votes with respect and dignity. It votes in that one that really has commitment with the society, and not with its personal interests. My sincere souvenirs its conscience..

The Discovery

Always taking in account the tunning with the customer, placing it along with what it will go to occur in session and if it will be made use to follow or wants to change something. One works in set with the customer. It will have to be active in the process, therefore it is necessary persistence. For the work in group the structure of the individual one is not modified. Therefore, hardly the group will leave the focus of the definite work at the beginning. Even because the group already will possess an aiming of equality enters the gifts through the main complaint.

The work in group inside of the TCC will occur through the same procedures and techniques used in the individual attendance. The only difference is that, through the group, the customers will feel themselves more confident, therefore will be in a way who if are similar to its problems, since already transforming some beliefs disfuncionais regarding that with the others the things are better. Having as base the dialogue daily pay-socrtico, the group will learn, through its proper experiences, that each person who participates there will be facilitador. With the work in group one perceives that all the people assimilate one subject of differentiated form, that the speech of the other can assist in the understanding of itself and that the techniques proposals will be more fcies for ones e, for others, not. In such a way, the aid between the group will give to greater confidence so that the personal growth through a process is reached that involves the human being in its relations.

The work in group exactly emphasizes the discovery of itself through the others. One of the used techniques inside of the groups is ' ' task of casa' '. One is about a duty that the therapist will go to establish in set with the group so that she has the remodelling of the thought at that moment.

Positive Side Effect

Only the school press, many students is no longer enough. You want to build the Foundation of the language in the classroom, but in everyday directly apply what you learned. A normal language stay abroad does not suffice many students. You want to supplement the lessons with a volunteer or internship and thus equally provide a social service or gain work experience in an international environment. Only the school press, many students is no longer enough. You would can build the Foundation of the language while in the classroom, but in normal life situations directly apply what you learned. A volunteer work or internship abroad offers the ideal mix of language and culture. After a monthlong course at the school, the internship at a not-for-profit institution starts effective social missions.

These are mostly in social areas, in education, active in animal or environmental protection. Supervise the volunteers, for example, children in an orphanage in the voluntary work, care for animals, or help maintain a nature reserve. The projects are often located in Latin American countries such as Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica and Ecuador. There are also internships in Australia, Canada or South Africa. International work experience In the resume make good especially in the globalized economy of time spent abroad. Especially if you could collect first international work experience.

The BOA Lingua internship programs combine language courses with an internship in the United States, Canada, Australia, England or in France, Italy and Spain. Students can usually be at companies in various industries such as fashion, marketing, promote tourism or law. With the help and the good network of partner schools by BOA Lingua, a suitable company can be found within a very short time. Boa Lingua – work & study can you dive deep in the culture, is in close contact with the local population, can apply the foreign language daily and achieved great progress.

Magnetic Separator Development

Does BK Series Permanent Magnet Drum Separator BKY, BKC, BKJ, BKW, BKF? 5 models developed by the Beijing Mining Research Institute are respectively applied to pre-selected, roughing, Featured, dam re-election and anti-froth magnetic separation to obtain better technical indicators, and played an important role for the magnetic separation plant to increase production and economic benefits. in recent years, the maximum specifications CTB, is successfully developed? 1 200 mm x 4, 500 mm wet permanent magnet drum magnetic separator, magnetic corners is 127. Magnetic induction points constituency tube table the 180 350 mT treatment capacity of 200-320 t / h (dry ore), pulp processing capacity is 600 to 700 m3 / h. The permanent magnetic separator application of materials new header design developed by the Institute of BX new magnetic poles (8-pole, l2) system, magnetic corners (1400-155) large, the magnetic flux density (180 to 750 mT) rinse water high, dam overflow port high these characteristics, which is suitable for magnetic separation plant selected iron, non-ferrous metal ore concentrator strong magnetic minerals iron, blast furnace gas mud, sulfuric acid residue, industrial waste such as recycling of magnetic materials. The Chinese recently successful development of the separation column, the composite flashing selection of machines and magnetic screening machines and other weak magnetic field the magnetic re-election equipment is introduced in the 3.

5.7 Dry weak magnetic field magnetic separator includes two types of dry type, lump Owers incluye magnetic separator and dry cylinder separator. Lump Owers dry permanent magnetic separator collectively referred to as the magnetic pulley magnetic drum, in essence, there is a difference between these two. Lump Owers dry permanent magnetic separator magnetic drum and the permanent magnet drum magnetic separator magnetic drum water are basically the same structure, only the former magnetic wrap angle is larger than the latter. Magnetic system in the work itself does not move, but the simplified rotating around the magnetic system, the declination of the magnetic system free to adjust the ore in the Simplified magnetic roll phenomenon, so the magnetic mineral take-away easy, the separation indexes is good, the quality of equipment is lighter. Magnetic pulley magnetic system is 360. Angle, magnetic field empty area without magnetic roll, magnetic minerals easily enter into the magnetic pulley and belt, as a result, the failure is frequent, even tearing up the belt, and the sorting indicators result are not good. Sand making machine: mills:

Green Development

For a long time, the extensive industrial production mode has caused a great waste of resources and environmental damage. In recent years, as the problem of energy shortage has become increasingly prominent and the problem of environmental pollution has left a serious impact on the lives of people, low-carbon and environmental protection have become the world s common pursuit of economic growth mode. There is no exception with China. Especially after the 12th Five-Year Plan, the construction of a resource-saving and environmental-friendly society has become a society-wide consensus. Mining machinery industry, as the industry with larger energy consumption, should also do its best to reduce the energy consumption, achieving green development.After years of development, at present, China has become the big country of the production and consumption of mining machinery in the world.

The mining machinery industry have formed a large industrial scale and the annual output is increasing year by year. In addition to meet the needs of the domestic market, the mining equipment (cement plant) has also been exported to Africa, Latin America and other regions, having made outstanding contributions to China s economic growth.But another phenomenon should arouse the attention of the mining equipment (hammer crusher) industry in China. The high production of the mining equipment just has opened the market of underdeveloped regions such as Africa, Latin America and other regions in the international market, but for the Europe and America market, the field that the mining machinery of the world compete for, our mining machinery does not seem to produce a satisfactory report card.In fact, it is largely because that our mining machinery can not meet the demand of the U.S. and European markets for energy conservation. Energy waste of our mining machinery is not only reflected in the manufacturing process, but also reflected in the usage.

Compared with the products of developed countries in Europe and the United States, the products with high energy consumption in our country is not in line with the concept of low-carbon and environmental protection. Therefore, many domestic mining equipments (impact breaker) are shut out of the U.S. and European markets.Taking an overview of the international mining equipment market, the competitive focus of mining equipment is placed on the words of the low-carbon and environmental protection. If the domestic mining equipment industry does not put more efforts in the low carbon and environmental protection and improve the green content of the mining machinery, they will certainly be frustrated in the international market. Speeding up the transformation from from extensive mode to intensive mode helps to achieve sustainable development development production of China s mining machinery industry.

Video Surveillance System

CCTV systems are divided into simple and complex, multi-chamber, with different image processing. Simple CCTV systems are used for the primitive, momentary monitor the situation at the facility in real time scale. For sufficiently strong demands for control of the protected object in several zones apply multi-chamber system of surveillance, equipped, for example, multiple cameras, connected through the quad, multiplexer or video recorder for one or two video monitor. In such cases, use is usually up to 16 surveillance cameras, as more difficult to work a camera operator on monitoring the situation in each area of surveillance. The optimum observation of an 8-camera one operator. A simple surveillance system consists of two elements: the camera and video monitor connected a communication line to transmit the signal from the camera on a video monitor. Such a system is a basic element for video surveillance systems, video surveillance and video surveillance of any complexity. Video system can be colored or black & white (B / W).

The vast majority of applied color video. The most important characteristic of video is its resolving power, ie, the ability to display the finest detail. Ordinary resolution is 420 TV lines. The monitor should have a higher resolution, so as not to degrade the overall system resolution. It is advisable to choose a monitor with a resolution of 600-800 TV lines. The most important quality television systems for the protection of objects is the possibility of recording and documenting long-term surveillance of events occurring on protected objects. For this purpose, video on specialized recorders or other recording devices that can operate in continuous mode and recording mode on a regular schedule or event, with a mandatory record current time and date. Thus, systems of video – this is video surveillance systems with video have a great help the security services in an objective assessment of the situation at the facility, identifying control objects, as well as allow the quality of operators.


In the practical a distribution of products he is analyzed under different functional perspective for the technician of Logistic, a side, and for the staff of marketing and sales. The specialists in logistic of nominam physical distribution of products or resumidamente physical distribution the operational processes and of control that allows to transfer the products since the manufacture point until the point where the merchandise is finally delivers to the consumer. In general, this end point of the distribution> physics is the store retail, but she has many cases of delivery of product in the house of the consumer, situation this observed mainly with voluminous products heavy and/or. Thus, the responsible ones for the physical distribution operate specific elements, of predominantly material nature: deposit, vehicles of transport, load supplies, equipment and discharge, among others. (NOVAES, 2007p.123). 3. METHODOLOGY With intention to detail this research, was created a basic methodology that is structuralized in 5 stages (To see Figure 1). In the first stage it will be necessary to constitute a bibliographical referencial, through definitions of canals and the relation between them.

The second stage mentions the characterization to it of the company. Parallel the third stage aims at to the qualitative and quantitative research where it will become the survey of the type and the current conditions of the suppliment canals and distribution. Still in this section the boarding method will be of intensive direct comment where two techniques are carried through: the participant comment and the interview next to the competent members of the company, in order to get the same positioning of the front to the existing operational conditions. The fourth corresponding stage the analysis of the logistic net and the factors of logistic performance. Finally, the fifth stage will be of conclusive character, where the analysis of the gotten results will present of reduction of impacts favorable to the future expectations for optimum logistic flow in the company of this study.

The August Dogs Are For Summer

FROM the BALCONY of our Palm tree LOS PERROS of August are for the summer Felix M. Arencibia little by little Magec is spreading through our fields smells of summer, although accompanied with our silky trade winds that feeds your humidity the greenery of our vegetation. Summer is the season of dream, enjoy, love this in spite of the hard work that makes us the successive crises. When others, unfortunately, are forced to unemployment vacation that they are not the funniest, but we must not get caught by the depression, because that would be the last thing that could happen to us. Before drawing a smile than depressed, cristianitos! Imagine the season that awaits us, awash with light and dreams. It would be the best case scenario to enjoy reading that entertains us and invites us to reflection.

A book by Editorial Anaya, in his collection the volcano, just take a look as if it were a statuesque lizard willing to eating all the Sun that throw you. It’s dogs of August our writer Alexis Ravelo, who has recently presented to the public. It is a book primarily intended for readers teenage and young, although they may enjoy it until the jubilant and luxuriant older. It is written in black and detective novel format, but without heroes handsome and load to the 007. Alexis Ravelo, introduces us to his rambling fantasy world putting us ahead, as he does not want the thing: the corpse of a possible indigent, Andres Ortiz, and the appointment of businessman Gonzalo Santana Caralt as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Permucasa.

Both facts, seemingly disparate, are the Gordian knot that will develop its plot, that no trauma, that one may be necessary. Its protagonist, Gordo Castro, is a young geek, student of journalism and on practices of the template component of a digital newspaper that has survived thousand fiddling base. You can spare love handles, it has aspect a bit sloppy with syndrome of loser and victim becomes the improvised researcher who goes by pulling the different threads to retrace the plot Hank. August dog keeps our interest, entertains, amuses and with your droplets of humor makes appealing your reading. Values such as love for truth, justice, solidarity and citizenship complete their exposed literary talents. Forward, to enjoy your reading! Ah, accompany a coffee with milk with gofito like Castro! Well, it’s the gofito I’d say!