Fight Bacterium

Yogurt takes control of fermented milk and it adds to active bacteria cheers to him. She is one of healthful foods known for being a good source calcium and proteins, as well as other nutrients like the probiotic ones. All these are necessary to maintain our health and well-being. According to the most recent clinical studies in humans, a new type of yogurt exists that fights the Helicobacter plori, the bacterium that causes to the gastritis and the stomach ulcers. This new yogurt is original of Japan, and is praised by its unique approach to fight the ulcers. In the United States, approximately 25 million people have ulcers.

This yogurt is now available in Japan, Taiwan, and Korea. One announces that soon it will arrive at the United States. How the majority of the stomach ulcers Works Bacteri H. Plori are caused by bacterium H. plori, as well as by the excessive use of aspirins and NSAIDs (nonesteroideas anti-inflammatory drugs, by its abbreviations in English). Although the ulcers are commonly easy of to deal with the use about antibiotics and suppresors acids, many developing countries simply do not have access to options of treatment for the ulcers caused by bacterium H. plori. It is a new study, the investigators discovered that bacterium H plori seemed to depend on a called protein ureasa so that the bacterium adheres and infects to the cells in the cover of the stomach.

With base in this discovery, the investigators created a vaccine, injected chickens with ureasa, they hoped that the immunological system of the chickens created the antibodies for ureasa, and later collected the antibody of eggs. Next, the scientists gave him to eat to 42 people who had given positive for bacterium H. plori two cups or of yogurt simple or of yogurt with the antibody of ureasa by 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, that consumed yogurt fortified with the antibody of ureasa, they showed that its infection by bacterium H. plori had been finished. The acids of the stomach destroyed to antibody, but was not but until the antibody had worked fighting the bacterium. Even though yogurt is less effective to reduce to the levels of bacterium H. plori in comparison with antibiotics, still it is much more easy to take, since yogurt can be consumed every day and can become partly of the dietetic routine of the people.

Style Grand Marina

Enjoy a magical evening in an incomparable environment begin preparations for Christmas and new year, households and even the city change their appearance and look more warm, cheerful and full of nuances by the effect of the lights that convey the spirit of the festivities. Barcelona is no exception and the rhythm of lights and ornaments waiting anxiously the new year’s Eve, one of the most special nights of the year. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. The Eurostars Grand Marina Hotel 5 * GL is also ready to celebrate in style which will be the longest night of the year and welcome the new year in a special and surprising way. The great celebration of the night starts with an aperitif in the Piano lobby bar of the Hotel to continue the evening in their spaces unique with views to the sea and specially arranged for the occasion, live music, exclusive service and the most exquisite gastronomic offer, all designed to ensure that welcoming 2011 becomes an unforgettable experience. Fun is guaranteed at the Grand Marina Hotel 5 * GL, book and enjoy a magical night in an incomparable setting. Eurostars Grand Marina 5 * GL Moll de Barcelona s/n building West (Barcelona) Tel: (+ 34) 93 603 90 00 Fax: (+ 34) 93 603 90 90 original author and source of the article. Read more from Center For Responsible Lending to gain a more clear picture of the situation.


Thus the succession of the Apostles, has come down to us through the uninterrupted series of bishops. What the Apostles have been transmitted to their successors, has been the mission entrusted to them by Christ himself. You are like a building; they are placed on the basis that the Apostles were, and Jesus Christ himself is the stone main of that basis Saint Paul says. We ourselves are the Church. We are not a church of stones and bricks, but of people, men and women of all races, Nations and social conditions. Buildings or temples which we call evil churches, are places where Christians gathered in family, to share the word of God and the Eucharist in prayer. Characteristics of the Church: A.-Christ founded one Church exists in a full way into the Catholic Church, but remains in a partial manner in other churches.

In the Catholic Church is the totality of the resources saving. The average saving are all the sacraments. The texts of the Gospel tell us then a unique herd, will be formed under a single pastor Church view Jn 10.16. I ask everyone to be one the same as you and I are one Santa.-a logical consequence of the presence of God. The presence of the Holy Spirit, in the middle of the body which is the Church.

Holy is he who lives in charity permanently, according to the action of the Holy Spirit; When we deny or reject this presence of God’s spirit, we are denying the sanctity of the Church, we are doing sinful by ourselves. Speaking candidly Viktor Mayer-Schönberger told us the story. The Church is Holy because it is the spirit, which we consider as his soul. For example the sanctity of our baptism, come to us by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, who forgives us sin and makes us children of God. So also the spirit performs in every Christian sanctification through the sacraments. Why, when we confess the faith that the Church is holy, do not want to say that each and every one of us what we are, but that while we were sinners, in it, we seek the grace of the Holy Spirit. Catholic.-the term is not in the Bible, but the concepts are, means that it is open to everyone, to the universavilidad catholicity has to dilate, it has to be extended. (Catholic comes from the Greek kath holon which means according to the whole, universal). Apostolic-because it is based on the faith of the Apostles, and the faith that we profess, not our relatives or people; what the Church does is transmit this faith. It is not what you feel (subjective). Because it works at the task that Christ entrusted to the Apostles, that is the Mission of Christ, to put ourselves at the service of the Kingdom and participate in the shipment that same Christ did the Apostles. The Church sent. They were many more concepts that were played that night in this talk, that would already be a bit extensive to mention in this article; issues e.g. related to the Second Vatican Council. All documents that were drafted in relation to the Church, in this Council. Is therefore recommended that we are well prepared and documented in the study, so that we do not SideTrack us, this unique church that Christ founded, in its due time. Original author and source of the article

Premium Gourmet La Posta

Object of desire with this exclamation pluck the new marketing campaign of the brand of water Seductive Mineral Water which is coming to the world luxury markets.!! Its minimalist and renewed image of 750 ml glass makes this bottle of Mineral water without products chemical (is treated with ions of colloidal silver nanoparticles technology) makes it a true object of desire! We are always in search of new ways to surprise our customers expectations and the container has become the primary element of the marketing, as it is a tool of seduction for the consumer continues Sergio Molina President of the la Posta of Eagle company-. In particular, glass offers all the possibilities when it comes to shapes, colors and designs, which gives its products a value added quality, presence and exclusivity add new designs like these to our line of waters of a Gourmet luxury without chemicals, is only one way most always be improving. Today’s society is well aware of the need for a healthy and balanced diet. For this reason, the consumption of mineral water, which contains a myriad of healthy properties, is experiencing a significant increase in consumption ends Molina. On the range of products presented from La Posta del Aguila highlighted backrest that represent the years of the company’s experience in creating innovative formats. The creation of a new design reports a series of advantages for the consumer. More confidence in terms of quality and safety traceability, source, quality certified kosher Despierta range innovation interest in new forms of waters Premium Gourmet La Posta del Aguila is the single packer of water minerals Gourmet for the Argentina international market, with its bottling plant at the foot of the sierras of the Tala, in the town of Carmen skirt, in the center of the Cordoba country. Founded in 1997, the CIA. It has headquarters in Cordoba and international offices in Miami in Dubai (, Spain (, Brazil ( and in Geneva (Switzerland), for more information visit original author and source of the article.

Mixture Fields

But apart from natural radioactivity, characteristic of uranium, thorium, radium and plutonium in nature also are the many manifestations as individual elementary particles (but not the nucleus of certain chemical elements) can be introduced in terms mikroprostranstva that under special conditions can be arise extreme values of the electric fields that can translate these into el.chastitsy gammakvanty. In particular, such phenomena occur frequently in the human air. For example, consider the micro- picture of the decomposition of protons and electrons in the air. Atoms and molecules that make up the mixture of air (mainly a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen), are a complex aggregate states of protons and neutrons (in nuclei) and electrons (in orbit) is very difficult to constantly alternating their relative position and at the same electric and magnetic fields, these protons, neutrons and electrons, also alternate, overlap, summarized. At various points mikroprostranstva by lining the fields there a variety of values of electric field and as a rare event there are extreme (heavy duty), the electric field. If a proton hits a point (or other value ekstemalnogo field gets an electron), it splits into a package gammakvantov (and the electron splits into gammakvant), which recorded the well-known counters gammaizlucheny. But we know that the nucleus of an atom of hydrogen – it is nothing more than a proton. So, who is in the air hydrogen (either atomic, or as a member of the molecules containing hydrogen) – or rather the core of an atom of hydrogen – with certain conditions can turn into a package gammakvantov and with this in the microenvironment may be separation of additional energy.


Threatening democracy in Venezuela? Many times the Latin American currency markets have allowed large profits through arbitration product of multiple deficiencies that were suffering the same and little common measures adopted by the Governments of Latin America. The Venezuelan currency market offers an interesting potential arbitration case. The decision to maintain a fixed exchange rate at a level that does not agree with the reality of the Venezuelan economy generates great risks since the fragile economic situation is causing the value of the dollar on the parallel market stay away each time more than the official value. For the Venezuelan Government dollar is worth 2.15 bolivars, but for the parallel market is quoted about the 7 bolivars. e Center for Discovery). Too much difference that allows to achieve an easy profit to those who have access to the dollar at the official exchange rate. Logically, for the ordinary citizen, this possibility of easy gain is prohibited. Probably is not true for the friends of the cause Chavez.

Already in previous articles I told them about the unsustainability of this exchange rate parity. That is why that to sustain this unreal relationship between currencies, the Venezuelan Government has resorted to limiting the delivery of foreign currency to non-priority sectors before the deficit of dollars needed to sustain this imbalance. What they will do these sectors? Shall have recourse to the parallel market which implies to them that import costs will triple automatically, something undoubtedly unfair to them. It can be said that attentive Chavez against the democracy of the markets. The example of the foreign exchange market that I mention is not the only. But the most serious problem in Venezuela is that Chavez is determined to undermine democracy in a broad sense, beyond of border markets. With the latest measures, Chavez still transforming the democratic Venezuela and in where dominated free enterprise in a country in which everything should be governed, by their authority and according to his will even going against the same laws and the Constitution of the country.


In this small article we'll talk about how their own hands to do such a thing as a screed floor. To begin, I will give a description of the simplest, classical, that is, cement screed. Long rant I will not, because unit floor screed – employment, although not the easiest thing physically, but in general is fairly simple. Many citizens, for unclear reasons to me, scares the process. Although, the only difficulty in its implementation, it correctly calculate the amount of cement-sand mixture, and for setting beacons, which actually shrinks, this mixture. By the way, in organizations and in teams specializing in interior decoration, usually screed floor perform ancillary workers, except perhaps placing beacons, since nothing complicated about the solution to mix and dumped it on the floor to rule on the lighthouse, not really, no special knowledge here is not required. First and foremost, of course, you need to prepare the surface. That is, remove the old flooring, and possibly an old tie, if necessary.

Is it required – will be seen on her condition. If the old screed whole, and not even "the bay", you can not touch it and, in general, and think about it, but need not here at all new? It is possible that not, if it is really a whole. In this case, is right to make over the old ties samoniviliruyuschiesya (liquid) floors. About how its done, I will describe in another article. If the old screed floor of the bay, crumbles, and all – cheesy, it's better, of course, get rid of it.

Moscow Vice

The Free interpretation of the Federal Law "On the Media" allows unscrupulous journalists, filmmakers and screenwriters strike "time bomb" under the country's defense. It creates such "masterpieces" in journalism, in films and on TV, in which inciting ethnic passions (in the army and in society), or false patriotism is brought up to hate by his own citizens from the North Caucasus (and Islam), or subjected to ridicule prevailing in the targeted Russian military orders (in particular, on REN-TV). We put the question on the merits, system and believe it is necessary to draw the attention of the Defense Ministry on these negative phenomena. Traditional Islam is an ally of Russia, and socio-cultural (psychological) characteristics of young people of the Northern Caucasus (the skillful way) – Russia's defense capability is a resource. We, the government and the public, it is important to learn how to use it wisely and allied resource potential. Since the days of Alexander-II This is what far-sighted Russian military – the political elite. And only a strong Russia hidden enemies within the country to sabotage such an approach.

We are confident that appropriate approach may be possible to integrate the potential of the North Caucasian youth in the structure of the Defense Ministry, which will lead to a qualitative effect. This is especially important against the background of current challenges and future threats for Russia. We are ready to offer assistance in "ideological" and the conceptual design of such an approach to building parts of the recruits come from the North Caucasus republics. With the use of defense for Russia, course. We appeal to the Russian Defense Ministry with the hope of continuing the dialogue concerned and willing to continuous and close cooperation. Agreed and approved by the VII-th meeting of the Scientific Expert Council Ltd. "RKNK," July 13, the Moscow Vice-President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Co Ltd. "RKNK" D. Sh Khalidov Co Ltd "RKNK," Lieutenant-Colonel of the Interior Ministry, MM Yandiyev Co Ltd "RKNK 'GM Gaziyev

The Patients

The founding entities had signed terms of commitment next to the health department for the creation of the ONA. (1-2-3) The acreditao definition, as the ONA, is a system of evaluation and certification of the quality of health services, volunteer, periodic and reserved. Characterized as legal entity of economic private law without ends, with national abrangncia. (1-2-3) In the Brazilian and international experience, it is an action co-ordinated for an organization or agency not governmental person in charge in the development and implantation of its methodology, in its principles has an educative eminent character come back toward improvement continues, without purpose of fiscalization or official control, not having to be confused with the procedures of licensing and typical actions of states. (1-2-3) The main advantages of the acreditao are to guarantee the security for the patients and professionals, quality of assistance, construction of team, useful instrument of management, with adapted criteria and concrete objectives to the Brazilian reality with way for improvement continues.

(1-2-3) The main ones interested for the acreditao process are lead and administrators, professionals of health, government and citizen. (1,4) The ONA has for general objective to promote the implantation of a permanent process of evaluation and of certification of the quality of the health services, allowing the improvement I continue of the attention, of form to improve the quality of the assistance, in all the rendering organizations of services of health of the country. (1,4) Having as principles: Mission to contribute for the improvement of the quality of the assistance to the health, in the development and evolution of acreditao system. Vision to become reference in the national organization of acreditao, with recognized methodology international, solid and trustworthy, compromised with the viabilizao of a process of quality, productivity improvement continues in the sector health. In 2001 the ONA was recognized for the health department as competent and authorized institution to operacionalizar the development of hospital acreditao in Brazil and 2002 for the ANVISA.

The Welfare

But, the serpent of the envy buzzed in the ears of Adam and Eva: this history is badly counted. God knows that in the day where to eat the forbidden fruit, your eyes will confide and you will be as deuses, turned in the good and mal' '. Adam and Eva had judged to have drawee the secret of the prohibition of God and had fallen in the ambush of the Serpent, having become adversaries of God. They had started to hide itself of it, ' ' with shame because they were nus' ' (of the criatural identity). Who is hidden of God walks in the way of the evil, practises the bad workmanships. ' ' The light came to the world, but the men had preferred the darknesses the light, because its workmanships were bad. Therefore, who makes the evil hates the light and it does not come pra the light, pra that its workmanships are not demonstrated as culpable.

But, who practises the truth (it makes the good) comes to the light, pra that if it reveals that its workmanships are made in Deus' ' Jo 3,19-20. The good workmanships, ethical workmanships are teologais places: who them it makes it practises it on behalf of Jesus and it lives in the privacy, in the presence of God, building its Kingdom and ours. ' ' God is love. Who loves is in God and God in it ' ' 1 Jo 4,16. God is merciful. Who is merciful is in God and God in it. God is good.

Who makes the welfare in God and God in it. The bad workmanships are devilish places, dwelling of the Satan. It practises who them he is ally and it is building the Satan kingdom, increasing the sin of the world, where the bad things happen. Far from God, Adam and Eva had taken life without route nor criterion, without peace.