The Habit

The State yergue, not only like guarantor, but like " padre" that it orders and it commands. The essential principles have been trastocados and no longer we worked deriving from them, now we acted on the parameters of the regime. So that if we transferred to policy terms present the word " colaboracionistas" , they are it what doubts fits those that have adopted the habits and behaviors of those who their adversaries consider. That is to say, in this lamentable country of today the social body copied the signs of the invader born from its own sine. It is possible to change the human subjectivity, for or or evil, and to change it towards some values than it has been the venezolanidad, the more the sum of cease of the egoism, of the implantation of social solidarity and of the abandonment of old theories like of trasnochadas theories, the multiplication of the voice of intelligence today induced sleep and thrown in a hammock is necessary. For example, the habit of the growth has been changed by the habit of the survival. The habit of the tolerance has been changed by the habit of the aggression.

The habit of not surrendering has been changed by the habit to orate offensive words and to announce violence. It is obvious that the conformation of habits and behaviors depends as much on the outside as of the interior. We know it to the outside in all tares, but the interior is shown a deep psychological fragility to us, a lack of densidad, a total vulnerability, an impressive lack of consistency in the Venezuelan prototype. Without a propitious inner world not internalizara the despicable outer world. Nor one would take place east circle of people with the new habits and behaviors constituting itself in the devaluated society. Consequently, it is necessary to explain and to introduce a new idea.

Brazil Education

The process of development of social politics in the direction to guarantee inclusion, equality and diversity initiates from the wakening of the conscience of all the social citizens. These, must understand that a country with social justice without joint efforts is not constructed and without participation in the quarrels of the proposals for the improvement of the education. To go deep regarding this axle, demands a look for current the practical politics on the part of the federate beings and also for the form as he is being developed in the scope of the pertaining to school context the lines of direction for formal education in the perspective of the inclusion, equality and diversity. Taking in account the situations ece of fishes when if it speaks of the reduction of the inequalities, politics of educational development and others, we infer that it is needed to construct an education system that is beyond the given project in view of that if it cannot say that we possess a conjuncture that in fact is guaranteeing the minimum criteria of educational quality. The relation of the lines of direction of the CONAE and its implications in the pertaining to school culture.

To argue regarding the implementations of the educational politics, specifically in Brazil, imply to inside point out them in the scope of the culture and the practical pertaining to school of a historical panorama of these categories. The process of educational elaboration of the plans and projects and its execution if recharge of several other questions that are given in other instances of the social relations gifts in all the acts practised for the human beings. When developing the dialogue enters the politics of the document of the CONAE for education in Brazil and the context of the practical one and the pertaining to school culture is necessary to problematizar the linking between education and society being evidenced the factors that make possible such linking, as for example, the agreement of the paper that the education plays in such a way in the vision of the population in general as in the vision of the legislators and executors of the lines of direction of I teach.

September Title

It is not necessary to have nothing fixed beforehand in the mind, of that way, we will even be able to observe other phenomena, like extensions of fingers, or zones of the hand where the aureole or fog has different thicknesses. Everything what we are perceiving and visualizing, we will have to take it like something natural, since he is instinctive in the human being, but who only in the childhood, we are able to remember, forgetting it when arriving at the adult age. For that reason, if in the first times we were not able to visualize the dawn, we do not have to be hopeless and if we really wished to visualize the dawn, with the practice we will obtain, it. The color of the dawn through the numerologa Can be known the color of the dawn that we have, without being far-sighted, neither to use the Kirlian camera, nor to learn to visualize it through the exercises before described? Then apparently if, and that is possible according to the students of the numerology which following a simple system that we are going to detail, serious possible to know the color predominant the dawn, through the date of birth.

Philosophical Doctrine

A window for which the people see the life. The foundation of all the espiritualidade is the word of God. To practise the good. To love itself. The Espiritismo, in turn, cannot be defined simply as a religion.

It is a Philosophical Doctrine, sidewalk in scientific base of religious consequence. It was codified by? Allan Kardek? as esprita doctrine. The Espiritismo is not these things that if someone practises in the house of the owner, of ' ' me' ' ciclana or of ' ' pai' ' beltrano, although these people to make question to call its practical as being espritas. The Espiritismo is a Doctrine based on the teachings of Jesus (the biggest example of coherence and Love of which the world already had knowledge), that respects the freedom of the people, that does not curtail the freedom to think of nobody, that does not point finger with respect to nobody, that does not judge and it does not say to be exclusive owner of the truth. Its conception of God is total different of the conventional: God is sovereign good, just, merciful and the inferiority cannot be leveled human being. The Justice of God cannot be compared with the justice of the men, therefore the Esprita logic admits that ' ' God does not punish and he does not pardon ningum' ' , since, to punish it would be being intolerante with the imperfections of ' ' crianas' ' delayed ignorants and; to pardon, he would imply that he had been offended before. To admit offended God is something that opposes the sense well. Religiosidade differs from, that is any set of beliefs, norms and values that compose article of faith of definitive person, which is seen by us as the attempt human being of religar its origins, its past, its creator, is the exteriorizao of its faith.

Industries Work

The city of Recife has a population currently de1.462.966 inhabitants, spread for 94 quarters and a 219 area of km. Osndices of alfabetizao, life expectancy and per capita income ficampouco above average of the country and are below of the indices of many outrascapitais. One is about a great city, with an increasing number deproblemas that they are established connection, needing, therefore, of einterconectadas innovative politics. Ground of udh 24 the instability of the ground of many areas is aggravated pelafalta of sanitation. ' ' More than 70% of Recife do not have sanitation.

Essasguas is going for the ground and the sewer attacks the foundations of the building. Normally in the quarters qu and is saneados does not have registers of problemas' ' , the president of the Union of the Industries of the Civil Construction of the Estadode Pernambuco explains (Sinduscon-foot), Gabriel Dubeux. It is natural that in its outskirts, that is, in the seussubrbios where the consuming is bigger its ground it is of the type the barriers ocasionandocom this alone one of the arenaceous and argillaceous causer of great landslides porcausa of the antrpicas occupations. Ambient consequences the great problem since the start of its formation is descasocom its hdricas sources, the assoreamento of the rivers that serve the region, odesmatamento, the companies established in the quarter who in such a way play its noslenis water residues the superficial ones as the ones that if they find in the interior dosolo, generating a damage for the future generations that to inhabit there. Conclusion After the comment of the facts however displayed in this artigosugere a work of recovery of the affluent of the Beberibe, assimtambm as the replantio of its flora, so that if possible warm river the fauna can daadquirir some advantage, removal of the residences in the stream bed biggest of the warm river, frequent educational work since the quarter where if it made the research is populous dosmais of Rpa 3.

Foundation Ovido Teixeira

To work with hipertenso was a sufficiently enriquecedora experience. They are anxious; they load a dense load very; they are worried excessively with everything and all, and very little with them. The group, then, had the possibility to learn to take care of of itself. I feel myself sufficiently satisfied for being able to have been facilitadora of this conquest of the other. To the end of this charming experience, what still I can say is that without the art I do not obtain more to act. Mine palco never more will be the same, therefore the art gained its space, and I eat coadjuvante of this great plot that is the life, I feel myself honored extremely in being able to work with it to my side, helping me in the conduction of the diverse processes of the beings that pass for my way.

to all they it very obliged mine!

World Market Specialized

China's share of the market sales and production machinery in our day all the time increases. And if today it is about 15%, the projected professionals by 2010 it could reach almost 50%. Chinese Politics authorities, aimed at increasing the growth of production capacities in the industry and low wages in China are important reasons for this rapid growth. In addition, increased production, for example, construction equipment due to the construction boom, which has recently been observed in China. Today, however, the domestic Chinese market is showing signs of overflow, causing a build-up of efforts to increase level of exports.

For the first time the growth of export sales of machinery from China, was seen in 2005, and in 2006 was recorded an increase in exports by 77% compared with the previous year. Today the Chinese specialized equipment occupies a large share of the Asia-Pacific market. China has to date more than 60 manufacturers of special equipment. Producers from China have mastered completely all areas of the market. There is a rich range of special equipment: backhoe loaders Ingersoll-Rand, road rollers from BOMAG, trucks Howo, as well as excavators from "Xuzhou Excavator.

In this area, except directly to Chinese companies, operates, and many joint ventures established in cooperation with the world experienced producers, such as Hyundai, Komatsu, Daewoo. Through such cooperation, and increased competition in China have found the application of advanced foreign technology and years of experience. Producers from China these days alter behavior strategy in the market and are gradually shifting from direct export sales of machinery to the development of joint ventures and subsidiaries of foreign enterprises. Tellingly, whereas before the main aspect of the increased demand for kitaystvuyu technique advocated a low price, (in truck prices were 10-20% lower than the European producers), today this increase is due quality improvement techniques, which fully complies with international standards. The reason for this phenomenon began as an increase in competition in the domestic Chinese market and the struggle for growth in export sales of trucks, trucks, front loaders and other similar techniques. Russian market first began to conquer the Chinese trucks. And today the sale of trucks, tractors and various rest road construction equipment from China is engaged in a number of large Russian companies. As a result, Russia has imported more high-quality equipment, better adapted to the climatic characteristics of various subjects of Russia. These organizations, in addition, apart from direct sale of tractors and other special equipment, offer services in the service quality level. It also leads to an increase demand for equipment from China. As a result, the various experts in the next 5 years is expected to increase in the proportion of specialized equipment from China to the Russian market will be about 5-10%.

Deep Ecology

Finally, the exceeding redistribution of the time, money and energy. According to Mollison (1991), this third component means that after dealing with the necessities basic and drawn the systems with optimum of our abilities, we can extend to our influence and energies in helping the others to reach this approach with ‘ ‘ creation of equitable methods of distribution, guaranteeing the access to the resources to that of them they need, without the intervention of different systems of commerce or accumulation of riqueza’ ‘ (TO SOUND, 1998, p.6). The systems of the Permacultura also are based on basic ethics of the life, that in accordance with Miralles and Romero (2001), is associated with deep Ecology4 (Deep Ecology). Beyond the ethics, the Permacultura if bases on some principles that are essential for a good planning and that they are proceeding from the diverse areas of the knowledge as the Ecology, Social Architecture, Geography, Biology, Agronomy, Sciences and Economy. In relation to the character to multidiscipline of the principles of the Permacultura the scientific base for the principles of design in Permacultura if points out generally in the scope of the modern science of the ecology, and more particularly, inside of a branch of the ecology called ‘ ‘ ecology of sistemas’ ‘.

Others you discipline intellectuals, more particularly the geography of the landscape and the etno-biologias, have contributed with concepts that come being suitable to the principles of design. (Holmgren 2007, p.9) the principles of the Permacultura are inherent to any permacultural planning. According to Mollison (1998, p.5): To elaborate good design permacultural she is necessary to follow two basic steps. The first one is of that the laws and the principles they can be adapted to any climatic and cultural condition and second is more narrowly associate with the practical techniques, that in accordance with change the climate and with the culture.

Climate Conference

This once negotiations have been blocked in connection with the protest, which expressed the African Group, blamed developed nations in the intention to 'kill' the currently existing Kyoto Protocol. Later, the conflict has been settled and Representatives of G77, which includes developing countries, have returned to negotiations. Add oil to the fire during the climate conference, and environmental activists. In Copenhagen, took a lot of protests activists who demanded that the forum participants taking climate agreement. Climate Forum brought thousands of protesters in Copenhagen.

Activists of youth environmental organizations have stated that they intend to surround the Bell Centre, where the un Climate Conference, and not to let out without a prime minister and president signed the climate treaty. Later, Greenpeace activists managed to break through to the gala dinner, which gave the Queen Margrethe ii of Denmark in honor of Heads of State and Government participating in the climate summit. Environmental campaigners unfurled banners with the inscription: "Politicians say – the leaders are." By the end of the second Week forum more delegates un Climate Conference in Copenhagen was inclined to believe that the best option out of the impasse that emerged at the talks will be 'zero option' – to finish the meeting without taking no decision, and to reconvene in July in Bonn. Representatives of developing countries from the G77 group also performed with the proposal not to close negotiations officially, but only to interrupt them until July and has not taken any documents. K very close climate summit all members of the international un conference on global climate change, held in Copenhagen, still reached an agreement on climate.

Global Heating And Greenhouse Effect

The Campaign Fraternity and Land of 1986, approaches the distribution of the land in Brazil in different way, that culminated with the promulgation of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, where in its article 5, interpolated proposition XIII, affirms: that the property takes care of the social function, and demonstrates the hour where if receives a piece from soil has been broken for preservation, it is taken care of of what he is its. Brooke Harlow has compatible beliefs. In 2004, it had as subject Water Source of Life that, makes a reflection before everything, on the ethical and religious imperatives how much the precious liquid ‘ ‘ gua’ ‘ , that it will objectify to lead to a joint action and inadivel to save the planet land, and to the life on it. It worked convivncia with the semibarren Brazilian with initiatives of construction of watering holes to store and to use rain water and its forms of exploitation. When initiating the Campaign of the Fraternity Amaznia (2007), if makes a reflection of ambient and social concern with questions, that the biggest natural patrimony of the world threatened, and that it can take to the irreparable loss of inestimable wealth cultural human beings and, not only for the Brazilian population, but for humanity. The Dom Francisco de Assis Dantas de Lucena, as 3 Bishop Diocesan of Guarabira-PB, with certainty will have a great work, for the front, since the boarded subject is a reality, and cannot leave that in the current Campaign of the Fraternity the faithful do not give the due importance. All we have a mission, we contribute to minimize this devastador climatic phenomenon.

The support of the population is also waited so that the changes can enxergar better that we are passing, are not the final apocalypse, more are cainhando for a great chaos. The Church Catholic is making its part, laypeople, procos, missionaries and peoples of God, will have to use as methodology Ver? To judge? To act, so that has greater understanding of the faithful in its communities, in combat to the global heating.