Creative Economy Seminar

Debate Round Creative Economy Seminar (Photo courtesy Sao Paulo Fashion Week) More details Debate Round led by Gra a Cabral in the second stage of the Creative Economy Seminar: Visions of the Future, organized by the In-MOD Sao Paulo Fashion Week Magazine Valor Economico. The round was launched by Fernando Reinach, founder of the Brazilian Genome Project and director of Votorantim Ventures, venture capital fund of the largest Brazilian industrial conglomerate (involved in the areas of telecommunications, electronic commerce and biotechnology), who raised two issues that it considers its own Creative Economy: venture capital and ownership of ideas. “The notion of risk capital is not big news,” said Reinach. Does this example The Spanish crown who risked capital to fund “pay dirt”, the route to India … of 10 ships that sailed from Spain, 7 were lost and 3 achieved things such as discovering a new continent, said to illustrate that if Reinarch While 70 of initiatives fail, the few well have occurred represent a movement for humanity. So what is the ROI : HUGE. Ownership of ideas. For Reinach, the real novelty is the idea. And with this premise put IP as the first focus of the debate. His presentation pointed out that until the Industrial Revolution had not raised the division between idea and realization, a notion that up thanks to technological advances. Since then, it is possible to separate the idea of the physical object that materializes, the creator of the idea can only sell once, the rest are copies. The great challenge for Reinach is in the ownership of ideas, if the record industry and the film are suffering the blow of piracy … that the fashion industry has the suggestive name of copycat … So how to protect intellectual property … There is patent law … but the dilemma arises when it comes to low prices, while not contemplate the payment of patents.Raises two key issues, a quantitative type (on the duration of patents) and a qualitative type (should we reward creative work or not ) Fernando Reinach (Photo courtesy Sao Paulo Fashion Week) Why think in terms of intellectual property Question Deheinzelin Lala.Consultant for UNDP Creative Economy and a member of IN-MOD has no point in discussing intellectual property but to analyze the opportunities arising from the mixed economy model … and it downloads a series of examples Barsil, Africa and India in crisis that put the idea to do propiedad.Para Lala focus on dialogue between the world of the tangible product sits in the atoms, the finite …and the intangible world of processes, the bits, the infinite … urge to redefine the notion of wealth Wealth of what if it means to wealth as “wealth does not generate Escac” collective processes arise naturally as a center of gravity of all proyecto.Ventas street without copyrigthDeheinzelin, used data emerged from a study of Technology and Society at Get lio Vargas Foundation Rio on the phenomenon of tecnobrega in the city of Bethlehem, as an illustration of the emergence of models of creative endeavors that are not based on profit but on patterns of copyrigth tecnobrega alternativos.La succeeds in launching an average of 400 CDs per year compared with the 14 CD’s of Brazilian music label that releases most of the country.

Bertrand Russell

Monocracia on the contrary, the Foundation is the will of the sovereign. With a wide field of history Graeco-Roman, Cicero comes to the conclusion that only the courts can do that the Government of the Republic. It is clear, however, they have common concerns: Cicero analyzes the works of two Greeks. Aristotle is a critic of Plato, which is implicit Cicero is critical of both. With the distance, communication and difficult to transport, far from the complex problems facing States today, making a reduction to the philosophical principles that are second to none, and are being studied as bridges for access to the modern and contemporary theories of the Justice. In conclusion, that two of these principles is in Plato and Cicero as most important element of the notion of Justice in the stability of the State. At the same time, Aristotle establishes the concept of Justice (Nicomachean Ethics) in equity.

The two will join the democratic justice, which is updated, of course, its contents. Bertrand Russell, reported that the main purpose of the book the Republic of Plato, is to define the concept of justice. The word justice has much more content that Socrates as Plato joined Justice and equality (democracy), the other used as a synonym for Justice (law) Act. In fact, Plato introduces a new version of Justice, which is not based on the Socratic principle of equality, the Platonic ideal as equal opportunities to the different powers between the different people who belong to the Hellenic Republic, to see that it is not an injustice, because the power and privileges of the tutors (rulers) and the rest of the citizens would be established by a law in the first place. Injustice would only be when someone wiser than the guardians were away from the direction of the Faculty of the Government of the Republic or if the citizen does not agree with the decisions affect the Republic.

Good Choice

Virtual education as a concept has generated quite a few discussions on the educational social framework. Many have catalogued a teaching under fantasies, beamed, others argue the unique training over the Internet. To do this, first place raises the following questions: what is virtual? Is there truly a virtual education? do perhaps formal or alternative education has become virtual education? Where will be the classrooms of the four walls? How challenges to educators, virtual education? Virtual education is a system and educational modality which arises from the need of education and educational technology. To answer antecedidas questions, first developed the theoretical foundations of the virtual, as a starting point in the field of process teaching and learning, then the essence of the worlds and virtual environments in the acquisition of knowledge through them. Then, the process is broken down historical, the inclusion of digitalization to education and new technologies. Are there virtual education? The specialist in virtual education, Gamez Rosalba (2002) responds to this question: Yes, there is, but it is currently a new and hotly debated concept. This concept arises from the following: 1.

The designed concern for empowering ways of solving teaching and learning environments of the processes. 2nd. virtuality, than in the latest dates is linked with education institutions higher worth reflection among the possibilities of a performance in a social and professional activity. What is online education? Roger Alvarez (2002) the Virtual Education framed the use of new technologies, toward the development of alternative methodologies for learning of students from special populations that are limited by its geographical location, the quality of teaching and the time available. UNESCO (1998), defines as that learning environments they constitute an entirely new way, in relation to the educational technology an interactive computer program of pedagogical character that has a capacity of integrated communication. They are a relatively recent innovation and the result of the convergence of information technology and telecommunications has intensified during the past ten years.


the sublime is what moves us by its magnitude and power superior to human faculties; Nature, the cosmos, the greatness and depth of thought Longinos classical art was that play one is set, the real thing, and your images could be identified with the idea of the artist; romantic art was that represent or indicate rather infinity and veiase forced to draw inspiration from a system of traditional symbols and parables fine imagination, and intellectual things made incredible efforts to express with material images what is purely intellectual H. Heine a time impossible to forget by the geniuses that were therein in many disciplines. Reminds us in this regard Juan Andres Martino, romanticism is an artistic, political, social and ideological revolution so important that live still today many of its principles: freedom, individualism, democracy, nationalism, etc. Between 1770 and 1800 Europe slept absolutist and neoclassical and rose Democrat and romantic. Thanks to the English industrial revolution (1760-1840), who develops a bourgeois class and the foundations of liberalism; Thanks to the French Revolution (1789), which proclaims the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity; Thanks also to the American Revolution with its Declaration of independence (1776), which makes its center of the rights of man and establishes the Republic as the form of Government and the people as the sole source of power; Thanks to all these facts the freedom replaces tyranny, absolute power is limited and democracy stands in ideal of Government. It is difficult to define what is romanticism. Its revolutionary character is unquestioned.

It represents a break with a tradition, a previous order and a hierarchy of cultural and social values, in the name of a real freedom. It is projected in all arts and constitutes the essence of modernity. Although the unanimity of the Romantic movement resides in a way of feeling and conceive man, nature and life, each country produces a romantic movement in particular, distinct; even each national romanticism develops different trends.

Nectar Education

Spiritual intelligence is a very complete and unparalleled unique intelligence, with it we are to achieve the lighting, will arrive to become aware of the truth. In our educational environment and as teachers it is very necessary that we should give us mind our daily live and let a reflection, as we are, how we feel, how we act, to where we know, how we interact with people, with our own consciousness, we can achieve this through spiritual intelligence. Because education is mainly an encounter between human beings to learn about all of life. In conclusion to reaffirm and note that through a comprehensive practical and spiritual intelligence all can obtain and pacify the spiritual need that from the very inside us screams and demands that the truth itself reaches our eyes, our ears and our minds and let us be, be the one who us guide and with the perfection of which we are madekeep us in the natural state that is happiness, happiness that lives to be attached to our being, allowing us to enjoy the Nectar of happiness. Now with this knowledge integrated in all my senses it invades me a profound joy to realize that I am consciousness, same awareness that I’ve looked, and that I am to reach the end of the road, at the end of the search that years ago started in my life. I end with this sentence of Ramon Gallegos, that I will keep in my thought and it will be part of me. While you keep seeing being, being won’t let you look because they are one and the same.

World Gillette

Gillette Fusion ” navega” in the Volvo Ocean RACE the 2008 from Alicante Valencian Comunitat welcomes east year the exit of the Volvo Ocean RACE, Return to the World of Candle. The nautical competition will leave from Alicante the 11 October the 2008. Tenth edition 2008-2009 of this regata around the world by scales, in which the best navigators only dare to live in extreme conditions, part for the first time from the Mediterranean. Alicante will be anfitriona of the most important stage of regata. Gillette is east profiteer scene to approach its new Gillette product Fusion its consumers.

Fusion is the first product that removes to the market the North American mark since outside bought by Procter & Gamble. One is a two range that include maquinillas to shave, normal and a other with motor, as well as gels and lotion it stops after the shaved one. Within Volvo RACE Village Antenna 3 Events have implanted stand with totally functional washings where the horsemen will be able to prove in situ new the Gillette Power Fusion and to take kit complete of shaved Gillette Fusion. Antenna 3 Events has contracted to all the human resources Aplus Field Marketing made up of image stewardesses who cross all the Village using segways to inform to the horsemen and to invite to them to prove and to verify precise and effective it of the shaved one with Fusion. The Village offers more than 40 gratuitous daily activities and for all the public in whom near 500 professionals they attend the public in the services and attractions. The Village, that is greatest than never it has been constructed in the history of the Volvo Ocean RACE, will remain open until next the 11 of October, day of exit of the first stage of the competition.

It will every day abrir to the 10:00 hours and closes to the 24:00 hours, except the week ends, that closing its activities to the 02:00 of the dawn. Near 200,000 people they have happened through the Village of the Port of Alicante in the first ten days of opening, in spite of rains fallen in the last days. This number breaks all the forecasts, since not even officials of days 4 and 11 have begun regatas of October, nor the Pro-A.m. exhibition of the 5 of October, dates in which the greater affluence of public is expected. The market of the shaved one moves in Spain 265 million Euros. Eight million men already are shaved with Gillette and to them it goes directed the new product of the mark. Aplus Field Marketing wants to thank for all the personnel who has participated in the campaign, to organizers of the Volvo Ocean RACE, to Procter & Gamble and to the personnel of Antena3 Events, all the collaboration and coexistence during these days.

New Iphone Desata

Dispute in new iPhone: HTML5 and Flash Both formats, in summary much, come to be a method to show and to construct to pages Web. We can suppose that HTML5 stops with advantage, because is pure more and is the code with which the own Webs are written. Flash is an addition that allows that laas Webs show things that until recently HTML could not do like videos, animations and effects. HTML5 already is able to even do everything what Flash did, with a greater yield and efficiency, reason why it seems that it will end up prevailing. New iPhone in the beginning of a conflict the war began when Apple in 2007 presented/displayed new iPhone and said not to include Flash in new iPhone by battery saving and yield of the telephone.

It is certain well that Flash is a great consumer of resources, but Apple wants to impose another standard, the HTML5, that although does not belong to him yes that it is going to help to him to overthrow the majority use of Flash of Adobe. Adobe loses a battle with new iPhone HTML5 is outlined like the future at the time of visualizing videos and effects in the Web, but still it has left much route. Apple has bet hard in its new iPhone by the elimination of Flash and the war is ready. It is not very clear which are the intentions of Apple, but without a doubt the elimination of the hegemony of Adobe is an explicit interest. Adobe finishes losing a battle, because it will not make more development of applications of new iPhone with Flash. Nevertheless, Adobe is going to have the support of Google, that has announced that their moving bodies with Android will support Flash. The time will say to us who desire in this war of formats.

Anti-Drug Lecture

In November 2010, in one of the colleges of Moscow volunteers ANO * 'Criminon CIS' held a lecture revealing the truth about drugs and how they actually affect people. Thanks to the intelligent and open manner of communication as a lecturer and Criminon staff with the students, the students learned the truth about drugs and substances similar to them in action. Very accessible and clearly the guys talked about how harmful drugs affect not only the body but also on ability to think clearly, solve problems of everyday life, as well as how they are detrimental to the body and mind, even if it took several decades after taking these substances. Medical students College could appreciate the simplicity of presenting the data in the lectures, which served as an excellent complement to more usual for them to complex scientific approach. Here are reviews of students about the event: "The lecture was interesting and instructive. Learned many new and interesting, it seems to me that someone this lecture will help in the future free from bad habits. Thank you for such a good time. I realized that this dependence.

In fact, very sorry people who have strayed from the true path. It is a pity that the lecture was short, waiting for you again! " 'The lecture, in my opinion, was interesting. I learned a lot. I understand why people become addicted to drugs, alcohol and nicotine. I realized what was happening with the body in the use of these substances. Thank you so much for such an informative lecture. " 'Thank you very much, I really enjoyed it.

Before, I did not understand the meaning of 'Dependence'. And now I understand that it is very difficult and all important '. 'I liked everything! I myself have a very negative attitude towards drugs, and I like that in general there are lectures. After all, if people do not explain that the drugs – this is bad, they will use them! Thank you so much, we spent time with benefit! " 'I liked the lecture. I learned a lot about the impact of toxins on the body, the benefits of vitamins and vitamins are a group for which beneficial '. 'I like this Lecture by the fact that it is very informative. Very clearly shows the status of a person in the use of poisons. " 'Criminon' means 'no crime' and is an international nonprofit organization that is dedicated rehabilitation of offenders and crime prevention by educating people and helping them rebuild their self-esteem, to become ethical and productive members of society. ANO 'Criminon CIS' regularly anti-drug and anti-crime campaign and lectures and anti-crime drug education. With the new academic year the lectures on drugs and crime, organized ANO 'Criminon CIS' present about 8,500 people. Most of the students after these conversations leave positive feedback, which they often talk about his decision to "never try drugs" and "strive to reach their goals by legal means." As L. Ron Hubbard wrote in his book 'The Road to Happiness':' People who use drugs do not always perceive the world as it is. Brooke Harlow is often mentioned in discussions such as these. They really like 'not here'. Sooner or later the drugs will destroy them physically. " For more information contact: 8926154 55 54 or write to us at: * ANO – an autonomous non-profit organization.

Parliamentary Center

When a volunteer enters a Penitentiary Center for the first time, in the Penitentiary Module of a Hospital, in a plant with serious patients or a Center by day for majors with dementia, it is normal that he undergoes an emotional impact. He is something new and outside the normality concept to which we are customary. In few days, this impact will be cushioned by the custom and will happen to be part of our new scheme of normality. If this does not take place and the impact it continues we will live our voluntary military service as a estresante situation and is worth the trouble to reframe itself why it happens. The best thing will be to speak with the person in charge of the service and to think if it is due to change of voluntary military service. Another important emotional aspect talks about to the common confusion between voluntary military service and other forms of sentimental relation. The volunteer does not have why to be friend of the beneficiary. This affirmation so politically incorrect and so uncomfortable to realise is very necessary at many moments.

It is clear that the relation between volunteer and beneficiary can change. Why voluntary military service cannot be the beginning of a friendship? Why cannot be produced a sentimental connection beyond the voluntary action? He prevents it to nobody, but the volunteer must know that change has taken place and that the rules of the game change. In the daily life a labor relation, for example, can lead towards an engagement, but the implied ones must know that when is discussed by the pay or the schedule it is not necessary to mix loving jealousy nor sentimental questions. The voluntary military service is a thing and the friendship is another one. The volunteer does not have either to show to pity nor pain by the beneficiary. It must be placed in an equality plane and this supposes in many occasions to be firm and to know how to say that no. To show pity is not good a revulsive one for the beneficiary of a voluntary military service program.

On the other hand, to be firm and to say that to anybody in many occasions it does not mean to demonstrate to him that you consider adult, intelligent and preparation to him to assume this answer. Condescender always to everything is not positive. All this fits without contradiction some in a respect and amiability climate. In anyone of cases, if the implication takes beyond a logical point, the continuity of the service can be seen affected and what tries to be a responsible commitment becomes a load that, taking advantage of any excuse, many volunteers will loosen immediately. Or they will confuse the norms of the voluntary military service with those of another activity that is in force by different parameters. It is necessary to put limits to avoid that the excessive implication, in anyone of the spoken senses, does not harm the continuity of the voluntary action and does not leave in the volunteer the sensation of frustration, deception or impotence.

Knowing Insurance

If you Car repair manifest latent defects and damage will be greater, the insured will have to take the rest. So if you are not sure that it is able to accurately assess the extent of damage, call the traffic police. – These improvements make significant changes to the work of insurance companies. Is everything ready for you to move to a new system? – Knowing that the direct settlement in demand worldwide and, ultimately, life is easier for customers, two years ago, we were the first company in Russia, who volunteered to policyholders by CTP, the victim in an accident, go directly to ROSNO. For a nominal fee our customers can purchase an additional policy "Euroservice" relieving the victim from having contact with "foreign" by the insurer. So our company can reaffirm its commitment to this work. Although, of course, to the new system work effectively, is important the absolute commitment of all stakeholders. – What new types of liability insurance of car owners you are planning to offer its customers? Vitaly Knyaginichev, director of comprehensive insurance "Ingosstrakh": – "As above, so now we recommend that in addition to the policy issue CTP policy of voluntary motor insurance.

Additional coverage of $ 500 thousand cost, For example, a client of "Ingosstrakh" in 900-1400 rubles, depending on age, driving experience etc. It's not so much money compared to potential harm. As for new programs to hull, then last fall "Ingosstrakh" has launched a "Autoprofi", which is designed for experienced drivers who prefer a neat style of driving. Buying a policy "Autoprofi" in Moscow and branches "Ingosstrakh", the motorist will save 20% or 36% of the insurance risk of "damage". In the first case, the policyholder chooses the form of compensation for loss, including after the accident: the payment of repair of technical centers and authorized dealers the world's automakers, or cash payment.