Santa Cruz

Behavior that can be learned. He says, that it is difficult to establish a conclusive definition of NLP, it has characteristics that would define it as art and the ‘science’ of personal excellence. Derived from the study of how best people in different fields obtain their outstanding results. It is about ideas and people, understand and organize their own successes so that you can enjoy many more successful moments. A goal is the build new learning options. It should be noted also, that NLP is based essentially on the following channels: the body, the visual and kinesthetic.

The visuals are those preferencian, of everything that happens in the inner and outer world which is seen. They need to be regarded when you are talking or when they do that is must see that is them is paying attention. The corporal for its part include the message body. The kinestesicos have much capacity of concentration, are that more physical contact needed, are those that give us a pat on the back and wonder how these?, focus more on emotions, everything is focused through the sensations. Definitely, NLP is based on improved efficiency both personal and professional. Taken into account, that NLP had its origins in the 1970s at the University of California, Santa Cruz, USA, where Richard Bandler (mathematician, gestalt psychologist and expert in computer science) and John Grinder (linguist) studied the patterns of conduct of human beings to develop models and techniques that could explain the magic and the illusion of the behavior and human communication. The origin of his research was his curiosity for understanding through communication and language changes occurred in people’s behavior. Object his research were successful people such as: the family therapist Virginia Satir, the father of the modern medical hipnologia Milton Erickson and Fritz Perls gestalt creator. They also had great theoretical influence of Gregory Bateson.

Blog Parade Leadership

On the subject of leadership on their achievers blog executive coach organized challenges & solution approaches Gudrun Happich from Cologne under performance /… a blog parade on leadership 2020 “. She asks about the challenges that managers need to ask in the next ten years and for which solutions are already apparent. I would like to highlight love as various aspects of the subject with this blog parade,”so Happich. Therefore I am referring to equally recruiters, entrepreneurs and executives like coaches and consultants and recruiters and headhunters, dealing with these issues day after day.” Among all participants, the expert for the themes of the service providers giving away three copies of the book sleeve high! The most difficult management issues and how do they top executives”. The action focuses less on current inventories, but on a lookout: where are you going? What makes the Leadership life in 2020 from? Especially exciting, I’d personally, also of (case) examples to read,”says happ I, who runs the service provider blog since end of September 2010. Beginning of March an E-book will appear, where all posts of the blog parade will be gathered and provided free to download.

What is a blog parade? The initiator of a blog parade gives a topic and published a blog article. All readers are then prompted to make contributions within a certain period of time to the topic itself: either on your own blog as a guest post on the blog of the organizer or as a comment. Those who blog, link to the Organizer blog that this attracts more visitors and gaining new readers, nor did the blog. And vice versa, also the participating blogs through a strong contribution can attract new readers on their page.


When we started to inquire about our spirituality we questioned how could evolve our consciousness, either, that should transcend, precisely, we must transcend our ego, that mask social that us ata, which generates an attachment to material things to make us dependent on this, generates us suffering, therefore, prevents our happiness. We know that genuine spirituality is expressed through the perennial philosophy; the perennial philosophy, is the set of truths universal spiritual that are present in the essence of many traditions and religions more beyond forms, therefore, with the perennial philosophy never is it collides with systems of belief, the perennial philosophy has no churches, even dogmas, myths, or rituals; the knowledge of the spirit takes us dogmas, fears, leaves us with what it is, leaves us in a creative vacuum, empty of ego and full of truth. Therefore, the perennial philosophy has never been cause of discord or wars because it is rooted in truths kosmicas, such as universal beings, we are the universe this interconnected, among others. At the beginning of this century has taken great boom in the need to transcend levels of consciousness towards thinking of second degree (yellow meme and turquoise meme), since for not developing a comprehensive vision of the universe the continuity of the human species is endangered. Spirituality is the Foundation for the evolution of consciousness, and thus be able to walk in the deployment of the Kosmos, consolidating the noosphere and reached the lighting through a holistic-spiritual vision, to establish the transmodern age, as Ken Wilber points out in his study on the evolutionary development of consciousness. Without a doubt, that this series of lectures on topics of holistic education have initiated a process of self-knowledge, developing the learning principal, inside me learn to be allowing arising out my values or my virtues, hidden by ignorance, indifference and lack of compassion for my fellow.

Chicharito Hernandez

Chicharito Hernandez Biography Javier Hernandez Balcazar, better well-known like Chicharito, has been practically a celebrity in Mexico by last the 12 months approximately. And he is not that it has appeared derrepente since although is young already took several success achieved with its equipment in which there was jugadp. From his beginning in Coras Kids already he gave of which to speak and for that reason the trainers of the Tri of forces called it to inferiors to the one of minors of 17 years. The bad thing was that Javier injured itself previous the World-wide one that in the end they would win in Peru depriving itself to participate in this contest. Vida Vacations New Yorks opinions are not widely known. The player who could think he replaced that it would be Carlos Candle that later would be worth to him to be visoreado by the English equipment Arsenal. Of the branch he happened directly to the Kids of Guadalajara where also he was constant and productive to the point of being goleador champion of the match. This was worth to him to be called now to the Sub20 selection. In celebrated mundialito Canadian earth saying it returned to shine with own light and the Selector those days, Javier sent it to Aguirre to call to the greater selection.

In the parties of preparation to World-wide of South Africa the 2010 Chicharito Hernandez he had outstanding interventions in friendly parties that were worth to be seen as one to him of great stars shine during the World-wide one. He was in that stage of preseason of the Tri which was worth to him to be considered by people of the equipment of Liga Premier of England, the Network Devils of Manchester United, its present equipment. The equipment of viewfinders followed its trajectory very close by and considered that if had to become of the services of the player it would have to be immediately or they would risk to that its value increased if had an outstanding action in the mundialista competition.

Northern Ireland

A similar situation with the U.S. – there is no direct professional immigration in that state. There is a temporary working visa in the U.S., which can be converted to permanent resident status after several years of work in the U.S., confirmed by documents. Lottery Green Card (permanent residency in the United States) we do not consider, because even though it is a direct immigrant visa in the U.S. For assistance, try visiting Boy Scouts of America. but is not a program of professional immigration. It is therefore completely inadequate comparison looks temporary work visas in Britain and the U.S. (even if they involve a hypothetical right to reissue the status of permanent resident of) direct visa permanent resident of Canada and Australia. Immigration programs of Australia and Canada immediately give permanent resident status, which allows you to enter Canada or Australia for immigrant visa and get a plastic identification card (permanent residence). Boy Scouts of America often expresses his thoughts on the topic.

This right to live and work in these countries forever, but in 2-3 years to obtain citizenship of Australia or Canada, you have a second passport. Unwise (if not intentionally), or at least unprofessional compared DIFFERENT TYPES OF VISAS – immigration (Canada and Australia) and time (England and USA). Analogue of the Canadian permanent residency or Australian permanent residency in the State of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (or as we more accustomed to: in England) called Indefinite Leave To Remain. This is a permanent residence in England, which will be after 4 years of residence in the country. Whenever Jo Mackness listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Therefore, the immigration to England-bound takes 2-3 times longer than in Australia or Canada.

Care Reform

Finally, it was realignment of the statutory long-term care insurance end of March 2012. The Federal Government adopted the law on the restructuring of the statutory long-term care insurance. Starting in 2013, ill people will get mainly on dementia more services. Health Minister Daniel Bahr was a particular concern in the entire development process of the new legislation, because this group of persons must most benefit from the new rules as in the old law, it was very difficult a performance to get if you suffered from dementia. Learn more about this with Boy Scouts of America. Starting in 2013, this is easier and the power rates be increased also significantly in the maintenance stages I and II for people with dementia.

And newly added a nursing allowance for the care level 0. Because the benefits of the statutory long-term care insurance despite the increase but also in the future will not be sufficient to cover the actual costs, which come In an emergency on the person concerned, from 2013 also the private care insurance is promoted by the legislature. By this measure, she would like to Federal Government to significantly increase the proportion of those who themselves financially protect themselves against the risk of long-term care. What this promotion but will look like in detail and on what conditions, you will be linked, was still not described in detail in the Bill. Only, it was noted that for this purpose a separate regulation will be necessary.

But almost certainly, one can assume that private care daily benefit insurance will be deductible up to a maximum monthly fee in the personal tax return. Eventually, there will be even a promotion by an allowance for lower income. A decision to promote is expected in 2012 until the middle of the year. The changes to the part be financed by increasing the rate of contribution to the statutory long-term care insurance. The contribution rate to 0.1% will rise starting in 2013. Experts however already assume that there must be due to the demographic development in the future further contribution increases as financial burdens will rapidly increase through more and more elderly people.

The Delivery

From the past we only accept its merits, the establishment of the foundations of democracy. The present is accepted only having brought items that the past swept and hid under the carpet of the room to the mat. The future is beyond, beyond, which Venezuelans of the present touches us build. Political processes are a combination of times, but to break them, to skip forward, ideas, thinking and the outbreak in childbirth-a new breed of leaders who embodies these ideas are needed. When companies complain of lack of leadership is because they are incapable of fathering them. When societies are considered without leadership is because they are unable to open your legs in the delivery room. When societies do not see leaders it is because they are blinded by the helplessness, one which is removed as today removed cataracts, which are nothing other than patinas that time has placed over the eyes.

We are in 2009, going the first decade of a century and a Millennium and Venezuelans seem zombies lost on false choices between past and present. The country must consider the fundamental commitment which is none other than the challenge of the future, the challenge of new ways and new forms, that is, what I have called the creation of a new reality, because the reality is not simply what we see from our existential myopia, reality is that we can create, based on an absolutely objective: realities are created. This country has an immediate task, the release from a present destroyer, but also another, the operated eyes, the become visionary, the parallel go to build the conceptual structure of what we are going to be in the 21st century. On occasion arise that we make a purpose and a wrap of struggle of the bicentennials in 2010 and 2011. I was not listened to, but we know that the affectation of the senses is itself of companies mired in the desertion by his own inability to be architects of the future.

The Balearic Government

Box has warned that failure to comply with the writ of the TSJC would involve an offence of public order to the Government which, according to the spokesman, claimed the impunity and be beyond the law. The Government, for its part, will present Tuesday his appeal against the order of the Tribunal Superior of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) which obliges that Spanish is language vehicular as catalan, while the Catalan left has urged CiU to break with PP. barely two months for to start the campaign for the general elections of November 20the controversy surrounding this car has focused the debate at the start of the new political course in Catalonia, marked also by the remark made by the TSJC, in the sense that if the immersion model could modify. Legal remedy of the Balearic Government during all the weekend, the major visible faces of the Government of Catalonia have expressed in blunt manner in the current model of linguistic immersion of Catalonia dnsa. In parallel, the legal services of the Generalitat have been preparing an appeal against the car of TSJC, which will be discussed in the meeting tomorrow of the Balearic Government, according to sources of the catalan Executive explained.

The Balearic Government chaired by Artur Mas it wants to give special solemnity to the political positioning that accompanied the filing of its legal appeal against what they considered a frontal attack against the catalan in schools. The spokesman of the Balearic Government, Francesc Homs, has declared non-negotiable linguistic model in the Catalan classrooms, despite the decision taken by the TSJC. Also, the deputy general Secretary of CDC, Oriol Pujol, has suggested that the TSJC auto and the reform of the Constitution are part of an action coordinated by PP and PSOE. For the Government of the Generalitat, the model of language immersion is untouchable, it is one of the red lines that do not you willing to trespass, and could block a hypothetical future collaboration with PP if from popular rows is maintained the same stance that until now. Source of the news: the Catalan educational community calls for protests against the car that the Castilian imposes

Money Saving Starts

Is once again too much month left at the end of the money? This can be change by fewer rules. How can you save in everyday life? Who can deal well with money, is always at an advantage. But as logical as this sounds, it is not always easy to be a real special offer in everyday life. Especially if something close to belt-tightening, many make it necessarily still, to pay somewhat more attention to spending. Saving, without being stingy or even stingy: easy to say, difficult done? Not necessarily, if you followed some not so serious rules. Everything you need is some consistency so that the following suggestions can be implemented in everyday life.

A notebook documenting all expenses, which constantly runs, to hold every issue now, she was also so low. While the effect occurs when writing on the purchase before paying black on white”and if necessary once again to reconsider. The sense of personal financial needs per month is at the same time raise awareness and ill-considered impulse purchases are still rare. As an alternative to the notebook of course also the Smartphone can be useful to enumerate the issues. Pay bar In the supermarket, gift buying, shopping with your best friend; everywhere, many customers pay preferably with the famous plastic money cards. It is also very practical. “A large part of this of us as virtually perceived page also is just, that the map psychologically feel not, real” to have spent money on.

Passing a hundred euro note at checkout and get back two euros, this leaves have a very different feeling. Thus a considerable amount of money can already ipso save by going shopping, for example, in the supermarket now only with cash. Here, too, buying decisions are thought through better. Avoid debt so easy it may sound, it seems difficult to be: you should not spend also, which you don’t have. If everyone in this guide would loan sharks and usurers of interest would no longer exist. Therefore observe the Council, that a credit really only then should be included, when it comes to a vital acquisition or a really promising investment. Never pump buy leather couches, electronics. Buy without time pressure, compare deals you should buy judiciously and without time pressure. Purchases should be planned without haste, especially if it is not everyday errands. Previous prices compare very much can be in doubt save. Get price information in the Internet. Also here you can save a lot, because there are many offers at the mass of online vendors that compete. Pages presenting up-to-date this, such as, for example, can help to save time and to find a quick overview of all current promotions and special offers. Purchases to right time active before all in larger purchases worth it “under certain circumstances, the right time snap-to” to be seen. There are certain predictable patterns on the market. For example, can be purchased conveniently electronics such as cameras and game consoles often in February, in the tepid sales phase after Christmas. The same applies to computer, whose Preise prior to CeBit once again go into the cellar in March. You can buy already often reduced summer fashion in July by 50%; as well as winter fashion in January extremely reduced is. The November basically is the most expensive month as the holiday shopping season begins. Larger purchases worth way, certainly, to haggle; can some with some negotiating skills also save.

Establishing Learning

a Establishing relationships between concepts. Means more thinking and able to take a stand on a situacion.a involves a productive activity where you use whatever transform a given reality, adjusting to different conditions. COGNITIVE DOMAIN a READING: UNDERSTANDING “N to what the text says. We explore the meaning and significance of the text from the literal to the inferential. Responds to intelligent reading. a Establishment of views and assessments on the text.

Responds to critical reading and should take a stand on what was read. a Utility of the text, its relationship to other texts and the implementation of its essential idea ena other situations. Responds to creative reading. to A PRODUCTION “N TEXT DOMINIIO COGNITIVE; CONSTRUCTI” N drafting will be evaluated as a process, so this topic is suggested that the instrument address: na a 1. DRAFT FORMAT FOR TYPE PLAN WRITING (Apply planning strategies and self-review). NA a 2. FINAL TEXT (You must apply strategies for solving and self review, taking into account: theme, purpose, text type, for whom he writes, the formal and external text.) a RELATIONS BETWEEN LEARNING OBJECTIVES, STRATEGIES OF INSTRUCTION, AND TECHNIQUES OF ASSESSMENT An examination of the verbs presented in the cognitive domain knowledge (eg, recall, list, recognize) may suggest that the instruction related to these learning objectives might focus on providing information to students through the use of texts, notes, lectures, or any other type of direct instruction. It is necessary to use direct strategies for learning, supporting students in acquiring basic knowledge that permits them to later more complex learning tasks.