Profiteers Of The Energy Revolution
13Th International Energy fair RENEXPO informs about the culture construction of the future the German construction industry has this spring again on slow collected more and made brilliant sales. The Ordervolu-men increased nominal year 10.3 percent, as reported by the General volume of the German construction industry. The company made sales – the highest April value ten years nearly seven billion euros in April. 13. International Energy fair RENEXPO boosts the energy revolution as estimated and established information and contact platform and gathered 1,500 participants in Augsburg, exhibitors and 16,000 visitors from 27 until 30.09.2012 350. Exhibition focusing on sustainable building the RENEXPO creates an optimal platform for energy efficiency in construction and renovation and bears with the upturn in the industry.
The construction industry is booming. The energy revolution, but also the euro crisis and the low interest rates provide full order books at the construction company. Unlike in manufacturing sentiment in the construction industry has itself also recently even more brightened, as confirmed by experts. The companies look more confidently on the coming half year. Electricity and gas prices rise and rise, climate change sits in the neck – no wonder us emphasize techniques more and more people in the building and renovation on energy saving. The Federal Government sees the central key to the modernisation of the energy supply and to achieve the climate protection targets in the climate-neutral building, and in the energy-related modernisation of the building stock. The State promotes extensive financial energetic building and renovation. But the problems are in detail: what funding pots is there? Who can use it? How must insulation and heating be co-ordinated, so it saves energy optimally and no mold is created? The 13th energy exhibition RENEXPO answered these and all other questions around the subject of construction, renovation and energy saving by the 27 to 30.09.2012 in Augsburg.