
Bus departs at 9:30 am Saturday. The bus company usually planned to supply the bus 15 minutes before departure time. Organizer of the meeting was to worry when the bus did not come at 9:20. He rang bus company manager. Manager replied that all drivers are still asleep and will not until 11 am. It turned out that they have worked before with another group and returned at 2:30 AM, and by federal regulations they must have at least 8 hours of rest between trips. After explaining the reasons for the delay dispatcher hung up.

Organizer of the meeting caused a few taxis to transport your group to a previously appointed time – 10 am, when it should have been begin implementing these measures. Then he called again to cancel the bus. On Monday, he asked the bus company to return the money to him. However, the company required to pay all in full, as the bus was ordered. He was told that he was not entitled to a refund because the order on the bus was canceled less than 24 hours before the execution. After several weeks of phone calls and letters to the company nevertheless agreed to return the money. Six months later, the meeting organizer has received another check, and with an apology for the incident from the national manager of commercial bus companies. So, the bus company to recover all costs and paid more, but all well lose customers. After 6 months, the organizer has found another company and was pleased with her service.

Development Studio

Players can win 1,000,000 million. Start with big TV campaign on Sat1 Hamburg, March 29, 2011 the Hamburg-based game publisher INTENIUM launches on the occasion of a million game revenue per hour a large TV and online campaign. In March, we clocked for the first time over a million coins sales per hour on We want to allow our players to this success to participate and start the great ALAMANDI 1,000,000 million euro profit game therefore from April 11. Everyone can take part and has the chance to 1,000,000 euros with our wheel of Fortune”Florian Gross, senior product manager at INTENIUM. The comprehensive TV campaign on Sat1 is accompanied by extensive online and social media measures among others, and other partner sites.

Our female users appreciate the relaxing experience and are therefore extremely faithful to the platform. We accomplish far above average user lifetimes and were able to convince this other partners in Brazil, Poland and Russia by Alamandi”adds Florian Gross. About INTENIUM: INTENIUM GmbH focuses on the core target group of female players and is one of the leading publishers of casual games for the multiplayer, online and PC-in Europe. “The company headquartered in Hamburg, Germany operates world’s multiplatform games and series, above all Germany plays!”, SCREENSEVEN “secret cases”and MYSTIC GAMES”. INTENIUM is provided with own sales activities in UK, France, Benelux and Scandinavia-international. The game productions take place in its own Development Studio in Kaliningrad. ( press contact: Anne Schneider T + 494025494297 F + 494025494296

Cologne Tel Companies

Innovative recruiting concept of Talential is awarded Cologne at the BMWi founder competition 2nd place, March 24, 2009. The online recruiting platform was the founder of competition of the Federal Ministry for Economics and technology (BMWi) 2nd awarded at. The innovative business concept of Talential was among 164 founders: the classic recruiting process is inverted. apply for selected top companies with highly qualified specialists and executives. Federal Minister of Economics Dr. Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg praised the courage and the creativity of all founders, that support the economic development of in Germany with their ideas in the area of advanced information and communication technologies on the occasion of the founder competition. Including technical innovation, founding figure and market potential were basis for the evaluation of the prize winners.

The Managing Director Manuel Koelman and Florian Schreckenbach by Talential see due to the continuous positive development in their entrepreneurial idea confirmed by Talential. Manuel Koelman said: the response we have received in recent months from pages of the companies, candidates and the public, shows that Talential offers real added value in the recruiting process. Our goal is to establish Talential, which creates a win-win situation for highly qualified specialists and executives and top companies as a recruiting platform in the market.” Web 2.0 startup award: Talential Finalisten Auch belongs to the 10 the jury of the Web 2.0 startup Awards 2009 “is impressed by the innovative concept: Talential is one of the Ten finalists have a chance Congress on Web 2.0 on March 30 in a six minute speech to convince the audience of the Web 2.0 Congress and its business model. The winner is then chosen by TED.

Waxing Damages Delicate Skin In The Bikini Area

In what may be a delicate step, the New Jersey state Board of Cosmetology and hairstyling is moving toward banning, well, pube waxing. “The state has no business in the nation’s bedrooms,” said Canada’s Prime Minister in 1967, Pierre Trudeau. But what business does the state have in the nation’s bikini bottoms? In what may be a delicate step, the New Jersey state Board of Cosmetology and hairstyling is moving toward banning, well, pube waxing. Recently, two women on a mission to combat their bikini line were hospitalized for infections following Brazilian bikini waxes, and one, of course, is suing. Technically, the state has never allowed genital waxing-only the face, neck, abdomen, legs, and arms are permitted. Apparently the genital area is not part of any of those areas.

And if the state knows what area it is a part of, it’s not telling. But because bare-it-all Brazilians weren’t specifically banned, wide-eyed regulators have been winking at the law. The hot wax used in genital waxing can irritate or damage delicate skin in the bikini area, say skin care experts. This results in infections, ingrown hairs, rashes, and way more than we need to know right now. However, millions of women-and some washer believe soon is beautiful, and many New Jersey salons offer rip-and-tear there for about 50 bucks US. The state Board of Cosmetology meets in April to decide on banning the procedure, which skyrocketed to popularity-first in Brazil, to accommodate skimpy thong bikinis-and then spread like a tsunami over beaches around the world. Ah, Brazil… where waxing is about as big a deal as a manicure or a pedicure…

But the New Jersey ban could take effect in may, just in time for summer swimsuit season, and salons that continue to perform it could be fined. Will how New Jersey beaches ever survive this one? One spa owner says that waxes produced most of 1,800 bikini business performed last year were Brazilian-style. Her customers, she adds, think their bikini lines are nobody’s business but their own. She says many customers would likely travel across state lines to get waxed, and some might even try to do it themselves. Check back with Spacelocker for before-and-after photos, as soon as they become unavailable.

The World Osteoporosis Day

Our motto: Diagnosis osteoporosis – invitation move more together under the motto “Diagnosis osteoporosis – move more together” is the first joint patient event of all German DOP members of the osteoporosis self help groups roof Association aligned. This event will be seen as a continuation of activities on the occasion of World Osteoporosis Day. Date: November 14, 2009, City Hall Gotha. The themes of the event: “Medical act between science and art of healing” (Mrs. Dr. Jutta Semler), “from the function training for integrated movement therapy” (Mr Dr.

Jochen Werle) and “Self-help in the change” (Mrs Karin Mertel) are the Conference themes. The invitation is addressed to stakeholders and interested parties. Association-cross common desire is to Association-cross common in action – all organizations have the goal of enlightenment and the help. And the osteoporosis self help groups roof Association (OSD) in the truest sense of the word is a roof that goal: a common event in cooperation with the network Osteoporosis e.V., Bundesverband self-help healthy bone e.V. (BGK), the Board of Trustees of bone health e.V.

and the German Greens Kreuz e.V. (DGK). Osteoporosis self-help groups roof Association (OSD) a strong community of OSD 2009 was the largest association in the DOP, the umbrella organization of German osteoporosis self-help associations and patient-oriented osteoporosis organisations e. V. – an independent Association of osteoporosis self-help associations and patient-oriented organizations from Germany, Austria and the Switzerland and a cross-border network for osteoporosis interested and affected. The osteoporosis self help groups roof Association (OSD) provides help for affected parties and members, support, information and active therapy in self-help groups. Osteoporosis, the information portal offers detailed information about the disease image osteoporosis, shows which possibilities within the framework of the self-help and what we as a self-help group association as well as social and making nonprofit organization. OSD – active against osteoporosis.

Second Day Party

If you have a large organization, an impressive structure, you have to take into account this principle, duplication, if you want I’ll say a secret: not can work directly, face to face, with more than 20 people at the same time. Clear are the presentations, seminars, webinars, conferences, where you can connect with more than 20 people, but it is not this matter, I want to tell you that directly, you don’t can, physically, working with more than 20 people, or, if you want to work with more than 20 people, you have to stop sleeping, or see your family. But here, I have to tell you something very important: that is as a sort of conveyor belt, your you choose one of these 20 people with which you are working, you occupy him awhile, a year, or half a year, if that person has more knowledge, teach you the business, you’ve doubled, and after this period you loose, leave you work if same, under your eyes. Practical exercise: 1 Enter in your workbook: in order to have a large in my business structure multilevel I have to be a perpetual teacher for my distributors. 2 Choose one of your distributors, you think that it has more potential, and develop you, teach you all the secrets of the business, not cuts you, teach you everything, as if it were your brother, your best friend.

With time you will recognise increasingly better expectations, your distributors that have more potential, you did not want to invest your time with a person who has no leader wood, to do this, you have to be very objective, but quiet, this is a skill that develops gradually. 3. To make this step you have to know yourself first very well the business, you have to master every aspect of your business very well so, if at the moment you dare not do this step, the Professor of multilevel, nothing happens, lee, studied, educate yourself, find yourself a mentor until then, but you have to have very clear in your head that this is the way you have to be very strong in your structure leaders. Leave me a comment on this article, your opinion is important to me, I want to know what are your questions, your concerns, your frustrations and your problems. The corner of the wise: If Le Das a fish to a man hungry Le Vas A save for a day, but if you ensigns to fish you help for Toda La life anonymous many thanks. Toader Matei DominTuNegocioMultinivel.

Complicated Third Party

I just published an article about how to recruit in MLM interhumanas relationships are why your relationships are so complicated? Third part published today February 23, 2011, in the web site, which is one of my blogs, and there we are going to talk a bit about the complicated and delicate issue of interhumanas relations, and in particular on interpersonal relationships in your MLM business, because Let’s go there. Why, sometimes, your relationship with your dealers is so complicated, and you don’t know how to handle it at certain times? In my opinion there are 2 main reasons: 1. in a relationship with one of your distributors, you see what you want to see, or who have been accustomed, educated or taught to see. 2. You can see everything that your dealer lets you see. The second reason is because you can only see that he lets you see because your relationship with your dealer or your prospect can be complicated, not you can learn, in principle, that the you It is telling, for this is recommended that you use your intuition, you have to understand what your dealer wants to tell you, that you are saying without using words, clear this ability you it will develop gradually, if you already have is very good, congratulations! With the passage of time each relationship becomes increasingly more, you have to have in your head as a profile of every person in your structure, and sometimes you need lots of memory to be able to know all the details of every relationship. Practical exercise: a. When you go to talk to a distributed yours, you focus on it and not in what you want or think, this will help to better understand and thus help you with much more ease.

You have to concentrate in such way that you have to imagine that your life depends on what you will tell this person, at this time you have to forget you, your family, your problems, everything that exists in this moment is your dealer and your problem that you going to solve. b. look him in the eye, this you will help to see all its reactions, better dive into your problem, in their world, and to him you will help to say much more easily what you want because you will feel that someone is listening for truth, and as reward will tell what really hurts it, that frustration has, that doubts, problems, for you this is valuable information to help you and improve the relationship with this dealer. I usually say that this is the reason because a good leader has 2 ears and only one mouth, because you have to listen more than talk and give solutions. At the end I would like to me to leave a comment on this article, tell me a little bit and tell me what are your questions, your concerns, your problems. Thanks a lot. Toader Matei the corner of the Sage: “the good news is that when you decide that what you know is more important that what you have been taught to believe you’ve changed speed in your pursuit of wealth. Success comes from inside, not from outside.


Your Web site does not always sells. What sells is to maintain an effective communication by email. It is the relationship that you can create from your Web site. The secret is to offer something free and capture their name and email address and thus, with intelligent autoresponder you tracked until they buy. That is a smart autoresponder? This is if you are looking for a solution for your business needs. Basically a system by which any visitor who requests additional information get an immediate response, which is automated.

Its main features are:-respond in 30 seconds all demand of Informacion-crea a list of those interested in its products – allows to monitor until you buy serves equally well for sending successive messages to that user who originally contacted with us, so that we can maintain a relationship at the time with him. (through a monthly newsletter, for example) Extremely easy to use. The advantage of that database on its own server is obvious against the insecurity of having them in external servers. Another advantage is that the product is paid once and should not be subject to monthly installments, as it is the case with services. If we get that this relationship has a benefit for the customer and also earn your trust is quite possible just by purchasing any of the products or services that we offer you through those messages. How does it work? Who contracts the service has access to the control Panel with your personal password. There enter your messages, indicates the intervals between deliveries, can add and remove messages at any time. Everything is automatically registered in the database that only you have access with your personal key from the control panel. How the information requested my target audience? They displayed their offers on its website or in classified ads and ask for the information. They receive your message instantly.

Scientific Council

However. It's no secret that there are times when people did not get the result. That is, it expectations did not materialize. He was neither better nor worse. He did not notice anything, and he felt at his feelings. But this does not refute, not to deny that changes are, and they go inside organizama. Why, then, no otschuschuny? Yes, because for the first time in a long time, it (the body) began to arrive earlier were in short supply pitalnye matter. It takes a while to all physiological systems, organs, filled, filled with essential materials for their livelihood.

It takes time to restore the functions and organs and systems. The organism was finally getting what has previously been denied. The longer maintained deficit, the longer the time to go to replace it, and recovery. How long to wait? How much time should pass to the person felt those changes? There are no such regulations. Every man, it happens in your turn. Sometimes months or even two months not enough to produce pronounced effect. And here would be wrong to show negative emotions, and reject, what is helping you.

In fact, you yourself bring to your body vital for him (ie himself) elements. Their number, sooner or later turns into the right quality. On this occasion there is a saying Director Institute of Nutrition RAMS, Chairman of the Scientific Council on medical problems, problems Food – Academician Viktor Tutilyan – today, the biggest one expert, the biggest expert on dietary supplements in Russia: "The majority do not get the effect of the use of food supplements because of lack of understanding of the mechanism of action, and the short-term administration, which does not allow to fully ensure the effectiveness of the manufacturer's product. " Should we abandon BADobavok? Decide for yourself. Every person must, moreover, must take responsibility for their lives for themselves. And this is the first thing we should do with you. Yourself, trust your own life. We need to understand for myself what I want from this life. What I'm having, and what I am missing. We need to know and understand what's happening with you, with your body, what and how they live. And if you or you take control of all your life for yourself, and move in the right and important to you towards making your life as you yourself want. Or, swim with the flow, surrendering to the will of the "waves" – the circumstances. Sooner or later, we go the distance, ending his career. Will you evaluate it? As he lived, which reached? Bad if you knew, and could not do that. Do, act, Do! Knowledge about what supplements really beneficial to human body, you have. How do you dispose of them, you decide. And let us have enough intelligence and will to make the right decision and do the right thing. Entrust your life itself, and its own system. And to help you BADobavki J. Oleg Semochkin.

President Service

The proceeds was the children’s and youth hospice service of Maltese in Grafelfing donated Munich, 12.06.2013: on the 08.06.2013, the Economic Club hosted Neuried in the golf course of the golf and country club estate vineyards one golf charity Cup for the benefit of children and youth hospice service of Maltese in Grafelfing. The participants for a good purpose could engage in sunny weather and the good 9-hole course of the golf course in Starnberg. “The event was held under the motto: play golf and do good” held by the Board of Directors of the Economic Club Neuried wife Barbara Brubacher and Mr Robert Esslinger organized. The Christl & Schowalter was willing to promote the event as the main sponsor, was on hand. Social engagement is important to us,”said Franz Frank, sales manager at the dealership Christl & Schowalter in Munich and added: the work of the children’s and youth’s hospice service in Grafelfing is very important. Support within the framework of this first Charity Cup was of course therefore for us”. The success of the event, making Hope.

Finally, proceeds from a total of 1,795 euros from the operation and the raffle came together. The President of the Economic Club, the donated sum could eventually Neuried, Dr. Oliver Bar, on wife Hannelore Rauscher of the hospice service personally present. “And so the two organisers Barbara Brubacher and Robert Esslinger said finally: after this successful start another WCN-charity tournament will follow probably next year”. Company Description: Christl & Sajjad is the customer at the Center. With the locations of Munchen Forstenried, Freising and Munich-Berg am laim group dealership Christl & Schowalter, Autohaus Christl, Autohaus Freising Schowalter and Autohaus Werndl offers first-class services and best advice around the car.

As owner-managed companies partners offer the all around service from workshop, administration and sale there customers as Volkswagen, Audi and koda.