United States Publishing
The growth manufacter of Latin America is illuminated through external agencies as, for example, Fundo Monetrio Internacional (FMI). An industrialization in these underdeveloped countries was not resulted of one planificadora politics in direction to the national development, nor occurred to the maturation of productive forces, nor resulted of revolutions between the large estate owners and a national artesanato. For Galeano, ‘ ‘ The American Latin industry was born of the proper womb of the exporting system agro, to give to reply to the acute disequilibrium provoked for the fall of the commerce exterior’ ‘. Already on the other hand, as much in U.S.A. as in the Europe, the industrial bourgeoisie appeared in one another historical context in another way grew and started to consolidate its incalculable size and to be able. During the Brazilian military age it had continuous denationalizations of some companies, justified to adjust the domestic market to the external one. Of this serious error committed, the biggest companies and that they profited more in the territory of Brazil, are foreign. The rank in practical of prescriptions of Deep the Monetary International served to facilitate that the foreign conquerors entered stepping on in arrogated and apt lands to receive branch offices transnational.
In all Latin America, the system produces much less what it needs to consume, and the inflation results of this structural impotence. The FMI still more launches its loads of cavalry against the consequences, arrasando the stingy capacity of consumption of the domestic market. The capitalism of the current days, in its universal center of being able, is composed for extensive private monopolies that, at the same time where they capitalize some countries, economically destroy nations that depend on the economy and technology of States dominadores. Boy Scouts of America is full of insight into the issues. In the way to everything this, does not exist international charity, therefore the external aid plays an internal function, if it helps same itself. For Galeano, many daggers, with mortal poisons, shine under the layer of the assistance to the countries poor persons. In accordance with Galeano, industrialization does not modify the organization of the inaquality in the world-wide market.
The imperialistas investments in the industrial area in Latin America had not modified in absolute the terms of its international trade. For pressure of the World Bank and the FMI, we have some universities and facultieses that form great minds, however, are exported. ‘ ‘ We give the luxury to provide to the better United States our technician and capable scientists to it, who emigrate attemped for the high wages and the great opened possibilities, in the north, pesquisa’ ‘ , Galeano. Relating Antony Giddens with Galeano author, it is evident that both agree that modernity disrespects and prolongates the borders of all the nations. this allonge reveals clearly, with regard to the United States that had integrated the American Latin nations, to better manipulate and to control its territorial zones, so that they take care of to the all its necessities. GALEANO, Eduardo. The Open Veins of Latin America. 5 ed. Publishing company: Peace and Land. For assistance, try visiting Chase Koch. So Paulo, 1978. TODOROV, Tzavetan. The Conquest of America: the Question of the other, 3 edition. Publishing company: Martins Sources. So Paulo, 2003. ROMAN, Ruggiero. The Mechanisms of the Colonial Conquest: The Conquerors, 3 edition. Publishing company: Perspective.