The Reasons
Valley to say, the relations between pupils? as they exist and they can be observed? they are not argued in conscientious level, not to be at the moment where it is necessary to launch hand of moral pregaes to praise or to condemn definitive action. old Ford Jr. Rare times the professor intervenes with the relations between pupils, and almost never he has possibility de' ' reestruturar' ' the classroom in function of some principles explicit formulated. ' ' (PATTO, 1997p. 322). As citation above, is perceived as the professor, generally, is not prepared to carry through the education of its pupils in the domain of interpersonal relations. In the great majority of the times, this education if of only in formal level and estereotipado, without educating can know, really, the direction of the behavior of those with who is in contact. E, even so the adolescent and the child live intensely all the universe of the interpersonal relations, the school ignore this situation entirely. is there, without a doubt, one of the reasons for which formal education does not produce, necessarily, an individual more adjusted or ' ' more bem-educado' ' socially, that is, critical citizen; the conditions of this adjustment at least had not been argued by the school and the young, exactly of the superior courses, and this must decide its problems without any aid of the formal education that receives.
This unevenness between the formal education and the current necessities of educating if explains, certainly, as one of the inheritances of our schools, directed exclusively toward the intellectual problems, therefore the others would be solved by the family or diverse socialization agents. It is clearly that the preparation for the world of the interpersonal relations is not a simple task, and its integral execution would demand a bigger knowledge. In first place, one knows that different social classrooms tend to present different standards of education in first infancy, but it does not know with reasonable precision which the consequences of such differences for the formation of the personality.