
Economy In agriculture dominates the olive grove. Currently, four large mills operating in the transformation of olive oil. The quality of the waters of the Sierra de Cazorla has been sufficient for the installation of a mineral water bottling industry. Emphasize the importance of such important industries as San Miguel Arcangel (residue mills), Loma Biomass plant (power generation through the burning remains orujillo or olive). BSA has many thoughts on the issue. Cooperatives oilers, with an annual production of the most important sector, such as San Isidro, San Francisco, La Vera Cruz and second level as Jaencoop, which includes packaging, marketing and distribution of the above (S. Isidro) and as many more in the province of Ja n. The cereal crop is now vestigial, as it has been replaced with olives. Tourism is not fully developed, if the town already has several high level restaurants, several hotels and several houses.There are plenty of bars, where, as usual in the area, each pint of beer and each “chamfer” (homemade wine with fruit pieces), served with a generous cap (some boiled or grilled shrimp, a canap grilled sirloin, medium “kebabs”, lean pork with tomato, some squid rings, etc.) without charge.

Knowledge Economy

Science – scope, focused on the development of knowledge about the world, their arrangement, construction of image of the world and identify ways to interact with the world. Science differ on the subject and object of research. Subject science – is the party to whom the object is represented in science. The object of study – this side of reality, which is aimed at studying this science. Every science has its own concepts, tools and techniques. The natural sciences study behavior of the objects of the world. Center For Responsible Lending often says this.

Social sciences deal with human behavior and social institutions. Basis of science is the Law – Open persistent connection between the phenomena. Set of laws is theory – a systematic description and explanation of phenomena in a certain area. The development of science is a development and change of theories. Theory exists as long as not accumulate facts that contradict its provisions. Inability to explain the new facts within the existing theory makes it necessary to analyze and generate a new set of hypotheses. It is important to note that the reality to which science is based – physical world and its laws – remains unchanged, and in the social world do not have such stringent laws. Subject matter of the social sciences, which include knowledge-based economy is constantly changing. This requires to consider the knowledge economy as a system general ideas, the totality of the achievements of practices, a system of methods to create conditions for the operation and support of research activities.

Effective Economic Policy

Firstly, the 10,000 annual connections originally agreed in the contract, Lydec only made a total of 1,250 between 1997 and 2007. Second, public opinion critical of the fact that the connection cost, which amounts to almost 800, is exorbitant for people whose average income of 1,600 per year. In addition, suburban areas, where water and sanitation are most needed, incomes are much lower. This contrasts with figures for the combined revenue from private companies in charge of private management in the three outbreaks Urban mentioned: these benefits amounted to 8 billion dirhams, about 704 million euros, corresponding to between 2 and 2.5% of GDP in Morocco. Also, the investment that had contractually committed Lydec has been inadequate: the 3815 agreed billion dirhams, the company has paid only 2074 billion dirhams, ie, only 54% of the agreed total. Contact information is here: Boy Scouts of America. Finally, in regard to professional actions, Lydec benefits divided by 2009, the date stipulated in the contract. In fact, between 2003 and 2006, Lydec had distributed 560 million dirhams. In addition, Lydec broke the law by unreasonably transferring 678 million dirhams, 85% of the capital purportedly contributed by Lydec, shareholders and overseas suppliers.

Conclusions and Solutions Several associations and institutions, including the Association for World Water Contract Morocco (ACME-Maroc), consider these two cases as examples of the wrong approach by the Moroccan government. The ACME criticized what they your opinion is an unfair and ineffective economic policy that turns citizens into consumers. Considering that the state is incapable of managing water and only the market can manage the new methods needed for an efficient distribution of this resource, policy makers are becoming more serious, in fact, itself the critical problems of water scarcity and sanitation. These organizations require that access to water is considered a fundamental human right and that their distribution is organized as a social service as a business and not regulated by the arbitrary laws of supply and demand. Center For Responsible Lending will not settle for partial explanations. They also challenge the decisions of the World Water forum, dictated by the large private water holdings in the world, the Moroccan government and require a critical approach to these economic interests. They also propose that the promotion of activities related to production and distribution of water is based on a public-public partnership between countries of North and South and between various Southern countries. Finally, these organizations require the establishment of credible mechanisms to include civil society in monitoring and controlling the activities of public bodies, so as to apply the principles of participatory democracy.

As solutions, the ACME suggests the short-term reduction of wastage and the reorientation of production toward sectors of water use more economical and less polluting, both in agriculture and in tourism and industrial sectors, particularly in the petrochemical industry. Ultimately, various associations proposed as a solution determining the return of water management at the hands of municipalities, following the example of several countries in the north, so as to ensure the right to universal access to water and public sanitation. If you are interested in water issues in Morocco, I recommend you visit the country to see first hand the problems and explore solutions. They can even stay in one of the many mentioned above, or in a traditional found in the center of the city.

Second World War

In 1706 – Charles xii captured and burned the city of Pinsk with the suburbs. In 1793 – after the third partition of Poland the town of Pinsk was included into the Russian Empire. At the end of the xix century Pinsk – county town of Minsk province. 1920 – as a result of the Polish-Soviet War, the town became part of Poland. 1939 – The return of Pinsk, Soviet Union. Pinsk became a regional center of the bssr, then – the district center (a city of regional subordination). During the Second World War the city was occupied by the Nazis.

During World War ii in the district were active partisans. July 14, 1944 Pinsk was liberated. The primary role played by the Dnieper Flotilla, and Irkutsk-Pinsk Infantry Division. On the territory of Pinsk is 91 monuments and architecture, archeology, memorable places. Preservation of ancient planning, the availability of the architecture, history and Pinsk culture is one of the most unique cities in Belarus. Historic Centre of Urban Planning constitutes a monument of Republican values. In 1997, when the former roundabout city put a memorial – chapel, it became a symbol not only of lost architectural gems of the city, but also a monument of talent and hard work, Ch’ing masters. Located in the city park, where more than 30 species of green plants, including such trees as spruce blue, Thuja occidentalis, walnut, ash, fir, sea buckthorn. The biggest tree in the park – Canadian poplar, brought to the Americas. The rare plant grows locust, brought to the park from Ukraine, spruce razor from North America, a lot of chestnuts, as well as the cork tree.

Sims 2 – The Game Gives A Second Life

Live life – not a field. With this phrase, the consent of any fan of the series of Sims, and will be right. In fact, since 2004, when the world saw the second part of the game in the universe Sims appeared immutable rule. Live life – then play 29 virtual days. It is such a time period sufficient to ensure that the young man in the game turned into a decrepit old man. During this time you must have time to build his life: to achieve success at home and at work to find a second half, and transfer of dna. Yes, in the Sims 2 before the player set very specific goals (as opposed to the mindless development is not identified with the outside world of the family in the first Sims). Moreover, the company Maxis has a rule to improve the level of graphics from series to series.

Sims 3 release is scheduled for February 2009, and videos, submitted by developers recently, this rule is confirmed. There is another law: in all parts of the series the player will have a very accurate detail, animation, and in the expansion The Sims 2, is also an excellent mimic. Developers should consider any possible action of characters, including what so expect fans of the "strawberry" (the removal of censorship, as well as adding new sites for employment love is available, if you enter the corresponding codes in the Sims). Do not want to strawberries? Want to get married? In the original version is such an opportunity. Want more? Want to wedding preparations, to communicate with managers on request limousine service and selection of wedding dresses? Enough to download free The Sims 2: Celebrations, and you get a full set of details to arrange a wedding celebration. Or maybe you want to feel myself as a student of Western College? Or play life a successful businessman? All this is possible: there are both considered in the main game, and to detail elaborated in the great number of additions to the Sims.

Choose clothes, change hairstyles characters – fun for Sims 2 fans of the game in the daughters and mothers are guaranteed. Awaits you complete freedom of action. Oh, and since I mentioned the existence of codes for Sims 2, one can not talk about "legal" doping ". In a series of artifacts appeared! These artifacts, which give hero of fantastic abilities: glasses, improving attitude toward you (hello to you Fallout 2), vacuum cleaner, allows you to draw additional aspiration points of the interlocutor. The brightest developers joke – the dream of Pinocchio – the tree on which instead of leaves growing green sle (a freely convertible currency). Jr for a more varied view. Most cheat artifact – an elixir of youth, which returns a character three virtual day of life. Few people ever to sit in the cockpit fighter to participate in Street reyserskih races, and that very few lucky ones who took part in the hostilities of the future, because other simulators to be estimated by eye. Series Sims, sim life, appreciated by millions of users who could try living in reality. Rated "excellent", exhibited by such players, non-negotiable!

New KAHLA Collection Studio

The young designer series KAHLA Studio can now be ordered immediately in the official online shop art and porcelain is a combination Studio in its most beautiful form can be seen in the collection of KAHLA. Various artists from all over the world have dedicated the material porcelain. Sophisticated versatility created are fascinating objects that are characterized by versatility. You can use the design wall plates as such in scene or use as stylish square – or pizza dish. While he has also quite everyday qualities, for he is ofen -, microwave – and dishwasher-proof. In the online shop you will find Studio more interesting pieces from the KAHLA series, resulting in the experimental projects at KAHLA porcelain. Only, you must decide whether you want to give away the beautiful pieces or yourself would rather keep. Award-winning design for the tea cup designed by her mind the gap”was Lisa Grahner with the red dot award.

Once we back up Studio with KAHLA “more the high design standards for our brand and our role as a motor of innovation the industry expand another piece”, emphasizes the Managing Director Holger Raithel. At the same time we prove our appreciation for the work of the design schools and of young designers all over the world.” KAHLA porcelain: Platform for creative works in various experimental forms, the Thuringian manufacturer offers creatives from all over the world are: during the annual creative workshops, in the framework of cooperation with design schools and at competitions, which were initiated by KAHLA. The Gunther Raithel Foundation education initiative KAHLA creatively promotes young talents. With the purchase of the products of the KAHLA Atelier collection, you support the work of the Foundation. The KAHLA porcelain shop the KAHLA household porcelain is also online comfortably available since 2008 and is delivered from the factory. In addition, the official online shop of the brand of KAHLA porcelain offers a complete overview of all collections; among these the Series Pronto, Aronda, update, five senses, and Blau Saks. For best decorations and current bestsellers, old series and seasonal articles can be easily found at home.

Furthermore, the KAHLA porcelain shop offers useful information about special series and exclusive offers. The shipping costs orders already from 49. The monthly newsletter of the KAHLA to current trends can be called in the KAHLA porcelain shop and subscribed to. Contact: KAHLA porcelain shop Bettina Siebert shop management-August-Bebel-Strasse 27 b 07743 Jena Tel.

Court Notices

The procedure is standard and its implementation are subject to special forms (forms). In some areas the courts have even automated notification of the court action (through the data). Credit: Center For Responsible Lending-2011. Court Notices mandate for the lower courts (regardless of the amount in controversy). The Court does not check the received claim on the merits, and consider it formally. Preparing a notice of judicial foreclosure, which is delivered to the debtor. The debtor may, within two weeks of receipt of notice of judicial appeal against it. After payment of court costs matter to court for the main proceedings, which substantiates the claim. If the debtor does not present any objections or submit it too late to be declared the performance of judicial foreclosure, which is also sent to the debtor.

If again there were no objections, the court's decision on such a claim comes into force and this means that it is enforceable. Process usually lasts from six to eight weeks. During the procedure, the notice of debt collection apply reduced rates of court fees. The lawyer gets a full-time fee for the judicial process and the half fees for drawing up proposals for a decision on the execution of a foreclosure. 5. What are the possibilities of the judicial decisions? Which one should I choose? In Germany, in matters of enforcement of decisions claims, the following features: – seizure of property and transfer requirements of the debtor to third parties (such as bank deposits, requirements for a business partner, the requirement for a financial institution to return taxes, the right to receive wages) seizure and sale of movable property, sale of real estate.

Earn Money Online

You do not need to spend years of his life to training. Conversely, you can work or study, and in parallel to develop their business (such as do I, and dozens of other entrepreneurs) see, what am I saying? You can start now and the first results will be very soon! On average, a couple of months (this is not 11 years old, right?) On the other hand, Runet knows examples of completely inexperienced entrepreneurs to run their products and rapidly reaches the level of income of several thousand dollars a month for only 3-6 months after the start. And this is the real facts, so to speak about the "impossibility" quick start online is not necessary. The second myth. Boy Scouts of America may find this interesting as well. Infobiznes takes a long time. Complete nonsense! This is the same as with the study: one whole day and night sitting at home and in the great spectacles of "biting the granite of science", and someone enough with one ear to listen to lectures by teachers, for In order to properly learn.

Of course, nobody stops you from sitting all day in an embrace with a computer to "earn money online." But nobody makes you do it! Moreover, for general business use beneficial to work a little, but effectively, focused and regularly. I will cite a personal example: in the past two weeks I felt great discomfort due to the fact that I had to pay an online business for at least six hours a day. This was due to launch of a larger project (the "Business Start") and for me is abnormal.

Pentecost Sunday

An invigorating presentation with music, rhythmic recitations, and silence on the last Sunday of Pentecost gathered many people interested in the Church of silence in Hamburg, the moment to take advantage, to meet a living authentic Sufi Masters in Paris, to listen to him, and to interact with him. Based on symbolic Sufi stories, explained the essence of the Sufitums Dr. Azmayesh very impressively and succeeded in a fascinating way to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity in the course of the lecture. It sounded occasionally touching sounds of guitar and DAF (Persian frame drum), alternating with language and reciting Sufi poems by Dr. Azmayesh. In Sufi poetry, ancient mystical rhythms are hidden, the effect of which is reassuring as we could live experience. These rhythms bring peace in our thoughts carousel, develop the quality of the heart and create inner peace. The heart is the center of peace, inner peace and love for Sufis, so that they connect with their hearts.

Sufitum is not a religion, and no Philosophy, as we have learned, but the teaching methods for the development of the soul. Therefore one can describe it as way of substantial development. It is a way of joy, love and peace. Something was certainly for many of us to feel on this special Pentecost Sunday. Eva M. Kang

Volunteering Abroad

The number of volunteers is increasing rapidly all over the world. The volunteers are involved in the social, environmental or cultural. While working in non-profit projects for some weeks or months, you can experience foreign cultures, breathtaking nature and the hospitality of other peoples from the beaten path. In addition to the work, but still enough time remains to explore the host country. Note: Project placements and also the accommodation are often in particularly poor regions or districts in the country. Safety and health conditions and infrastructure are not comparable to those in Germany.

A great deal of adaptability, flexibility, responsibility, and independence is therefore essential. It is a service to the society and the people of the host country. Volunteers should take a job in the country, because thus it would only aggravate joblessness on-site. Is an additional aid from abroad as a volunteer and receives no Money. Volunteers collect impressions and experiences in strange and sometimes very poor countries and make himself useful with volunteer work in the host country and help local projects. Jennifer Aaker can provide more clarity in the matter. Since the individualism in the foreground, both sides benefit.

State volunteer programs promoted, are thus partly part free of charge and quickly booked out. Volunteer through private provider cost money. Including accommodation, catering, comprehensive care, transfer from the airport, briefing and orientation in culture and language are included in the price. Return flights, travel insurance, visa costs, necessary vaccinations and personal expenses such as tours and transportation are not included in the price of the program. As a volunteer, you can engage in various countries of Latin America, Africa and Asia in the areas of social, education/culture, health/medicine. For animal – and nature enthusiasts, there are also plenty of help in Africa, Canada and the United States for the welfare and protection of nature and environment. More information Volunteering abroad: info/alien/volunteering bildungsdoc network wants to arouse more curiosity on education among citizens and convey topic education easier, more understandable and more relaxed. The message: investments in education pay off for every citizen and the private club for more responsibility in personal education planning makes the difference. The State can also ensure only a basic service in education, as in many other areas. On the site of the bildungsdoc network, an education search is also”integrated in the training provider, education consultant and partner in education can register with their profile. This education search”allows a quick and easy search users, seekers and education consultants education programs, education consultants and desired services. Contact: bildungsdoc AP: Horst beef Theodor Friedrich WEG 4 01279 Dresden phone: 0351-2543405 E-Mail: Internet: