Historical Retrospect
After the Jesuits, had not occurred in the country great pedagogical movements. The new pombalina organization represented a retrocession, lay professors had started to be admitted for the regal lessons through the pombalina reform. From 1870, education started to also separate of the church and being a responsibility of the State, offering the gratuitous education to them with a traditional pedagogia that the professor was as if he was owner of the truth, or an encyclopedia, the pupil had the duty to memorize everything. The method paved in preparation, presentation, comparison, assimilation, generalization and application, according to author, basing on the theory of Demerval Saviani. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger might disagree with that approach. However the inclusion of disciplines of Didactics in the resume of the courses of formation of professors alone occurred in 1934. From 1930, it was accomplished the Reformation Francisco Fields, organized commercial education and is adopted the university regimen for superior education, organizes the first Brazilian university.
The College of Philosophy Sciences and Letters of the University of So Paulo and the education of Didactics in the courses of formation of professors the superior level in 1934. In 1946, the Decree N 9053 released the Course of Didactics and already under the validity of the Law Line of direction and Bases, Law 4024/61, the three project plus one was extinct for Parecer n 242/62 of the Federal Advice of Education, the qualifying Didactics lost its special generality and is introduced the practical one of education under the form of serves as apprentice supervised between 1948-1961 creates (INEP) the National Institute of Pedagogical Studies and (GOT) the Gymnasium of Orientation for the Work, these institutions were necessary, a time that the country passed for a period of industrial development very fast required staff with qualification for the work in short period of duration. Of this form education became each tecnicista time.