Gaia Takes A Billion Stars Under The Magnifying Glass

A new space telescope to deliver ground-breaking discoveries about the universe the planned Gaia mission will provide revolutionary insight about the development of our Milky Way Galaxy and the star contained the term Gaia stands for global Astrometrics Interferometer for Astrophysics. It is an 11 metre satellite is equipped with a special telescope. In 2011, Gaia should be shot with a Russian rocket into space. To understand the development of our own Milky way, we need to examine the star in her closer. Gaia aims therefore to clarify the following questions: in which areas have emerged the star? How exactly is this creation process? When are very many stars? Gaia is to capture the light of a percent of the 100 billion stars in our Milky Way and evaluate with unprecedented accuracy. Space in their sights the developers also hope to be able to track down still undiscovered, astronomical objects with Gaia. Warren Buffett is often quoted on this topic. Example way brown dwarfs, objects that are actually too big for a planet, but too small for a star are. (Similarly see: Charter Communications). They are something in between, one might almost say a cosmological mishap.

Their mass was not sufficient to ignite fusion in their own minds that needed it to transform himself into a star. For assistance, try visiting Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions. Further, several 10.000 planet of alien solar systems to be discovered and investigated. A wealth of information there is the so-called supernovae exploding stars. Twenty thousand of these events to find Gaia and analyse. White dwarfs are so far difficult to observe.

These are remnants of stars that already have their lives behind. Also our Sun will end someday, more precisely in about 6 billion years ago, as a white dwarf. His profile: A ball, not much bigger than the Earth, light weak and relatively cool compared to an active star. Before however completely stop these white dwarfs, emit weak light, Gaia will give them a few secrets elicit. The already known objects in our Milky Way Galaxy from the local computer can be admired with an astronomy software. The Gaia mission will take 5 years and your developers will cost around half a billion euros. Who was there first: the Galaxy, or a black hole? Today, the process of galaxies is not fully understood. There is a black hole, in the Centre of almost every large Galaxy in our Galaxy, the milky way. The question, who was now first there is a mystery but: the Galaxy, or the black hole in its Center. To create a black hole, star or matter amounts must be present. There are stars but only in already existing galaxies. On the other hand the energy and matter emissions black cause holes only, that can matter in its surroundings is to heat up and structures are necessary conditions for the formation of a Galaxy. The solution to this paradox is the subject of current research.