
They are the first agents of this right and duty, and the school, society, will contribute in this task. The role of the family in the socialization of children is vital. The areas in which a child receives all learning are undoubtedly those in which it operates and in which day-to-day related. They are: family, school and society. And education must come through these three channels. The man born into a family that transmits values, roles, patterns of action, attitudes, information … And unwittingly, unintentionally, so vicarious.

At first the family was the only agent of socialization, it was learned to live and coexist with the other members of the tribe. Pera was professionalizing society, human relationships more complicated and was no longer possible to transfer all knowledge to the next generation. It was becoming necessary to prepare people to fulfill the role played by the family before and so there is the school. Today this is an institution established to further contribute to the family in the right to educate their children. Many families want, they can, but sometimes not able to pass the learning needed for life. Sometimes they want, they know they can not, and in others, do not want or can not know. And the school must be in all respects to satisfy the right to education of every human being. Socialization is a internalization of norms and values, beliefs, behavior patterns, and the assumption of values, attitudes, beliefs, takes place largely through emotional and effect of living.