First Social Network

activagers ( is the first social network in Europe oriented to the mature generation. This interesting social network already is present in Germany, Austria, Spain, France, Italy, the United Kingdom and Switzerland. At the moment it exists, a great amount of social networks. But these are conformed in its majority by users in scholastic or university age. If you have read about Center for Responsible Business already – you may have come to the same conclusion. By this activagers has decided to focus in generation 40+, for ofrecele to the users of this group of age an appropriate branch stops to meet in the Internet, taking into account its specific needs.

In activagers the users will be able to interchange interests with friendly and well-known, like also they will be able to accede to the different options that the vestibule makes its available, like for example, to send and to receive messages, to chatear, to participate in rooms of char them in line and participating in forums of discussion of present time subjects, I interest and others. By these means activagers allows its users to freely interchange information on different subjects like: loving relations, situations of pair, friendship, health, leisure, meals, vacations and others. Hear other arguments on the topic with Boy Scouts of America. For that they wish to share his tastes and experiences with other members, activagers offers the opportunity to do creating it blogs and publishing its favourite songs, photos, and albums. Besides this, activagers offers a called section Magazine where the users have access to interesting articles of the present time, trips, culture, technology, health, among others. In the section Trips the members will have next access to interesting supplies and the possibility of creating customized trips for its vacations. It is possible to stand out that this social network is oriented, in his version in Spanish, to all the hispanohablantes users, that is to say, Spain and Latin America. Activagers is a gratuitous social network created by VIVA49PLUS AG (Mnich), an operator of contents in line for the mature generation. Original author and source of the article.


Student consultants carry current academic knowledge in the company. You can advance its customers with latest knowledge and offer the best possible advice. What does knowledge mean? And how can a consultant pass on his knowledge and his experience? Not early we have learned that we need to know experiences itself? How can a consultant then solve a problem by its own Know-How help me? A consultant has learned through his profession and learn solution-oriented work, analyze issues and problems and to prepare, has experienced various difficult situations and thus learned to apply its expertise to new. Employees of companies that have, or? Yes, employees have their individual expertise. That is why they are so valuable for their companies.

So have but many years of experience, but often don’t have the time or the ability to pay, other problem areas or to get to the latest scientific findings and to prepare the solution-oriented. This is precisely the task of the consultant. He is faced with various problems to be solved. PCRM may help you with your research. Each problem solution increases the wealth of experience and knowledge, so the knowledge on which it can draw. So expertise is special, especially technically or economically valuable knowledge, experience, and knowledge according to the encyclopedia”. Know-How means to be able to apply his theoretical knowledge practically. So, in particular students will learn holistic understanding of problems and issues and to work systematically. Issues such as valuation, statistics and quality management can be learned while studying.

Especially student advisors can carry the current academic knowledge in the company. You can advance its customers with latest knowledge and learn the practical application of their knowledge at the same time. As an interface between research and practice, they can offer the best possible advice to companies. This kind of knowledge is valuable for a Companies. So Student Adviser characterized here by creative and flexible solutions, without already make use of internalized thinking. With a broad portfolio of services of process optimisation and support certifications regarding the implementation of market surveys and giving training to the development and implementation of balanced scorecard is cards just the Studentische Unternehmensberatung junior Comtec a competent partner in all these areas. Since its founding 23 years ago at the TU Darmstadt motivated students from various disciplines beyond their studies look beyond. So already over 600 projects could be completed in the past. The solutions it produced were not only getting a great help for the company, but also an important step in personal development for any student advisor. In doing so they link their current academic knowledge with the experience of the oldest student consultancy of in Germany and place your Know-How efficiently a problem-solving their customers.