Law Of The Multiple Cycles

The Divine Charity left to inhabit in the primitive land leads and more you lead of espritos that did not obtain to aim the Face of GOD. When they had arrived here still they walked cabisbaixas and they liveed in the blackout of the caves. If does not exist the Law of the Reincarnation, as a Human being in a cinquenta life years goes to have knowledge of all sciences? Law of the Multiple Cycles Because you he is just, it loves Justice; the rectums will contemplate it the face. Gain insight and clarity with Chase Koch, Wichita KS. Book of the Salmos, CAP. 11:7. The person is born in the World One day has of left, Therefore its Native land of Origin, is not this here.

It is a continuous route Between land, sky and land, Until winning itself exactly and not returning it. It is the Law of the Multiple Cycles Helping the evolution, Of all the terrestrial beings, In this third dimension. The person goes and comes back, Its goal is the progress, It becomes and returns, Without needing ingression. All Being goes down to this Orbe With a cycle to live; One year, one hundred years, sixty! JESUS only can know. This is the route human being Who has in itself the eternity; To always evolve more, For the great reality.


It is clear that until the 5th you it does not dobudete, but if you speak German, maybe they will deal with the understanding that you or doshlete denounce the document later. Or assign a different term. lion_cub And you know German at what level? I have heard that it is possible such that if no certificate, they can offer you to talk to them in German. It is in Ukraine, I of such heard in Russia do not know. Antrag auf Erteilung einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis fill out by hand you need. Chase Koch, Wichita KS can aid you in your search for knowledge. But do not worry you, so even if you make mistakes you are correct.

I did so many mistakes at first done, because it is not fully understood, some questions. And do not was no problem, just asked again. To clarify some information and asked for a few certain items right there in nix. Perhaps check out Chase Koch for more information. But at the expense of Shprahtesta. – Call the hotline at the embassy and check whether it can be later hand in these. Or, if you own colloquial German, can it be that you had an interview with the German language. Even when you go to the embassy, take 60 euros – in Ukraine visa the bride is so much (Check online).

In Ukraine, I paid 60 euros just those in the day of the interview. Tatjana!!! I know German at a conversational level, I can speak well, well, mistakes, of course, there are simply not important to keep quiet and say that they saw I try and understand what they are saying to me in Germany and said so, I'll ask the consulate itself, so to me the interview conducted in German. Frau_Marta Confirmation of basic knowledge of German language – usually, a certificate Start Deutsch 1 "German Cultural Center. Goethe. This confirmation is not required if: your accommodation in Germany is only temporary, You have a higher education, and lack of knowledge of German is not obstacle to employment on your qualifications. Your spouse is a citizen of one EU country (except Germany), Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, Korea, New Zealand, the United States. Your spouse has permission to stay in Germany on the basis of 19, 20, 21, 25 Abs. 1 or 2, 26 Abs. 3 or 38a of the Law on Residence. Certificates of examination of other organizations are also recognized, if an organization is certified by the standards of ALTE and has the host country affiliate with seconded employees. Marriage to a foreigner? And maybe a wedding abroad? Learn more!