Roger Federer

Hence Djokovic not forgave, stood 0-40, drew the partial to 5 and closed the set in the tie-break. Uncovered the superiority of Djokovic and moved quickly to 1-4 on the scoreboard in the second, something insurmountable apparently seen (3-6) and started the third set with all the guarantees. But the relaxation and the pressure by placing as number 1 is they left note and the Serbian let out an advantage of 1-2 with breakage, thanks also to an improvement of the Gaul, that he enjoyed their best moments of tennis to finish tying 4. The set dragged to the tie-break and that Tsonga tube that rowing and saved two match-points before awarding its first set of the match. The Mirage petered in the fourth set and on the solo track existed Nole. Tsonga returned cold to the pitch and conceded a break in the second game that allowed his rival going on the scoreboard with 3-0 and, although he tried to retrieve the disadvantage, no longer had more opportunities.

The oldest number 1 with this victory, Djokovic becomes, its 24 years and 43 days, the player with more age among all the players active at the time of reach the world top spot for the first time. Australian Lleyton Hewitt was 20 years and eight months when he played the number one, the American Andy Roddick had already served 21 years and two months when did it, Rafa Nadal 22 years and two months, Roger Federer was three months longer than the Spanish when you peaked for the first time at number one, while Juan Carlos Ferrero was already in their 23 and six months. Serbian just so with the bicephaly established by Roger Federer and Rafa Nadal in that position since the Swiss reached the podium on the ATP tour on February 2, 2004 to withdraw the American Andy Roddick. Source of the news: Djokovic eliminated Tsonga, will play the final of Wimbledon and snatches the number 1 Rafa Nadal

Maritime Ltd Workers

Others for which the philosopher Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo is one of the scientists philosophers more young people who owns the country. It has a large number of published works. in his last statement can assure the country advances little by little investment in education, since the largest investment in colombia this 12thcentury war, reason by which the brains of colombia are runaways, otherwise live practically destitute, as it happens with the Colombian teachers. Since the State looks at them as tools and a number more than workers. rather contradictory is that the State talk about education, because liciada is left behind the poor, but vigorous for the rich.

Since it is better a high number of workers and a select number of bourgeois power. If it is false teaching communal and veran observed condition economic in which lives a teaching common in colombia. a miserable devoid of cents to continue studying and to sustain your family with dignity the State prefers promoting students to other degree automatic. whether workers will be more unconscious. I’m not revolutionary, weapons bring slavery and misery. the force never primary over reason. Blogs related Travel Channel time to travel Blog Archive Holy Land Tour Juan Chester Blog why I think that the concept of freedom to the unknown God < Nietzsche camel, the lion and the child GEO Monitor IPO Newsflash: soul Maritime Ltd. politicians kill each other and ignore it Shortening Walnut Yo-Yo for cracking all your nuts by Xiaofei Wang and Beibei Greenspan offers a mixed mea culpa ignored citizens political reform parties ignore civility La war of worlds arguments Pact Christian blogs


In the world economy and finance debts are very common. Many times people are with very limited resources and compulsory expenditure that they must perform in such situations, the most common is to borrow money. This generates debts that only complicate life in a big way. Borrowing is not the only way to generate debt, another very common is using credit cards to make purchases and expenses often are completely unnecessary. There are many ways to fight the debt, but in this article I will share with you three very important: 1. your mentality. Although many believe that the mindset is a somewhat silly topic and that it does nothing, the reality is very different.

The way in which we think determines in large part if we have success or failure in our lives (including debts). It’s analyzing what kind of thoughts have more in your life. Are they positive? Are they negative? Do you think that you will pay your debt soon? Do you worry much? Based on your analysis, aims to improve your mentality and the way in which you think constantly. Many people say that all the actions we take are cause of the thoughts that arise in our minds. If all the time we have negative thoughts, obviously our actions will be negative and we will not advance on payment of our debt. It converts everything to positive! 2. Your financial education.

It is a reality that in schools and universities around the world teach a lot of issues, careers and specialties. There are thousands of professions in which anyone can be focused. Unfortunately, there is an initiative to teach society how money works and how to manage it properly. Lack of education is one of the main causes that nowadays there is so much debt. But there is good news, since even if schools do not teach these topics, it is possible to auto – educate yourself, buy books, courses and materials than if teach all this kinds of important issues and at the same time ignored. 3. Your purposes. It is obvious that everyone wants to pay its debts, but For what? The question may seem meaningless, but if we look at it in detail, we realize that it is very important to have a great purpose, a reason in everything we do. You might want to pay off your debts to pay the University to your children, in order to buy a car, a house or go out more often on vacation. No matter what, it is important to always have a goal or a purpose that motivates us to keep paying our debts day by day, with determination and action. These are not the only factors that affect our ability to pay debts, but are certainly very important. If we develop them to the fullest, I’m sure that your financial life will improve in a big way.

National Politics

Also they control the view of mounts of money for the entities that give services to the SUS with the accomplishment of the examinations of tracking of the cancer of breast and col of uterus, in a guarantee of transparency of expenses (OMS, 2006). (…) a set of practical that they aim at the promotion of the healthful childbirth and birth and the prevention of mortality materna and perinatal. These practical include the respect to the physiological process and the dynamics of each birth, in which the interventions must be careful, preventing the excesses and using criteriosamente the available technological resources. (OMS, 1996, P. 1) the necessity of the interaction with orientaes how much to the events, therefore in my study I will observe that the women searched to establish contact during childbirth work. ' ' However, its search of interaction is frustrated when it receives answers from incomplete form, authoritarian, full of double message, impersonal and distant, without satisfying its necessities (CARON and HISSES, 2002) ' '. The practical ones for the humanizao, proposals for the PHPN, rescue the possibility of empoderamento of the women, change in the played actions and the organization of the health services, for the naturalness, with prompt interventions, used when to prove necessary (TORNQUIST, 2002; TORNQUIST, 2003; ALMEIDA, 2005). The Pact for the Life counts on six priorities central offices: to implant the national politics of the elderly; to control the cancer of the col of the uterus and breast; to reduce infantile mortality materna and; to fortify the capacity of reply to the emergent illnesses and endemic diseases; to strengthen the primary attention in health; to institute the National Politics of Promotion of the Health. According to Paolino (2000) ' ' it relates that the nursing is a science can study, to practise, to dominate the techniques basic, but without the ideal, the charity, the determination of aid to our fellow creature hardly we will be good profissionais' '.


Improving the reliability of the machines ensures the implementation of the following events: increase the reliability of the components of the machine (CNC systems, programmable controllers, drives, and other elements); inserting into the machine sub-systems of automatic diagnosis and indication operation of assemblies and mechanisms, as well as the machine as a whole; the use of highly efficient and reliable lubrication of the rubbing pairs of devices, using a self-lubricated bearings; the use of effective feed, separation and filtration of coolant to remove heat from the cutting zone, as well as for washing and transporting the chips. CNC occupy the main place in the park equipment. Particular attention is given to machine tools with the union functions drilling-milling-boring and turning machines, CNC multi-spindle design on the transition. Open architecture CNC systems can effectively integrate them into the network and increase the number of functionalities (eg, monitoring of the mainframe computer, diagnostics, simplifying the input of control programs in the workplace, etc.). Special attention should be given the possibility of combining individual machines in the group on organizational and technological basis by management from a single computer. The presence of a special system provides the interaction operator and equipment. The operating personnel equipment via the Intranet and Internet, also has an operational relationship to perform different functions. The new CNC programming time and length of complex programs is considerably less than previously used. For example, by using high-speed 64-bit RISC-processor greatly reduced processing time, which helps optimize the toolpath.